fix http_get_request_body[_stream]() with FastCGI SAPI
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / chunked_decode_003.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 http_chunked_decode() truncated message
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include '';
6 ?>
7 --FILE--
8 <?php
9 echo "-TEST\n";
10 $data =
11 "02\r\n".
12 "ab\r\n".
13 "04\r\n".
14 "ra\nc\r\n".
15 "06\r\n".
16 "adabra\r\n".
17 "ff\r\n".
18 "\nall we got\n";
19 var_dump(http_chunked_decode($data));
20 ?>
21 --EXPECTF--
22 %aTEST
23 %aWarning%ahttp_chunked_decode()%aTruncated message: chunk size 255 exceeds remaining data size 12 at pos 34 of 46 in%a
24 string(24) "abra
25 cadabra
26 all we got
27 "