[m6w6/libmemcached] / src / bin / common / options.hpp
1 /*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | libmemcached - C/C++ Client Library for memcached |
4 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
6 | modification, are permitted under the terms of the BSD license. |
7 | You should have received a copy of the license in a bundled file |
8 | named LICENSE; in case you did not receive a copy you can review |
9 | the terms online at: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
10 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 | Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Brian Aker https://datadifferential.com/ |
12 | Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Wallner <mike@php.net> |
13 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
14 */
16 #pragma once
18 #include <cstdint>
19 #include <climits>
20 #include <getopt.h>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <vector>
25 struct client_options {
26 static const int first_flag = '/';
27 static const int last_flag = 'z';
28 static const int flag_count = last_flag - first_flag + 1;
30 enum class flag : int {
31 _success = -1,
32 _failure = '?',
34 absolute = '/',
35 flush = '0',
36 add_cmd = 'A',
37 buffer = 'B',
38 concurrency = 'C',
39 flags = 'F',
40 hash = 'H',
41 load = 'L',
42 tcp_nodelay = 'N',
43 query = 'Q',
44 replace_cmd = 'R',
45 set_cmd = 'S',
46 udp = 'U',
47 version = 'V',
48 analyze = 'a',
49 binary = 'b',
50 debug = 'd',
51 expire = 'e',
52 file = 'f',
53 help = 'h',
54 non_block = 'n',
55 password = 'p',
56 quiet = 'q',
57 repeat = 'r',
58 servers = 's',
59 test = 't',
60 username = 'u',
61 verbose = 'v',
62 zero = 'z',
63 };
65 struct flags {
66 int absolute;
67 int flush;
68 int add_cmd;
69 int buffer;
70 int flags;
71 int tcp_nodelay;
72 int replace_cmd;
73 int set_cmd;
74 int udp;
75 int version;
76 int analyze;
77 int binary;
78 int debug;
79 int help;
80 int non_block;
81 int quiet;
82 int verbose;
83 int zero;
84 } flags;
86 struct args {
87 unsigned long concurrency;
88 const char *hash;
89 unsigned long load;
90 const char *query;
91 const char *file;
92 unsigned long expire;
93 const char *password;
94 unsigned long repeat;
95 const char *servers;
96 const char *test;
97 const char *username;
98 const char * const *positional;
99 } args;
101 option avail[flag_count];
102 const char *help[flag_count];
104 std::string short_opts;
105 std::vector<struct option> long_opts;
107 const char *progname;
108 const char *progvers;
109 const char *progdesc;
111 client_options(const char *prg, const char *ver, const char *dsc, const std::vector<client_options::flag> &f)
112 : flags{}
113 , args{}
114 , avail{}
115 , help{}
116 , short_opts{}
117 , long_opts{}
118 , progname{prg}
119 , progvers{ver}
120 , progdesc{dsc}
121 {
123 # define opt_flag(s, a, h) opt_flag_ex(#s, s, a, h)
124 # define opt_flag_ex(n, v, a, h) \
125 [static_cast<int>(flag::v)-first_flag] = {n, a, &flags.v, static_cast<int>(flag::v)}; \
126 help[static_cast<int>(flag::v)-first_flag] = h
128 # define opt_data(s, a, h) opt_data_ex(#s, s, a, h)
129 # define opt_data_ex(n, v, a, h) \
130 [static_cast<int>(flag::v)-first_flag] = {n, a, nullptr, static_cast<int>(flag::v)}; \
131 help[static_cast<int>(flag::v)-first_flag] = h
133 avail opt_flag( absolute, no_argument, "Use absolute path names.");
134 avail opt_flag( flush, no_argument, "Flush the server(s).");
135 avail opt_flag_ex("add", add_cmd, no_argument, "Perform ADD operations.");
136 avail opt_flag( buffer, no_argument, "Buffer requests.");
137 avail opt_data( concurrency,required_argument,"Level of concurrency.");
138 avail opt_flag( flags, no_argument, "Print or set associated flags for key(s).");
139 avail opt_data( hash, required_argument,"Select key hash.");
140 avail opt_data( load, required_argument,"Initial load.");
141 avail opt_flag_ex("tcp-nodelay",tcp_nodelay,no_argument, "Disable Nagle's algorithm.");
142 avail opt_data( query, no_argument, "Query arguments.");
143 avail opt_flag_ex("replace", replace_cmd,no_argument, "Perform REPLACE operations.");
144 avail opt_flag_ex("set", set_cmd, no_argument, "Perform SET operations.");
145 avail opt_flag( udp, no_argument, "Use UDP.");
146 avail opt_flag( version, no_argument, "Print program version.");
147 avail opt_flag( analyze, no_argument, "Analyze the server's statistics.");
148 avail opt_flag( binary, no_argument, "Use the binary memcached protocol.");
149 avail opt_flag( debug, no_argument, "Print output useful only for debugging.");
150 avail opt_data( expire, required_argument,"Set associated expiry time for key(s).");
151 avail opt_data( file, required_argument,"File to save to or read from.");
152 avail opt_flag( help, no_argument, "Print this help.");
153 avail opt_flag_ex("non-block", non_block, no_argument, "Use non blocking connections.");
154 avail opt_data( password, required_argument,"SASL password.");
155 avail opt_flag( quiet, no_argument, "Print no output, not even errors.");
156 avail opt_data( repeat, required_argument,"Repeat operation n times.");
157 avail opt_data( servers, required_argument,"List of servers to connect to.");
158 avail opt_data( test, required_argument,"Test to perform.");
159 avail opt_data( username, required_argument,"SASL username.");
160 avail opt_flag( verbose, no_argument, "Print more informational output.");
161 avail opt_flag( zero, no_argument, "Zero.");
163 long_opts.reserve(f.size() + 1);
164 short_opts.reserve(f.size() * 3);
166 for (auto o : f) {
167 auto &opt = avail[static_cast<int>(o)-first_flag];
169 long_opts.push_back(opt);
170 short_opts.push_back(opt.val);
172 for (int i = 0; i < opt.has_arg; ++i) {
173 short_opts.push_back(':');
174 }
175 }
177 long_opts.push_back(option{});
178 }
180 void printVersion() const {
181 std::cout << progname << " v" << progvers
182 << " (libmemcached v" << LIBMEMCACHED_VERSION_STRING << ")"
183 << std::endl;
184 }
186 void printHelp(const char *positional_args, const char *extra_doc = nullptr) const {
187 printVersion();
188 std::cout << "\n\t" << progdesc << "\n\n";
189 std::cout << "Usage:\n\t" << progname << " -[";
190 for (auto &opt : long_opts) {
191 if (!opt.has_arg) {
192 std::cout << (char) opt.val;
193 }
194 }
195 std::cout << "] [--";
196 for (auto &opt : long_opts) {
197 if (opt.has_arg) {
198 std::cout << (char) opt.val;
199 if ((&opt)+1 != &*long_opts.rbegin())
200 std::cout << '|';
201 }
202 }
203 std::cout << " <arg>] ";
205 std::cout << positional_args << "\n\n";
206 std::cout << "Options:\n";
207 for (auto &opt : long_opts) {
208 if (opt.name) {
209 std::cout << "\t-" << (char) opt.val << "|--" << opt.name;
210 if (opt.has_arg) {
211 if (opt.has_arg == optional_argument) {
212 std::cout << "[";
213 }
214 std::cout << "=arg";
215 if (opt.has_arg == optional_argument) {
216 std::cout << "]";
217 }
218 }
219 std::cout << "\n\t\t" << help[opt.val - first_flag];
220 std::cout << std::endl;
221 }
222 }
224 if (extra_doc) {
225 std::cout << extra_doc << std::endl;
226 }
227 }
229 void printLastError(memcached_st *memc) const {
230 if (!flags.quiet) {
231 std::cerr << memcached_last_error_message(memc);
232 }
233 }
235 memcached_hash_t getHash() const {
236 memcached_hash_t hash = MEMCACHED_HASH_DEFAULT;
237 if (args.hash && *args.hash) {
238 if (flags.verbose) {
239 std::cerr << "Checking for hash '" << args.hash << "'.\n";
240 }
241 for (int h = hash; h < MEMCACHED_HASH_MAX; ++h) {
242 auto hash_type = static_cast<memcached_hash_t>(h);
243 std::string hash_string{libmemcached_string_hash(hash_type)};
244 std::string hash_wanted{args.hash};
246 if (hash_wanted.length() == hash_string.length()) {
247 auto ci = std::equal(hash_string.begin(), hash_string.end(), hash_wanted.begin(), [](int a, int b) {
248 return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b);
249 });
250 if (ci) {
251 hash = hash_type;
252 break;
253 }
254 }
255 }
256 if (hash == MEMCACHED_HASH_DEFAULT) {
257 if (!flags.quiet) {
258 std::cerr << "Could not find hash '" << args.hash << "'.\n";
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 return hash;
263 }
265 memcached_server_st *getServers() {
266 if (!args.servers) {
267 if (flags.verbose) {
268 std::cerr << "Checking environment for a server list in MEMCACHED_SERVERS.\n";
269 }
270 args.servers = getenv("MEMCACHED_SERVERS");
271 if (!args.servers || !*args.servers) {
272 if (!flags.quiet) {
273 std::cerr << "No servers provided.\n";
274 }
275 return nullptr;
276 }
277 }
279 auto servers = memcached_servers_parse(args.servers);
280 if (!servers || !memcached_server_list_count(servers)) {
281 if (!flags.quiet) {
282 std::cerr << "Invalid server list provided: '" << args.servers << "'\n";
283 }
284 if (servers) {
285 memcached_server_list_free(servers);
286 }
287 return nullptr;
288 }
290 return servers;
291 }
293 bool setupServers(memcached_st *memc) {
294 auto servers = getServers();
295 if (!servers) {
296 return false;
297 }
298 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_server_push(memc, servers)) {
299 printLastError(memc);
300 memcached_server_list_free(servers);
301 return false;
302 }
303 memcached_server_list_free(servers);
304 return true;
305 }
307 bool setupBehavior(memcached_st *memc) const {
308 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set_key_hash(memc, getHash())) {
309 goto failure;
310 }
311 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_BINARY_PROTOCOL, flags.binary)) {
312 goto failure;
313 }
314 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_BUFFER_REQUESTS, flags.buffer)) {
315 goto failure;
316 }
317 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_TCP_NODELAY, flags.tcp_nodelay)) {
318 goto failure;
319 }
320 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NO_BLOCK, flags.non_block)) {
321 goto failure;
322 }
323 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_USE_UDP, flags.udp)) {
324 goto failure;
325 }
326 return true;
328 failure:
329 printLastError(memc);
330 return false;
331 }
333 bool setupSASL(memcached_st *memc) const {
334 if (args.username) {
336 if (!flags.quiet) {
337 std::cerr << "SASL username was supplied, but binary was not built with SASL support.\n";
338 return false;
339 }
340 }
341 if (MEMCACHED_SUCCESS != memcached_set_sasl_auth_data(memc, args.username, args.password)) {
342 printLastError(memc);
343 return false;
344 }
345 }
346 return true;
347 }
349 bool apply(memcached_st *memc) {
350 if (!setupBehavior(memc)) {
351 return false;
352 }
353 if (!setupServers(memc)) {
354 return false;
355 }
356 if (!setupSASL(memc)) {
357 return false;
358 }
359 #if defined(_WIN32)
360 WSADATA wsaData;
361 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData)) {
362 std::cerr << "Socket Initialization Error.\n";
363 return false;
364 }
365 #endif // #if defined(_WIN32)
367 return true;
368 }
370 bool parse(int argc, char *argv[]) {
371 optind = 1;
373 while (true) {
374 auto opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts.c_str(), long_opts.data(), nullptr);
376 if (flags.debug && opt != -1 && opt != '?') {
377 std::cerr << "Processing option '" << (char) opt << "'\n";
378 }
380 switch (static_cast<flag>(opt)) {
381 case flag::_success:
382 args.positional = &argv[optind];
383 return true;
384 case flag::_failure:
385 return false;
386 case flag::absolute:
387 flags.absolute = true;
388 break;
389 case flag::flush:
390 flags.flush = true;
391 break;
392 case flag::add_cmd:
393 flags.add_cmd = true;
394 flags.replace_cmd = false;
395 flags.set_cmd = false;
396 break;
397 case flag::buffer:
398 flags.buffer = true;
399 break;
400 case flag::concurrency:
401 args.concurrency = std::stoul(optarg);
402 break;
403 case flag::flags:
404 flags.flags = true;
405 break;
406 case flag::hash:
407 args.hash = optarg;
408 break;
409 case flag::load:
410 args.load = std::stoul(optarg);
411 break;
412 case flag::tcp_nodelay:
413 flags.tcp_nodelay = true;
414 break;
415 case flag::query:
416 args.query = optarg;
417 break;
418 case flag::replace_cmd:
419 flags.add_cmd = false;
420 flags.replace_cmd = true;
421 flags.set_cmd = false;
422 break;
423 case flag::set_cmd:
424 flags.add_cmd = false;
425 flags.replace_cmd = false;
426 flags.set_cmd = true;
427 break;
428 case flag::udp:
429 flags.udp = true;
430 break;
431 case flag::version:
432 flags.version = true;
433 break;
434 case flag::analyze:
435 flags.analyze = true;
436 break;
437 case flag::binary:
438 flags.binary = true;
439 break;
440 case flag::debug:
441 flags.debug = true;
442 flags.quiet = false;
443 flags.verbose = true;
444 break;
445 case flag::expire:
446 args.expire = std::stoul(optarg);
447 break;
448 case flag::file:
449 args.file = optarg;
450 break;
451 case flag::help:
452 flags.help = true;
453 break;
454 case flag::non_block:
455 flags.non_block = true;
456 break;
457 case flag::password:
458 args.password = optarg;
459 break;
460 case flag::quiet:
461 flags.debug = false;
462 flags.quiet = true;
463 flags.verbose = false;
464 break;
465 case flag::repeat:
466 args.repeat = std::stoul(optarg);
467 break;
468 case flag::servers:
469 args.servers = optarg;
470 break;
471 case flag::test:
472 args.test = optarg;
473 break;
474 case flag::username:
475 args.username = optarg;
476 break;
477 case flag::verbose:
478 flags.quiet = false;
479 flags.verbose = true;
480 break;
481 case flag::zero:
482 flags.zero = true;
483 break;
484 }
485 }
486 }
487 };