fix recursive calls to curl_multi API from the event handler
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / header006.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 header parsing
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include "";
6 ?>
7 --FILE--
8 <?php
10 echo "Test\n";
12 $header = "Foo: bar\nBar: foo\n";
13 var_dump(array("Foo"=>"bar","Bar"=>"foo") === http\Header::parse($header));
15 $headers = http\Header::parse($header, "http\\Header");
16 var_dump(2 === count($headers));
17 var_dump(2 === array_reduce($headers, function($count, $header) {
18 return $count + ($header instanceof http\Header);
19 }, 0));
20 ?>
21 Done
22 --EXPECT--
23 Test
24 bool(true)
25 bool(true)
26 bool(true)
27 Done