pharext needs php-5.4+ with phar and posix
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / message016.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 message content range
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include "";
6 ?>
7 --FILE--
8 <?php
9 echo "Test\n";
10 echo new http\Message(fopen(__DIR__."/data/message_r_content_range.txt", "r"));
11 ?>
12 ===DONE===
13 --EXPECT--
14 Test
15 PUT / HTTP/1.1
16 User-Agent: PECL_HTTP/2.3.0dev PHP/5.6.6-dev libcurl/7.41.0-DEV
17 Host: localhost:8000
18 Accept: */*
19 Expect: 100-continue
20 Content-Length: 3
21 Content-Range: bytes 1-2/3
22 X-Original-Content-Length: 3
24 23===DONE===