release 1.1.0
[m6w6/ext-json_post] / package.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 <package version="2.0" xmlns=""
3 xmlns:tasks=""
4 xmlns:xsi=""
5 xsi:schemaLocation="
10 <name>json_post</name>
11 <channel></channel>
12 <summary>JSON POST handler</summary>
13 <description><![CDATA[
14 This extension provides a PHP content type handler for "application/json" and
15 "text/json" to PHP's form data parser. If the `Content-Type` of an incoming
16 request is `text/json`, the JSON contents of the request body will by parsed
17 into `$_POST`.
19 This extension does not provide any constants, functions or classes.
20 ]]></description>
21 <lead>
22 <name>Michael Wallner</name>
23 <user>mike</user>
24 <email></email>
25 <active>yes</active>
26 </lead>
27 <date>2021-09-23</date>
28 <version>
29 <release>1.1.0</release>
30 <api>1.0.0</api>
31 </version>
32 <stability>
33 <release>stable</release>
34 <api>stable</api>
35 </stability>
36 <license uri="">BSD-2-Clause</license>
37 <notes><![CDATA[
38 * Fix gh-issue #3:
39 * Add json_post.onerror.response INI entry, specifying whether and which
40 response code to send when `json_decode` fails.
41 * Add json_post.onerror.exit INI entry, specifying whether to exit PHP
42 without running the script when `json_decode` fails.
43 * Add json_post.onerror.warning INI entry, specifying whether to raise
44 a WARNING when `json_decode` fails.
45 ]]></notes>
46 <contents>
47 <dir name="/">
48 <file role="doc" name="AUTHORS"/>
49 <file role="doc" name=""/>
50 <file role="doc" name="CREDITS"/>
51 <file role="doc" name="LICENSE"/>
52 <file role="doc" name=""/>
53 <file role="doc" name="THANKS"/>
54 <file role="src" name="config.m4"/>
55 <file role="src" name="config.w32"/>
57 <file role="src" name="php_json_post.h"/>
58 <file role="src" name="php_json_post.c"/>
60 <dir name="tests">
61 <file role="test" name="001.phpt"/>
62 <file role="test" name="002.phpt"/>
63 <file role="test" name="003.phpt"/>
64 <file role="test" name="004.phpt"/>
65 <file role="test" name="005.phpt"/>
66 <file role="test" name="application.phpt"/>
67 <file role="test" name=""/>
68 <file role="test" name="error001.phpt"/>
69 <file role="test" name="error002.phpt"/>
70 <file role="test" name="error003.phpt"/>
71 <file role="test" name="error004.phpt"/>
72 <file role="test" name="error005.phpt"/>
73 <file role="test" name="error006.phpt"/>
74 </dir>
75 </dir>
76 </contents>
77 <dependencies>
78 <required>
79 <php>
80 <min>5.3.0</min>
81 </php>
82 <pearinstaller>
83 <min>1.4.1</min>
84 </pearinstaller>
85 <extension>
86 <name>json</name>
87 </extension>
88 </required>
89 </dependencies>
90 <providesextension>json_post</providesextension>
91 <extsrcrelease/>
92 <changelog />
93 </package>