Mergeed back phpng into master
[m6w6/ext-pq] / raphf-1.1.0.ext.phar
diff --git a/raphf-1.1.0.ext.phar b/raphf-1.1.0.ext.phar
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 7152acb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env php
- * The installer sub-stub for extension phars
- */
-namespace pharext;
-define("PHAREXT_PHAR", __FILE__);
-spl_autoload_register(function($c) {
-       return include strtr($c, "\\_", "//") . ".php";
-namespace pharext;
-class Exception extends \Exception
-       public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, $previous = null) {
-               if (!isset($message)) {
-                       $last_error = error_get_last();
-                       $message = $last_error["message"];
-                       if (!$code) {
-                               $code = $last_error["type"];
-                       }
-               }
-               parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use pharext\Exception;
- * A temporary file/directory name
- */
-class Tempname
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $name;
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix uniqid() prefix
-        * @param string $suffix e.g. file extension
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix, $suffix = null) {
-               $temp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/pharext-" . $this->getUser();
-               if (!is_dir($temp) && !mkdir($temp, 0700, true)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $this->name = $temp ."/". uniqid($prefix) . $suffix;
-       }
-       private function getUser() {
-               if (extension_loaded("posix") && function_exists("posix_getpwuid")) {
-                       return posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid())["name"];
-               }
-               return trim(`whoami 2>/dev/null`)
-                       ?: trim(`id -nu 2>/dev/null`)
-                       ?: getenv("USER")
-                       ?: get_current_user();
-       }
-       /**
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function __toString() {
-               return (string) $this->name;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Create a new temporary file
- */
-class Tempfile extends \SplFileInfo
-       /**
-        * @var resource
-        */
-       private $handle;
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix uniqid() prefix
-        * @param string $suffix e.g. file extension
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix, $suffix = ".tmp") {
-               $tries = 0;
-               $omask = umask(077);
-               do {
-                       $path = new Tempname($prefix, $suffix);
-                       $this->handle = fopen($path, "x");
-               } while (!is_resource($this->handle) && $tries++ < 10);
-               umask($omask);
-               if (!is_resource($this->handle)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Could not create temporary file");
-               }
-               parent::__construct($path);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Unlink the file
-        */
-       public function __destruct() {
-               if (is_file($this->getPathname())) {
-                       @unlink($this->getPathname());
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Close the stream
-        */
-       public function closeStream() {
-               fclose($this->handle);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the stream resource
-        * @return resource
-        */
-       public function getStream() {
-               return $this->handle;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Create a temporary directory
- */
-class Tempdir extends \SplFileInfo
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix prefix to uniqid()
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix) {
-               $temp = new Tempname($prefix);
-               if (!is_dir($temp) && !mkdir($temp, 0700, true)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Could not create tempdir: ".error_get_last()["message"]);
-               }
-               parent::__construct($temp);
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use ArrayAccess;
-use IteratorAggregate;
-use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
-use SplFileInfo;
-use pharext\Exception;
-class Archive implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate
-       const HALT_COMPILER = "\137\137\150\141\154\164\137\143\157\155\160\151\154\145\162\50\51\73";
-       const SIGNED = 0x10000;
-       const SIG_MD5    = 0x0001;
-       const SIG_SHA1   = 0x0002;
-       const SIG_SHA256 = 0x0003;
-       const SIG_SHA512 = 0x0004;
-       const SIG_OPENSSL= 0x0010;
-       private static $siglen = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => 16,
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => 20,
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => 32,
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => 64,
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> 0
-       ];
-       private static $sigalg = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => "md5",
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => "sha1",
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => "sha256",
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => "sha512",
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> "openssl"
-       ];
-       private static $sigtyp = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => "MD5",
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => "SHA-1",
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => "SHA-256",
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => "SHA-512",
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> "OpenSSL",
-       ];
-       const PERM_FILE_MASK = 0x01ff;
-       const COMP_FILE_MASK = 0xf000;
-       const COMP_GZ_FILE   = 0x1000;
-       const COMP_BZ2_FILE  = 0x2000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_MASK= 0xf000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_GZ  = 0x1000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_BZ2 = 0x2000;
-       private $file;
-       private $fd;
-       private $stub;
-       private $manifest;
-       private $signature;
-       private $extracted;
-       function __construct($file = null) {
-               if (strlen($file)) {
-                       $this->open($file);
-               }
-       }
-       function open($file) {
-               if (!$this->fd = @fopen($file, "r")) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $this->file = $file;
-               $this->stub = $this->readStub();
-               $this->manifest = $this->readManifest();
-               $this->signature = $this->readSignature();
-       }
-       function getIterator() {
-               return new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->extract());
-       }
-       function extract() {
-               return $this->extracted ?: $this->extractTo(new Tempdir("archive"));
-       }
-       function extractTo($dir) {
-               if ((string) $this->extracted == (string) $dir) {
-                       return $this->extracted;
-               }
-               foreach ($this->manifest["entries"] as $file => $entry) {
-                       fseek($this->fd, $this->manifest["offset"]+$entry["offset"]);
-                       $path = "$dir/$file";
-                       $copy = stream_copy_to_stream($this->fd, $this->outFd($path, $entry["flags"]), $entry["csize"]);
-                       if ($entry["osize"] != $copy) {
-                               throw new Exception("Copied '$copy' of '$file', expected '{$entry["osize"]}' from '{$entry["csize"]}");
-                       }
-                       $crc = hexdec(hash_file("crc32b", $path));
-                       if ($crc !== $entry["crc32"]) {
-                               throw new Exception("CRC mismatch of '$file': '$crc' != '{$entry["crc32"]}");
-                       }
-                       chmod($path, $entry["flags"] & self::PERM_FILE_MASK);
-                       touch($path, $entry["stamp"]);
-               }
-               return $this->extracted = $dir;
-       }
-       function offsetExists($o) {
-               return isset($this->entries[$o]);
-       }
-       function offsetGet($o) {
-               $this->extract();
-               return new SplFileInfo($this->extracted."/$o");
-       }
-       function offsetSet($o, $v) {
-               throw new Exception("Archive is read-only");
-       }
-       function offsetUnset($o) {
-               throw new Exception("Archive is read-only");
-       }
-       function getSignature() {
-               /* compatible with Phar::getSignature() */
-               return [
-                       "hash_type" => self::$sigtyp[$this->signature["flags"]],
-                       "hash" => strtoupper(bin2hex($this->signature["hash"])),
-               ];
-       }
-       function getPath() {
-               /* compatible with Phar::getPath() */
-               return new SplFileInfo($this->file);
-       }
-       function getMetadata($key = null) {
-               if (isset($key)) {
-                       return $this->manifest["meta"][$key];
-               }
-               return $this->manifest["meta"];
-       }
-       private function outFd($path, $flags) {
-                       $dirn = dirname($path);
-                       if (!is_dir($dirn) && !@mkdir($dirn, 0777, true)) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       if (!$fd = @fopen($path, "w")) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       switch ($flags & self::COMP_FILE_MASK) {
-                       case self::COMP_GZ_FILE:
-                               if (!@stream_filter_append($fd, "zlib.inflate")) {
-                                       throw new Exception;
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       case self::COMP_BZ2_FILE:
-                               if (!@stream_filter_append($fd, "bz2.decompress")) {
-                                       throw new Exception;
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       }
-       }
-       private function readVerified($fd, $len) {
-               if ($len != strlen($data = fread($fd, $len))) {
-                       throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF");
-               }
-               return $data;
-       }
-       private function readFormat($format, $fd, $len) {
-               if (false === ($data = @unpack($format, $this->readVerified($fd, $len)))) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return $data;
-       }
-       private function readSingleFormat($format, $fd, $len) {
-               return current($this->readFormat($format, $fd, $len));
-       }
-       private function readStringBinary($fd) {
-               if (($length = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $fd, 4))) {
-                       return $this->readVerified($this->fd, $length);
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       private function readSerializedBinary($fd) {
-               if (($length = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $fd, 4))) {
-                       if (false === ($data = unserialize($this->readVerified($fd, $length)))) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       return $data;
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       private function readStub() {
-               $stub = "";
-               while (!feof($this->fd)) {
-                       $line = fgets($this->fd);
-                       $stub .= $line;
-                       if (false !== stripos($line, self::HALT_COMPILER)) {
-                               /* check for '?>' on a separate line */
-                               if ('?>' === $this->readVerified($this->fd, 2)) {
-                                       $stub .= '?>' . fgets($this->fd);
-                               } else {
-                                       fseek($this->fd, -2, SEEK_CUR);
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               return $stub;
-       }
-       private function readManifest() {
-               $current = ftell($this->fd);
-               $header = $this->readFormat("Vlen/Vnum/napi/Vflags", $this->fd, 14);
-               $alias = $this->readStringBinary($this->fd);
-               $meta = $this->readSerializedBinary($this->fd);
-               $entries = [];
-               for ($i = 0; $i < $header["num"]; ++$i) {
-                       $this->readEntry($entries);
-               }
-               $offset = ftell($this->fd);
-               if (($length = $offset - $current - 4) != $header["len"]) {
-                       throw new Exception("Manifest length read was '$length', expected '{$header["len"]}'");
-               }
-               return $header + compact("alias", "meta", "entries", "offset");
-       }
-       private function readEntry(array &$entries) {
-               if (!count($entries)) {
-                       $offset = 0;
-               } else {
-                       $last = end($entries);
-                       $offset = $last["offset"] + $last["csize"];
-               }
-               $file = $this->readStringBinary($this->fd);
-               if (!strlen($file)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Empty file name encountered at offset '$offset'");
-               }
-               $header = $this->readFormat("Vosize/Vstamp/Vcsize/Vcrc32/Vflags", $this->fd, 20);
-               $meta = $this->readSerializedBinary($this->fd);
-               $entries[$file] =  $header + compact("meta", "offset");
-       }
-       private function readSignature() {
-               fseek($this->fd, -8, SEEK_END);
-               $sig = $this->readFormat("Vflags/Z4magic", $this->fd, 8);
-               $end = ftell($this->fd);
-               if ($sig["magic"] !== "GBMB") {
-                       throw new Exception("Invalid signature magic value '{$sig["magic"]}");
-               }
-               switch ($sig["flags"]) {
-               case self::SIG_OPENSSL:
-                       fseek($this->fd, -12, SEEK_END);
-                       if (($hash = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $this->fd, 4))) {
-                               $offset = 4 + $hash;
-                               fseek($this->fd, -$offset, SEEK_CUR);
-                               $hash = $this->readVerified($this->fd, $hash);
-                               fseek($this->fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-                               $valid = openssl_verify($this->readVerified($this->fd, $end - $offset - 8),
-                                       $hash, @file_get_contents($this->file.".pubkey")) === 1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case self::SIG_MD5:
-               case self::SIG_SHA1:
-               case self::SIG_SHA256:
-               case self::SIG_SHA512:
-                       $offset = 8 + self::$siglen[$sig["flags"]];
-                       fseek($this->fd, -$offset, SEEK_END);
-                       $hash = $this->readVerified($this->fd, self::$siglen[$sig["flags"]]);
-                       $algo = hash_init(self::$sigalg[$sig["flags"]]);
-                       fseek($this->fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-                       hash_update_stream($algo, $this->fd, $end - $offset);
-                       $valid = hash_final($algo, true) === $hash;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       throw new Exception("Invalid signature type '{$sig["flags"]}");
-               }
-               return $sig + compact("hash", "valid");
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-if (extension_loaded("Phar")) {
-       \Phar::interceptFileFuncs();
-       \Phar::mapPhar();
-       $phardir = "phar://".__FILE__;
-} else {
-       $archive = new Archive(__FILE__);
-       $phardir = $archive->extract();
-set_include_path("$phardir:". get_include_path());
-$installer = new Installer();
-$installer->run($argc, $argv);
-__HALT_COMPILER(); ?>\r
\10\0\07\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\ 1\0\0\0\0\0(\ 6\0\0a:7:{s:7:"version";s:5:"4.1.1";s:6:"header";s:49:"pharext v4.1.1 (c) Michael Wallner <>";s:4:"date";s:10:"2015-09-05";s:4:"name";s:5:"raphf";s:7:"release";s:5:"1.1.0";s:7:"license";s:1345:"Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Wallner <>.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
-      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
-      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
-      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-";s:4:"type";s:9:"extension";}\13\0\0\0pharext/Archive.php\18\1e\0\0ËéêU\18\1e\0\04-ÔI¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Cli/Args/Help.phpÉ\f\0\0ËéêUÉ\f\0\0gX'\1f\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext/Cli/Args.php\ f\1d\0\0ËéêU\ f\1d\0\0?n\9dö¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\17\0\0\0pharext/Cli/Command.phpk \0\0ËéêUk \0\0d\84aê¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext/Command.php\12\ 4\0\0ËéêU\12\ 4\0\0Ôm`Ͷ\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\15\0\0\0pharext/Exception.phpc\ 1\0\0ËéêUc\ 1\0\0U\86Ï{¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext/ExecCmd.php\1c\ e\0\0ËéêU\1c\ e\0\0¹l\94ʶ\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\15\0\0\0pharext/Installer.php&\18\0\0ËéêU&\18\0\0ød&À¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext/License.php\93\ 4\0\0ËéêU\93\ 4\0\0î\ 4òE¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext/Metadata.php\95\ 1\0\0ËéêU\95\ 1\0\0¿Ú\90\9e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1e\0\0\0pharext/Openssl/PrivateKey.phpÁ\ 4\0\0ËéêUÁ\ 4\0\0&æP\1a\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext/Packager.phpÌ!\0\0ËéêUÌ!\0\00\ 2\ 3\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\e\0\0\0pharext/SourceDir/Basic.phpz\ 5\0\0ËéêUz\ 5\0\0÷+Ôâ¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/SourceDir/Git.phpZ\ 6\0\0ËéêUZ\ 6\0\0É\bÎ\¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1a\0\0\0pharext/SourceDir/Pecl.phpø\11\0\0ËéêUø\11\0\0ã\bùж\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\15\0\0\0pharext/SourceDir.php½\ 2\0\0ËéêU½\ 2\0\03·#\ f\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Task/Activate.phpÜ\v\0\0ËéêUÜ\v\0\0I\93\1c\18\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\18\0\0\0pharext/Task/Askpass.phpU\ 2\0\0ËéêUU\ 2\0\0\87*\1e\90\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0 \0\0\0pharext/Task/BundleGenerator.php}\ 2\0\0ËéêU}\ 2\0\0 ï`Y¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\18\0\0\0pharext/Task/Cleanup.php\1e\ 4\0\0ËéêU\1e\ 4\0\0ÉI\80\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1a\0\0\0pharext/Task/Configure.phpT\ 4\0\0ËéêUT\ 4\0\0}\17Ëì¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\18\0\0\0pharext/Task/Extract.phpp\ 3\0\0ËéêUp\ 3\0\0[¨Û̶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Task/GitClone.phpm\ 3\0\0ËéêUm\ 3\0\0óyµ@¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\15\0\0\0pharext/Task/Make.phpª\ 4\0\0ËéêUª\ 4\0\0\9cç6\r\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Task/PaxFixup.php¬\ 3\0\0ËéêU¬\ 3\0\0yâ¯\e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1a\0\0\0pharext/Task/PeclFixup.php\9c\ 4\0\0ËéêU\9c\ 4\0\0eùt\9a\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1a\0\0\0pharext/Task/PharBuild.phpâ\a\0\0ËéêUâ\a\0\0ζ0ɶ\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1d\0\0\0pharext/Task/PharCompress.phpc\ 4\0\0ËéêUc\ 4\0\0½\10³Ï¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\e\0\0\0pharext/Task/PharRename.phpä\ 3\0\0ËéêUä\ 3\0\0\8a[Þ˶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Task/PharSign.php¨\ 3\0\0ËéêU¨\ 3\0\0Ûº¦i¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\19\0\0\0pharext/Task/PharStub.phpæ\ 3\0\0ËéêUæ\ 3\0\0Y|­\9b\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\17\0\0\0pharext/Task/Phpize.php\ f\ 4\0\0ËéêU\ f\ 4\0\0ù\f2Ѷ\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\1c\0\0\0pharext/Task/StreamFetch.php\10\a\0\0ËéêU\10\a\0\0\88îs\¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\0\0pharext/Task.phpw\0\0\0ËéêUw\0\0\0 ÄIǶ\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext/Tempdir.phpµ\ 1\0\0ËéêUµ\ 1\0\0ë\7f\96\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext/Tempfile.php\ f\ 4\0\0ËéêU\ f\ 4\0\0\0®ô\1e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext/Tempname.phpt\ 3\0\0ËéêUt\ 3\0\0\9en<\8d\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext/Updater.php\8d\10\0\0ËéêU\8d\10\0\0\9eÏv\16\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\15\0\0\0pharext_installer.phpÝ\ 2\0\0ËéêUÝ\ 2\0\0\19\8cÞq¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\0\0\0pharext_packager.phpb\ 3\0\0ËéêUb\ 3\0\0îVÓ϶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext_updater.phph\ 3\0\0ËéêUh\ 3\0\0 Êúj¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\13\0\0\0pharext_package.php2\0\0\0ËéêU2\0\0\0vSTÒ¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\v\0\0\0package.xmlÄ\a\0\0ËéêUÄ\a\0\0?z,e¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\a\0\0\0CREDITS\16\0\0\0ËéêU\16\0\0\0Cµ]²¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\a\0\0\0LICENSEA\ 5\0\0ËéêUA\ 5\0\0¾¬Jþ¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\b\0\0\0DoxyfileW,\0\0ËéêUW,\0\0\ 6°¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0     \0\0\0config.m4$\ 1\0\0ËéêU$\ 1\0\0Åê@\9b\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0
-\0\0\0config.w32Ð\0\0\0ËéêUÐ\0\0\0ýÍ\b\8e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\v\0\0\0php_raphf.h\ f\ 5\0\0ËéêU\ f\ 5\0\0Z1\80\9e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\ f\0\0\0php_raphf_api.hz5\0\0ËéêUz5\0\0{¯>\14\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\v\0\0\0php_raphf.c\1dH\0\0ËéêU\1dH\0\0\99Çê\80\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\12\0\0\0tests/http001.phpt\14\ 6\0\0ËéêU\14\ 6\0\0\f\e\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\12\0\0\0tests/http002.phptL\ 5\0\0ËéêUL\ 5\0\0\80ÔïS¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\12\0\0\0tests/http003.phpt^\ 5\0\0ËéêU^\ 5\0\0\14\88\19\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0\12\0\0\0tests/http004.phpt[\b\0\0ËéêU[\b\0\0\1c«¶\ 1\0\0\0\0\0\0<?php
-namespace pharext;
-use ArrayAccess;
-use IteratorAggregate;
-use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
-use SplFileInfo;
-use pharext\Exception;
-class Archive implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate
-       const HALT_COMPILER = "\137\137\150\141\154\164\137\143\157\155\160\151\154\145\162\50\51\73";
-       const SIGNED = 0x10000;
-       const SIG_MD5    = 0x0001;
-       const SIG_SHA1   = 0x0002;
-       const SIG_SHA256 = 0x0003;
-       const SIG_SHA512 = 0x0004;
-       const SIG_OPENSSL= 0x0010;
-       private static $siglen = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => 16,
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => 20,
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => 32,
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => 64,
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> 0
-       ];
-       private static $sigalg = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => "md5",
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => "sha1",
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => "sha256",
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => "sha512",
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> "openssl"
-       ];
-       private static $sigtyp = [
-               self::SIG_MD5    => "MD5",
-               self::SIG_SHA1   => "SHA-1",
-               self::SIG_SHA256 => "SHA-256",
-               self::SIG_SHA512 => "SHA-512",
-               self::SIG_OPENSSL=> "OpenSSL",
-       ];
-       const PERM_FILE_MASK = 0x01ff;
-       const COMP_FILE_MASK = 0xf000;
-       const COMP_GZ_FILE   = 0x1000;
-       const COMP_BZ2_FILE  = 0x2000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_MASK= 0xf000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_GZ  = 0x1000;
-       const COMP_PHAR_BZ2 = 0x2000;
-       private $file;
-       private $fd;
-       private $stub;
-       private $manifest;
-       private $signature;
-       private $extracted;
-       function __construct($file = null) {
-               if (strlen($file)) {
-                       $this->open($file);
-               }
-       }
-       function open($file) {
-               if (!$this->fd = @fopen($file, "r")) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $this->file = $file;
-               $this->stub = $this->readStub();
-               $this->manifest = $this->readManifest();
-               $this->signature = $this->readSignature();
-       }
-       function getIterator() {
-               return new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->extract());
-       }
-       function extract() {
-               return $this->extracted ?: $this->extractTo(new Tempdir("archive"));
-       }
-       function extractTo($dir) {
-               if ((string) $this->extracted == (string) $dir) {
-                       return $this->extracted;
-               }
-               foreach ($this->manifest["entries"] as $file => $entry) {
-                       fseek($this->fd, $this->manifest["offset"]+$entry["offset"]);
-                       $path = "$dir/$file";
-                       $copy = stream_copy_to_stream($this->fd, $this->outFd($path, $entry["flags"]), $entry["csize"]);
-                       if ($entry["osize"] != $copy) {
-                               throw new Exception("Copied '$copy' of '$file', expected '{$entry["osize"]}' from '{$entry["csize"]}");
-                       }
-                       $crc = hexdec(hash_file("crc32b", $path));
-                       if ($crc !== $entry["crc32"]) {
-                               throw new Exception("CRC mismatch of '$file': '$crc' != '{$entry["crc32"]}");
-                       }
-                       chmod($path, $entry["flags"] & self::PERM_FILE_MASK);
-                       touch($path, $entry["stamp"]);
-               }
-               return $this->extracted = $dir;
-       }
-       function offsetExists($o) {
-               return isset($this->entries[$o]);
-       }
-       function offsetGet($o) {
-               $this->extract();
-               return new SplFileInfo($this->extracted."/$o");
-       }
-       function offsetSet($o, $v) {
-               throw new Exception("Archive is read-only");
-       }
-       function offsetUnset($o) {
-               throw new Exception("Archive is read-only");
-       }
-       function getSignature() {
-               /* compatible with Phar::getSignature() */
-               return [
-                       "hash_type" => self::$sigtyp[$this->signature["flags"]],
-                       "hash" => strtoupper(bin2hex($this->signature["hash"])),
-               ];
-       }
-       function getPath() {
-               /* compatible with Phar::getPath() */
-               return new SplFileInfo($this->file);
-       }
-       function getMetadata($key = null) {
-               if (isset($key)) {
-                       return $this->manifest["meta"][$key];
-               }
-               return $this->manifest["meta"];
-       }
-       private function outFd($path, $flags) {
-                       $dirn = dirname($path);
-                       if (!is_dir($dirn) && !@mkdir($dirn, 0777, true)) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       if (!$fd = @fopen($path, "w")) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       switch ($flags & self::COMP_FILE_MASK) {
-                       case self::COMP_GZ_FILE:
-                               if (!@stream_filter_append($fd, "zlib.inflate")) {
-                                       throw new Exception;
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       case self::COMP_BZ2_FILE:
-                               if (!@stream_filter_append($fd, "bz2.decompress")) {
-                                       throw new Exception;
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       }
-       }
-       private function readVerified($fd, $len) {
-               if ($len != strlen($data = fread($fd, $len))) {
-                       throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF");
-               }
-               return $data;
-       }
-       private function readFormat($format, $fd, $len) {
-               if (false === ($data = @unpack($format, $this->readVerified($fd, $len)))) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return $data;
-       }
-       private function readSingleFormat($format, $fd, $len) {
-               return current($this->readFormat($format, $fd, $len));
-       }
-       private function readStringBinary($fd) {
-               if (($length = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $fd, 4))) {
-                       return $this->readVerified($this->fd, $length);
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       private function readSerializedBinary($fd) {
-               if (($length = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $fd, 4))) {
-                       if (false === ($data = unserialize($this->readVerified($fd, $length)))) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-                       return $data;
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       private function readStub() {
-               $stub = "";
-               while (!feof($this->fd)) {
-                       $line = fgets($this->fd);
-                       $stub .= $line;
-                       if (false !== stripos($line, self::HALT_COMPILER)) {
-                               /* check for '?>' on a separate line */
-                               if ('?>' === $this->readVerified($this->fd, 2)) {
-                                       $stub .= '?>' . fgets($this->fd);
-                               } else {
-                                       fseek($this->fd, -2, SEEK_CUR);
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               return $stub;
-       }
-       private function readManifest() {
-               $current = ftell($this->fd);
-               $header = $this->readFormat("Vlen/Vnum/napi/Vflags", $this->fd, 14);
-               $alias = $this->readStringBinary($this->fd);
-               $meta = $this->readSerializedBinary($this->fd);
-               $entries = [];
-               for ($i = 0; $i < $header["num"]; ++$i) {
-                       $this->readEntry($entries);
-               }
-               $offset = ftell($this->fd);
-               if (($length = $offset - $current - 4) != $header["len"]) {
-                       throw new Exception("Manifest length read was '$length', expected '{$header["len"]}'");
-               }
-               return $header + compact("alias", "meta", "entries", "offset");
-       }
-       private function readEntry(array &$entries) {
-               if (!count($entries)) {
-                       $offset = 0;
-               } else {
-                       $last = end($entries);
-                       $offset = $last["offset"] + $last["csize"];
-               }
-               $file = $this->readStringBinary($this->fd);
-               if (!strlen($file)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Empty file name encountered at offset '$offset'");
-               }
-               $header = $this->readFormat("Vosize/Vstamp/Vcsize/Vcrc32/Vflags", $this->fd, 20);
-               $meta = $this->readSerializedBinary($this->fd);
-               $entries[$file] =  $header + compact("meta", "offset");
-       }
-       private function readSignature() {
-               fseek($this->fd, -8, SEEK_END);
-               $sig = $this->readFormat("Vflags/Z4magic", $this->fd, 8);
-               $end = ftell($this->fd);
-               if ($sig["magic"] !== "GBMB") {
-                       throw new Exception("Invalid signature magic value '{$sig["magic"]}");
-               }
-               switch ($sig["flags"]) {
-               case self::SIG_OPENSSL:
-                       fseek($this->fd, -12, SEEK_END);
-                       if (($hash = $this->readSingleFormat("V", $this->fd, 4))) {
-                               $offset = 4 + $hash;
-                               fseek($this->fd, -$offset, SEEK_CUR);
-                               $hash = $this->readVerified($this->fd, $hash);
-                               fseek($this->fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-                               $valid = openssl_verify($this->readVerified($this->fd, $end - $offset - 8),
-                                       $hash, @file_get_contents($this->file.".pubkey")) === 1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case self::SIG_MD5:
-               case self::SIG_SHA1:
-               case self::SIG_SHA256:
-               case self::SIG_SHA512:
-                       $offset = 8 + self::$siglen[$sig["flags"]];
-                       fseek($this->fd, -$offset, SEEK_END);
-                       $hash = $this->readVerified($this->fd, self::$siglen[$sig["flags"]]);
-                       $algo = hash_init(self::$sigalg[$sig["flags"]]);
-                       fseek($this->fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-                       hash_update_stream($algo, $this->fd, $end - $offset);
-                       $valid = hash_final($algo, true) === $hash;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       throw new Exception("Invalid signature type '{$sig["flags"]}");
-               }
-               return $sig + compact("hash", "valid");
-       }
-namespace pharext\Cli\Args;
-use pharext\Cli\Args;
-class Help
-       private $args;
-       function __construct($prog, Args $args) {
-               $this->prog = $prog;
-               $this->args = $args;
-       }
-       function __toString() {
-               $usage = "Usage:\n\n  \$ ";
-               $usage .= $this->prog;
-               list($flags, $required, $optional, $positional) = $this->listSpec();
-               if ($flags) {
-                       $usage .= $this->dumpFlags($flags);
-               }
-               if ($required) {
-                       $usage .= $this->dumpRequired($required);
-               }
-               if ($optional) {
-                       $usage .= $this->dumpOptional($optional);
-               }
-               if ($positional) {
-                       $usage .= $this->dumpPositional($positional);
-               }
-               $help = $this->dumpHelp($positional);
-               return $usage . "\n\n" . $help . "\n";
-       }
-       function listSpec() {
-               $flags = [];
-               $required = [];
-               $optional = [];
-               $positional = [];
-               foreach ($this->args->getSpec() as $spec) {
-                       if (is_numeric($spec[0])) {
-                               $positional[] = $spec;
-                       } elseif ($spec[3] & Args::REQUIRED) {
-                               $required[] = $spec;
-                       } elseif ($spec[3] & (Args::OPTARG|Args::REQARG)) {
-                               $optional[] = $spec;
-                       } else {
-                               $flags[] = $spec;
-                       }
-               }
-               return [$flags, $required, $optional, $positional]
-                       + compact("flags", "required", "optional", "positional");
-       }
-       function dumpFlags(array $flags) {
-               return sprintf(" [-%s]", implode("", array_column($flags, 0)));
-       }
-       function dumpRequired(array $required) {
-               $dump = "";
-               foreach ($required as $req) {
-                       $dump .= sprintf(" -%s <%s>", $req[0], $req[1]);
-               }
-               return $dump;
-       }
-       function dumpOptional(array $optional) {
-               $req = array_filter($optional, function($a) {
-                       return $a[3] & Args::REQARG;
-               });
-               $opt = array_filter($optional, function($a) {
-                       return $a[3] & Args::OPTARG;
-               });
-               $dump = "";
-               if ($req) {
-                       $dump .= sprintf(" [-%s <arg>]", implode("|-", array_column($req, 0)));
-               }
-               if ($opt) {
-                       $dump .= sprintf(" [-%s [<arg>]]", implode("|-", array_column($opt, 0)));
-               }
-               return $dump;
-       }
-       function dumpPositional(array $positional) {
-               $dump = " [--]";
-               foreach ($positional as $pos) {
-                       if ($pos[3] & Args::REQUIRED) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf(" <%s>", $pos[1]);
-                       } else {
-                               $dump .= sprintf(" [<%s>]", $pos[1]);
-                       }
-                       if ($pos[3] & Args::MULTI) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf(" [<%s>]...", $pos[1]);
-                       }
-               }
-               return $dump;
-       }
-       function calcMaxLen() {
-               $spc = $this->args->getSpec();
-               $max = max(array_map("strlen", array_column($spc, 1)));
-               $max += $max % 8 + 2;
-               return $max;
-       }
-       function dumpHelp() {
-               $max = $this->calcMaxLen();
-               $dump = "";
-               foreach ($this->args->getSpec() as $spec) {
-                       $dump .= "    ";
-                       if (is_numeric($spec[0])) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf("--   %s ", $spec[1]);
-                       } elseif (isset($spec[0])) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf("-%s|", $spec[0]);
-                       }
-                       if (!is_numeric($spec[0])) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf("--%s ", $spec[1]);
-                       }
-                       if ($spec[3] & Args::REQARG) {
-                               $dump .= "<arg>  ";
-                       } elseif ($spec[3] & Args::OPTARG) {
-                               $dump .= "[<arg>]";
-                       } else {
-                               $dump .= "       ";
-                       }
-                       $dump .= str_repeat(" ", $max-strlen($spec[1])+3*!isset($spec[0]));
-                       $dump .= $spec[2];
-                       if ($spec[3] & Args::REQUIRED) {
-                               $dump .= " (REQUIRED)";
-                       }
-                       if ($spec[3] & Args::MULTI) {
-                               $dump .= " (MULTIPLE)";
-                       }
-                       if (isset($spec[4])) {
-                               $dump .= sprintf(" [%s]", $spec[4]);
-                       }
-                       $dump .= "\n";
-               }
-               return $dump;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Cli;
- * Command line arguments
- */
-class Args implements \ArrayAccess
-       /**
-        * Optional option
-        */
-       const OPTIONAL = 0x000;
-       /**
-        * Required Option
-        */
-       const REQUIRED = 0x001;
-       /**
-        * Only one value, even when used multiple times
-        */
-       const SINGLE = 0x000;
-       /**
-        * Aggregate an array, when used multiple times
-        */
-       const MULTI = 0x010;
-       /**
-        * Option takes no argument
-        */
-       const NOARG = 0x000;
-       /**
-        * Option requires an argument
-        */
-       const REQARG = 0x100;
-       /**
-        * Option takes an optional argument
-        */
-       const OPTARG = 0x200;
-       /**
-        * Option halts processing
-        */
-       const HALT = 0x10000000;
-       /**
-        * Original option spec
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $orig = [];
-       /**
-        * Compiled spec
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $spec = [];
-       /**
-        * Parsed args
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $args = [];
-       /**
-        * Compile the original spec
-        * @param array|Traversable $spec
-        */
-       public function __construct($spec = null) {
-               if (is_array($spec) || $spec instanceof Traversable) {
-                       $this->compile($spec);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Compile the original spec
-        * @param array|Traversable $spec
-        * @return pharext\Cli\Args self
-        */
-       public function compile($spec) {
-               foreach ($spec as $arg) {
-                       if (isset($arg[0]) && is_numeric($arg[0])) {
-                               $arg[3] &= ~0xf00;
-                               $this->spec["--".$arg[0]] = $arg;
-                       } elseif (isset($arg[0])) {
-                               $this->spec["-".$arg[0]] = $arg;
-                               $this->spec["--".$arg[1]] = $arg;
-                       } else {
-                               $this->spec["--".$arg[1]] = $arg;
-                       }
-                       $this->orig[] = $arg;
-               }
-               return $this;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get original spec
-        * @return array
-        */
-       public function getSpec() {
-               return $this->orig;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get compiled spec
-        * @return array
-        */
-       public function getCompiledSpec() {
-               return $this->spec;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Parse command line arguments according to the compiled spec.
-        *
-        * The Generator yields any parsing errors.
-        * Parsing will stop when all arguments are processed or the first option
-        * flagged Cli\Args::HALT was encountered.
-        *
-        * @param int $argc
-        * @param array $argv
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       public function parse($argc, array $argv) {
-               for ($f = false, $p = 0, $i = 0; $i < $argc; ++$i) {
-                       $o = $argv[$i];
-                       if ($o{0} === "-" && strlen($o) > 2 && $o{1} !== "-") {
-                               // multiple short opts, e.g. -vps
-                               $argc += strlen($o) - 2;
-                               array_splice($argv, $i, 1, array_map(function($s) {
-                                       return "-$s";
-                               }, str_split(substr($o, 1))));
-                               $o = $argv[$i];
-                       } elseif ($o{0} === "-" && strlen($o) > 2 && $o{1} === "-" && 0 < ($eq = strpos($o, "="))) {
-                               // long opt with argument, e.g. --foo=bar
-                               $argc++;
-                               array_splice($argv, $i, 1, [
-                                       substr($o, 0, $eq++),
-                                       substr($o, $eq)
-                               ]);
-                               $o = $argv[$i];
-                       } elseif ($o === "--") {
-                               // only positional args following
-                               $f = true;
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       if ($f || !isset($this->spec[$o])) {
-                               if ($o{0} !== "-" && isset($this->spec["--$p"])) {
-                                       $this[$p] = $o;
-                                       if (!$this->optIsMulti($p)) {
-                                               ++$p;
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       yield sprintf("Unknown option %s", $o);
-                               }
-                       } elseif (!$this->optAcceptsArg($o)) {
-                               $this[$o] = true;
-                       } elseif ($i+1 < $argc && !isset($this->spec[$argv[$i+1]])) {
-                               $this[$o] = $argv[++$i];
-                       } elseif ($this->optRequiresArg($o)) {
-                               yield sprintf("Option --%s requires an argument", $this->optLongName($o));
-                       } else {
-                               // OPTARG
-                               $this[$o] = $this->optDefaultArg($o);
-                       }
-                       if ($this->optHalts($o)) {
-                               return;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Validate that all required options were given.
-        *
-        * The Generator yields any validation errors.
-        *
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       public function validate() {
-               $required = array_filter($this->orig, function($spec) {
-                       return $spec[3] & self::REQUIRED;
-               });
-               foreach ($required as $req) {
-                       if ($req[3] & self::MULTI) {
-                               if (is_array($this[$req[0]])) {
-                                       continue;
-                               }
-                       } elseif (strlen($this[$req[0]])) {
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       if (is_numeric($req[0])) {
-                               yield sprintf("Argument <%s> is required", $req[1]);
-                       } else {
-                               yield sprintf("Option --%s is required", $req[1]);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       public function toArray() {
-               $args = [];
-               foreach ($this->spec as $spec) {
-                       $opt = $this->opt($spec[1]);
-                       $args[$opt] = $this[$opt];
-               }
-               return $args;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retreive the default argument of an option
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return mixed
-        */
-       private function optDefaultArg($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               if (isset($this->spec[$o][4])) {
-                       return $this->spec[$o][4];
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the help message of an option
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function optHelp($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               if (isset($this->spec[$o][2])) {
-                       return $this->spec[$o][2];
-               }
-               return "";
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve option's flags
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return int
-        */
-       private function optFlags($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               if (isset($this->spec[$o])) {
-                       return $this->spec[$o][3];
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check whether an option is flagged for halting argument processing
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return boolean
-        */
-       private function optHalts($o) {
-               return $this->optFlags($o) & self::HALT;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check whether an option needs an argument
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return boolean
-        */
-       private function optRequiresArg($o) {
-               return $this->optFlags($o) & self::REQARG;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check wether an option accepts any argument
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return boolean
-        */
-       private function optAcceptsArg($o) {
-               return $this->optFlags($o) & 0xf00;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check whether an option can be used more than once
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return boolean
-        */
-       private function optIsMulti($o) {
-               return $this->optFlags($o) & self::MULTI;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retreive the long name of an option
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function optLongName($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               return is_numeric($this->spec[$o][0]) ? $this->spec[$o][0] : $this->spec[$o][1];
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retreive the short name of an option
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function optShortName($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               return is_numeric($this->spec[$o][0]) ? null : $this->spec[$o][0];
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retreive the canonical name (--long-name) of an option
-        * @param string $o
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function opt($o) {
-               if (is_numeric($o)) {
-                       return "--$o";
-               }
-               if ($o{0} !== '-') {
-                       if (strlen($o) > 1) {
-                               $o = "-$o";
-                       }
-                       $o = "-$o";
-               }
-               return $o;
-       }
-       /**@+
-        * Implements ArrayAccess and virtual properties
-        */
-       function offsetExists($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               return isset($this->args[$o]);
-       }
-       function __isset($o) {
-               return $this->offsetExists($o);
-       }
-       function offsetGet($o) {
-               $o = $this->opt($o);
-               if (isset($this->args[$o])) {
-                       return $this->args[$o];
-               }
-               return $this->optDefaultArg($o);
-       }
-       function __get($o) {
-               return $this->offsetGet($o);
-       }
-       function offsetSet($o, $v) {
-               $osn = $this->optShortName($o);
-               $oln = $this->optLongName($o);
-               if ($this->optIsMulti($o)) {
-                       if (isset($osn)) {
-                               $this->args["-$osn"][] = $v;
-                       }
-                       $this->args["--$oln"][] = $v;
-               } else {
-                       if (isset($osn)) {
-                               $this->args["-$osn"] = $v;
-                       }
-                       $this->args["--$oln"] = $v;
-               }
-       }
-       function __set($o, $v) {
-               $this->offsetSet($o, $v);
-       }
-       function offsetUnset($o) {
-               unset($this->args["-".$this->optShortName($o)]);
-               unset($this->args["--".$this->optLongName($o)]);
-       }
-       function __unset($o) {
-               $this->offsetUnset($o);
-       }
-       /**@-*/
-namespace pharext\Cli;
-use pharext\Archive;
-use Phar;
-trait Command
-       /**
-        * Command line arguments
-        * @var pharext\Cli\Args
-        */
-       private $args;
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::getArgs()
-        */
-       public function getArgs() {
-               return $this->args;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve metadata of the currently running phar
-        * @param string $key
-        * @return mixed
-        */
-       public function metadata($key = null) {
-               if (extension_loaded("Phar")) {
-                       $running = new Phar(Phar::running(false));
-               } else {
-                       $running = new Archive(PHAREXT_PHAR);
-               }
-               if ($key === "signature") {
-                       $sig = $running->getSignature();
-                       return sprintf("%s signature of %s\n%s", 
-                               $sig["hash_type"],
-                               $this->metadata("name"),
-                               chunk_split($sig["hash"], 64, "\n"));
-               }
-               $metadata = $running->getMetadata();
-               if (isset($key)) {
-                       return $metadata[$key];
-               }
-               return $metadata;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Output pharext vX.Y.Z header
-        */
-       public function header() {
-               if (!headers_sent()) {
-                       /* only display header, if we didn't generate any output yet */
-                       printf("%s\n\n", $this->metadata("header"));
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::debug()
-        */
-       public function debug($fmt) {
-               if ($this->args->verbose) {
-                       vprintf($fmt, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::info()
-        */
-       public function info($fmt) {
-               if (!$this->args->quiet) {
-                       vprintf($fmt, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::warn()
-        */
-       public function warn($fmt) {
-               if (!$this->args->quiet) {
-                       if (!isset($fmt)) {
-                               $fmt = "%s\n";
-                               $arg = error_get_last()["message"];
-                       } else {
-                               $arg = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
-                       }
-                       vfprintf(STDERR, "Warning: $fmt", $arg);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::error()
-        */
-       public function error($fmt) {
-               if (!isset($fmt)) {
-                       $fmt = "%s\n";
-                       $arg = error_get_last()["message"];
-               } else {
-                       $arg = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
-               }
-               vfprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: $fmt", $arg);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Output command line help message
-        * @param string $prog
-        */
-       public function help($prog) {
-               print new Args\Help($prog, $this->args);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Verbosity
-        * @return boolean
-        */
-       public function verbosity() {
-               if ($this->args->verbose) {
-                       return true;
-               } elseif ($this->args->quiet) {
-                       return false;
-               } else {
-                       return null;
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Command interface
- */
-interface Command
-       /**
-        * Argument error
-        */
-       const EARGS = 1;
-       /**
-        * Build error
-        */
-       const EBUILD = 2;
-       /**
-        * Signature error
-        */
-       const ESIGN = 3;
-       /**
-        * Extract/unpack error
-        */
-       const EEXTRACT = 4;
-       /**
-        * Install error
-        */
-       const EINSTALL = 5;
-       /**
-        * Retrieve command line arguments
-        * @return pharext\Cli\Args
-        */
-       public function getArgs();
-       /**
-        * Print debug message
-        * @param string $fmt
-        * @param string ...$args
-        */
-       public function debug($fmt);
-       /**
-        * Print info
-        * @param string $fmt
-        * @param string ...$args
-        */
-       public function info($fmt);
-       /**
-        * Print warning
-        * @param string $fmt
-        * @param string ...$args
-        */
-       public function warn($fmt);
-       /**
-        * Print error
-        * @param string $fmt
-        * @param string ...$args
-        */
-       public function error($fmt);
-       /**
-        * Execute the command
-        * @param int $argc command line argument count
-        * @param array $argv command line argument list
-        */
-       public function run($argc, array $argv);
-namespace pharext;
-class Exception extends \Exception
-       public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, $previous = null) {
-               if (!isset($message)) {
-                       $last_error = error_get_last();
-                       $message = $last_error["message"];
-                       if (!$code) {
-                               $code = $last_error["type"];
-                       }
-               }
-               parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Execute system command
- */
-class ExecCmd
-       /**
-        * Sudo command, if the cmd needs escalated privileges
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $sudo;
-       /**
-        * Executable of the cmd
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $command;
-       /**
-        * Passthrough cmd output
-        * @var bool
-        */
-       private $verbose;
-       /**
-        * Output of cmd run
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $output;
-       /**
-        * Return code of cmd run
-        * @var int
-        */
-       private $status;
-       /**
-        * @param string $command
-        * @param bool verbose
-        */
-       public function __construct($command, $verbose = false) {
-               $this->command = $command;
-               $this->verbose = $verbose;
-       }
-       /**
-        * (Re-)set sudo command
-        * @param string $sudo
-        */
-       public function setSu($sudo = false) {
-               $this->sudo = $sudo;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Execute a program with escalated privileges handling interactive password prompt
-        * @param string $command
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return int exit status
-        */
-       private function suExec($command, $verbose = null) {
-               if (!($proc = proc_open($command, [STDIN,["pipe","w"],["pipe","w"]], $pipes))) {
-                       $this->status = -1;
-                       throw new Exception("Failed to run {$command}");
-               }
-               $stdout = $pipes[1];
-               $passwd = 0;
-               $checks = 10;
-               while (!feof($stdout)) {
-                       $R = [$stdout]; $W = []; $E = [];
-                       if (!stream_select($R, $W, $E, null)) {
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       $data = fread($stdout, 0x1000);
-                       /* only check a few times */
-                       if ($passwd < $checks) {
-                               $passwd++;
-                               if (stristr($data, "password")) {
-                                       $passwd = $checks + 1;
-                                       printf("\n%s", $data);
-                                       continue;
-                               }
-                       } elseif ($passwd > $checks) {
-                               /* new line after pw entry */
-                               printf("\n");
-                               $passwd = $checks;
-                       }
-                       if ($verbose === null) {
-                               print $this->progress($data, 0);
-                       } else {
-                               if ($verbose) {
-                                       printf("%s", $data);
-                               }
-                               $this->output .= $data;
-                       }
-               }
-               if ($verbose === null) {
-                       $this->progress("", PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FINAL);
-               }
-               return $this->status = proc_close($proc);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Output handler that displays some progress while soaking output
-        * @param string $string
-        * @param int $flags
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function progress($string, $flags) {
-               static $counter = 0;
-               static $symbols = ["\\","|","/","-"];
-               $this->output .= $string;
-               if (false !== strpos($string, "\n")) {
-                       ++$counter;
-               }
-               return $flags & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FINAL
-                       ? "   \r"
-                       : sprintf("  %s\r", $symbols[$counter % 4]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Run the command
-        * @param array $args
-        * @return \pharext\ExecCmd self
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run(array $args = null) {
-               $exec = escapeshellcmd($this->command);
-               if ($args) {
-                       $exec .= " ". implode(" ", array_map("escapeshellarg", (array) $args));
-               }
-               if ($this->sudo) {
-                       $this->suExec(sprintf($this->sudo." 2>&1", $exec), $this->verbose);
-               } elseif ($this->verbose) {
-                       ob_start(function($s) {
-                               $this->output .= $s;
-                               return $s;
-                       }, 1);
-                       passthru($exec, $this->status);
-                       ob_end_flush();
-               } elseif ($this->verbose !== false /* !quiet */) {
-                       ob_start([$this, "progress"], 1);
-                       passthru($exec . " 2>&1", $this->status);
-                       ob_end_flush();
-               } else {
-                       exec($exec ." 2>&1", $output, $this->status);
-                       $this->output = implode("\n", $output);
-               }
-               if ($this->status) {
-                       throw new Exception("Command {$exec} failed ({$this->status})");
-               }
-               return $this;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve exit code of cmd run
-        * @return int
-        */
-       public function getStatus() {
-               return $this->status;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve output of cmd run
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getOutput() {
-               return $this->output;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use Phar;
-use SplObjectStorage;
- * The extension install command executed by the extension phar
- */
-class Installer implements Command
-       use Cli\Command;
-       /**
-        * Cleanups
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $cleanup = [];
-       /**
-        * Create the command
-        */
-       public function __construct() {
-               $this->args = new Cli\Args([
-                       ["h", "help", "Display help",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       ["v", "verbose", "More output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["q", "quiet", "Less output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["p", "prefix", "PHP installation prefix if phpize is not in \$PATH, e.g. /opt/php7",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["n", "common-name", "PHP common program name, e.g. php5 or zts-php",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG,
-                               "php"],
-                       ["c", "configure", "Additional extension configure flags, e.g. -c --with-flag",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::MULTI|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["s", "sudo", "Installation might need increased privileges",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::OPTARG,
-                               "sudo -S %s"],
-                       ["i", "ini", "Activate in this php.ini instead of loaded default php.ini",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       [null, "signature", "Show package signature",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "license", "Show package license",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "name", "Show package name",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "date", "Show package release date",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "release", "Show package release version",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "version", "Show pharext version",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-               ]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Perform cleaniup
-        */
-       function __destruct() {
-               foreach ($this->cleanup as $cleanup) {
-                       $cleanup->run();
-               }
-       }
-       private function extract($phar) {
-               $temp = (new Task\Extract($phar))->run($this->verbosity());
-               $this->cleanup[] = new Task\Cleanup($temp);
-               return $temp;
-       }
-       private function hooks(SplObjectStorage $phars) {
-               $hook = [];
-               foreach ($phars as $phar) {
-                       if (isset($phar["pharext_package.php"])) {
-                               $sdir = include $phar["pharext_package.php"];
-                               if ($sdir instanceof SourceDir) {
-                                       $this->args->compile($sdir->getArgs());
-                                       $hook[] = $sdir;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               return $hook;
-       }
-       private function load() {
-               $list = new SplObjectStorage();
-               $phar = extension_loaded("Phar")
-                       ? new Phar(Phar::running(false))
-                       : new Archive(PHAREXT_PHAR);
-               $temp = $this->extract($phar);
-               foreach ($phar as $entry) {
-                       $dep_file = $entry->getBaseName();
-                       if (fnmatch("*.ext.phar*", $dep_file)) {
-                               $dep_phar = extension_loaded("Phar")
-                                       ? new Phar("$temp/$dep_file")
-                                       : new Archive("$temp/$dep_file");
-                               $list[$dep_phar] = $this->extract($dep_phar);
-                       }
-               }
-               /* the actual ext.phar at last */
-               $list[$phar] = $temp;
-               return $list;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::run()
-        */
-       public function run($argc, array $argv) {
-               try {
-                       /* load the phar(s) */
-                       $list = $this->load();
-                       /* installer hooks */
-                       $hook = $this->hooks($list);
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EEXTRACT);
-               }
-               /* standard arg stuff */
-               $errs = [];
-               $prog = array_shift($argv);
-               foreach ($this->args->parse(--$argc, $argv) as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($this->args["help"]) {
-                       $this->header();
-                       $this->help($prog);
-                       exit;
-               }
-               try {
-                       foreach (["signature", "name", "date", "license", "release", "version"] as $opt) {
-                               if ($this->args[$opt]) {
-                                       printf("%s\n", $this->metadata($opt));
-                                       exit;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               foreach ($this->args->validate() as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($errs) {
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->header();
-                       }
-                       foreach ($errs as $err) {
-                               $this->error("%s\n", $err);
-                       }
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->help($prog);
-                       }
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               try {
-                       /* post process hooks */
-                       foreach ($hook as $sdir) {
-                               $sdir->setArgs($this->args);
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               /* install packages */
-               try {
-                       foreach ($list as $phar) {
-                               $this->info("Installing %s ...\n", basename($phar->getPath()));
-                               $this->install($list[$phar]);
-                               $this->activate($list[$phar]);
-                               $this->info("Successfully installed %s!\n", basename($phar->getPath()));
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EINSTALL);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Phpize + trinity
-        */
-       private function install($temp) {
-               // phpize
-               $phpize = new Task\Phpize($temp, $this->args->prefix, $this->args->{"common-name"});
-               $phpize->run($this->verbosity());
-               // configure
-               $configure = new Task\Configure($temp, $this->args->configure, $this->args->prefix, $this->args->{"common-name"});
-               $configure->run($this->verbosity());
-               // make
-               $make = new Task\Make($temp);
-               $make->run($this->verbosity());
-               // install
-               $sudo = isset($this->args->sudo) ? $this->args->sudo : null;
-               $install = new Task\Make($temp, ["install"], $sudo);
-               $install->run($this->verbosity());
-       }
-       private function activate($temp) {
-               if ($this->args->ini) {
-                       $files = [$this->args->ini];
-               } else {
-                       $files = array_filter(array_map("trim", explode(",", php_ini_scanned_files())));
-                       $files[] = php_ini_loaded_file();
-               }
-               $sudo = isset($this->args->sudo) ? $this->args->sudo : null;
-               $type = $this->metadata("type") ?: "extension";
-               $activate = new Task\Activate($temp, $files, $type, $this->args->prefix, $this->args{"common-name"}, $sudo);
-               if (!$activate->run($this->verbosity())) {
-                       $this->info("Extension already activated ...\n");
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-trait License
-       function findLicense($dir, $file = null) {
-               if (isset($file)) {
-                       return realpath("$dir/$file");
-               }
-               $names = [];
-               foreach (["{,UN}LICEN{S,C}{E,ING}", "COPY{,ING,RIGHT}"] as $name) {
-                       $names[] = $this->mergeLicensePattern($name, strtolower($name));
-               }
-               $exts = [];
-               foreach (["t{,e}xt", "rst", "asc{,i,ii}", "m{,ark}d{,own}", "htm{,l}"] as $ext) {
-                       $exts[] = $this->mergeLicensePattern(strtoupper($ext), $ext);
-               }
-               $pattern = "{". implode(",", $names) ."}{,.{". implode(",", $exts) ."}}";
-               if (($glob = glob("$dir/$pattern", GLOB_BRACE))) {
-                       return current($glob);
-               }
-       }
-       private function mergeLicensePattern($upper, $lower) {
-               $pattern = "";
-               $length = strlen($upper);
-               for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
-                       if ($lower{$i} === $upper{$i}) {
-                               $pattern .= $upper{$i};
-                       } else {
-                               $pattern .= "[" . $upper{$i} . $lower{$i} . "]";
-                       }
-               }
-               return $pattern;
-       }
-       public function readLicense($file) {
-               $text = file_get_contents($file);
-               switch (strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) {
-                       case "htm":
-                       case "html":
-                               $text = strip_tags($text);
-                               break;
-               }
-               return $text;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-class Metadata
-       static function version() {
-               return "4.1.1";
-       }
-       static function header() {
-               return sprintf("pharext v%s (c) Michael Wallner <>", self::version());
-       }
-       static function date() {
-               return gmdate("Y-m-d");
-       }
-       static function all() {
-               return [
-                       "version" => self::version(),
-                       "header" => self::header(),
-                       "date" => self::date(),
-               ];
-       }
-namespace pharext\Openssl;
-use pharext\Exception;
-class PrivateKey
-       /**
-        * Private key
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $key;
-       /**
-        * Public key
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $pub;
-       /**
-        * Read a private key
-        * @param string $file
-        * @param string $password
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       function __construct($file, $password) {
-               /* there appears to be a bug with refcount handling of this
-                * resource; when the resource is stored as property, it cannot be
-                * "coerced to a private key" on openssl_sign() later in another method
-                */
-               $key = openssl_pkey_get_private("file://$file", $password);
-               if (!is_resource($key)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Could not load private key");
-               }
-               openssl_pkey_export($key, $this->key);
-               $this->pub = openssl_pkey_get_details($key)["key"];
-       }
-       /**
-        * Sign the PHAR
-        * @param \Phar $package
-        */
-       function sign(\Phar $package) {
-               $package->setSignatureAlgorithm(\Phar::OPENSSL, $this->key);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Export the public key to a file
-        * @param string $file
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       function exportPublicKey($file) {
-               if (!file_put_contents("$file.tmp", $this->pub) || !rename("$file.tmp", $file)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use Phar;
-use pharext\Exception;
- * The extension packaging command executed by bin/pharext
- */
-class Packager implements Command
-       use Cli\Command;
-       /**
-        * Extension source directory
-        * @var pharext\SourceDir
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * Cleanups
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $cleanup = [];
-       /**
-        * Create the command
-        */
-       public function __construct() {
-               $this->args = new Cli\Args([
-                       ["h", "help", "Display this help",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       ["v", "verbose", "More output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["q", "quiet", "Less output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["n", "name", "Extension name",
-                               Cli\Args::REQUIRED|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["r", "release", "Extension release version",
-                               Cli\Args::REQUIRED|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["s", "source", "Extension source directory",
-                               Cli\Args::REQUIRED|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["g", "git", "Use `git ls-tree` to determine file list",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["b", "branch", "Checkout this tag/branch",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["p", "pecl", "Use PECL package.xml to determine file list, name and release",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["d", "dest", "Destination directory",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG,
-                               "."],
-                       ["z", "gzip", "Create additional PHAR compressed with gzip",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["Z", "bzip", "Create additional PHAR compressed with bzip",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["S", "sign", "Sign the PHAR with a private key",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::REQARG],
-                       ["E", "zend", "Mark as Zend Extension",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       [null, "signature", "Show pharext signature",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "license", "Show pharext license",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "version", "Show pharext version",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-               ]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Perform cleaniup
-        */
-       function __destruct() {
-               foreach ($this->cleanup as $cleanup) {
-                       $cleanup->run();
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::run()
-        */
-       public function run($argc, array $argv) {
-               $errs = [];
-               $prog = array_shift($argv);
-               foreach ($this->args->parse(--$argc, $argv) as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($this->args["help"]) {
-                       $this->header();
-                       $this->help($prog);
-                       exit;
-               }
-               try {
-                       foreach (["signature", "license", "version"] as $opt) {
-                               if ($this->args[$opt]) {
-                                       printf("%s\n", $this->metadata($opt));
-                                       exit;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               try {
-                       /* source needs to be evaluated before Cli\Args validation, 
-                        * so e.g. name and version can be overriden and Cli\Args 
-                        * does not complain about missing arguments
-                        */
-                       $this->loadSource();
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $errs[] = $e->getMessage();
-               }
-               foreach ($this->args->validate() as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($errs) {
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->header();
-                       }
-                       foreach ($errs as $err) {
-                               $this->error("%s\n", $err);
-                       }
-                       printf("\n");
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->help($prog);
-                       }
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               $this->createPackage();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Download remote source
-        * @param string $source
-        * @return string local source
-        */
-       private function download($source) {
-               if ($this->args->git) {
-                       $task = new Task\GitClone($source, $this->args->branch);
-               } else {
-                       /* print newline only once */
-                       $done = false;
-                       $task = new Task\StreamFetch($source, function($bytes_pct) use(&$done) {
-                               if (!$done) {
-                                       $this->info(" %3d%% [%s>%s] \r",
-                                               floor($bytes_pct*100),
-                                               str_repeat("=", round(50*$bytes_pct)),
-                                               str_repeat(" ", round(50*(1-$bytes_pct)))
-                                       );
-                                       if ($bytes_pct == 1) {
-                                               $done = true;
-                                               $this->info("\n");
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       });
-               }
-               $local = $task->run($this->verbosity());
-               $this->cleanup[] = new Task\Cleanup($local);
-               return $local;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Extract local archive
-        * @param stirng $source
-        * @return string extracted directory
-        */
-       private function extract($source) {
-               try {
-                       $task = new Task\Extract($source);
-                       $dest = $task->run($this->verbosity());
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       if (false === strpos($e->getMessage(), "checksum mismatch")) {
-                               throw $e;
-                       }
-                       $dest = (new Task\PaxFixup($source))->run($this->verbosity());
-               }
-               $this->cleanup[] = new Task\Cleanup($dest);
-               return $dest;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Localize a possibly remote source
-        * @param string $source
-        * @return string local source directory
-        */
-       private function localize($source) {
-               if (!stream_is_local($source) || ($this->args->git && isset($this->args->branch))) {
-                       $source = $this->download($source);
-                       $this->cleanup[] = new Task\Cleanup($source);
-               }
-               $source = realpath($source);
-               if (!is_dir($source)) {
-                       $source = $this->extract($source);
-                       $this->cleanup[] = new Task\Cleanup($source);
-                       if (!$this->args->git) {
-                               $source = (new Task\PeclFixup($source))->run($this->verbosity());
-                       }
-               }
-               return $source;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Load the source dir
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       private function loadSource(){
-               if ($this->args["source"]) {
-                       $source = $this->localize($this->args["source"]);
-                       if ($this->args["pecl"]) {
-                               $this->source = new SourceDir\Pecl($source);
-                       } elseif ($this->args["git"]) {
-                               $this->source = new SourceDir\Git($source);
-                       } elseif (is_file("$source/pharext_package.php")) {
-                               $this->source = include "$source/pharext_package.php";
-                       } else {
-                               $this->source = new SourceDir\Basic($source);
-                       }
-                       if (!$this->source instanceof SourceDir) {
-                               throw new Exception("Unknown source dir $source");
-                       }
-                       foreach ($this->source->getPackageInfo() as $key => $val) {
-                               $this->args->$key = $val;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Creates the extension phar
-        */
-       private function createPackage() {
-               try {
-                       $meta = array_merge(Metadata::all(), [
-                               "name" => $this->args->name,
-                               "release" => $this->args->release,
-                               "license" => $this->source->getLicense(),
-                               "type" => $this->args->zend ? "zend_extension" : "extension",
-                       ]);
-                       $file = (new Task\PharBuild($this->source, __DIR__."/../pharext_installer.php", $meta))->run($this->verbosity());
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EBUILD);
-               }
-               try {
-                       if ($this->args->sign) {
-                               $this->info("Using private key to sign phar ...\n");
-                               $pass = (new Task\Askpass)->run($this->verbosity());
-                               $sign = new Task\PharSign($file, $this->args->sign, $pass);
-                               $pkey = $sign->run($this->verbosity());
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::ESIGN);
-               }
-               if ($this->args->gzip) {
-                       try {
-                               $gzip = (new Task\PharCompress($file, Phar::GZ))->run();
-                               $move = new Task\PharRename($gzip, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release);
-                               $name = $move->run($this->verbosity());
-                               $this->info("Created gzipped phar %s\n", $name);
-                               if ($this->args->sign) {
-                                       $sign = new Task\PharSign($name, $this->args->sign, $pass);
-                                       $sign->run($this->verbosity())->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey");
-                               }
-                       } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                               $this->warn("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       }
-               }
-               if ($this->args->bzip) {
-                       try {
-                               $bzip = (new Task\PharCompress($file, Phar::BZ2))->run();
-                               $move = new Task\PharRename($bzip, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release);
-                               $name = $move->run($this->verbosity());
-                               $this->info("Created bzipped phar %s\n", $name);
-                               if ($this->args->sign) {
-                                       $sign = new Task\PharSign($name, $this->args->sign, $pass);
-                                       $sign->run($this->verbosity())->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey");
-                               }
-                       } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                               $this->warn("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       }
-               }
-               try {
-                       $move = new Task\PharRename($file, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release);
-                       $name = $move->run($this->verbosity());
-                       $this->info("Created executable phar %s\n", $name);
-                       if (isset($pkey)) {
-                               $pkey->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey");
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EBUILD);
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\SourceDir;
-use pharext\Cli\Args;
-use pharext\License;
-use pharext\SourceDir;
-use FilesystemIterator;
-use IteratorAggregate;
-use RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator;
-use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
-use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
-class Basic implements IteratorAggregate, SourceDir
-       use License;
-       private $path;
-       public function __construct($path) {
-               $this->path = $path;
-       }
-       public function getBaseDir() {
-               return $this->path;
-       }
-       public function getPackageInfo() {
-               return [];
-       }
-       public function getLicense() {
-               if (($file = $this->findLicense($this->getBaseDir()))) {
-                       return $this->readLicense($file);
-               }
-               return "UNKNOWN";
-       }
-       public function getArgs() {
-               return [];
-       }
-       public function setArgs(Args $args) {
-       }
-       public function filter($current, $key, $iterator) {
-               $sub = $current->getSubPath();
-               if ($sub === ".git" || $sub === ".hg" || $sub === ".svn") {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               return true;
-       }
-       public function getIterator() {
-               $rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->path,
-                               FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF | // needed for 5.5
-                               FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME |
-                               FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
-               $rci = new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($rdi, [$this, "filter"]);
-               $rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rci);
-               foreach ($rii as $path => $child) {
-                       if (!$child->isDir()) {
-                               yield realpath($path);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\SourceDir;
-use pharext\Cli\Args;
-use pharext\License;
-use pharext\SourceDir;
- * Extension source directory which is a git repo
- */
-class Git implements \IteratorAggregate, SourceDir
-       use License;
-       /**
-        * Base directory
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $path;
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::__construct()
-        */
-       public function __construct($path) {
-               $this->path = $path;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::getBaseDir()
-        */
-       public function getBaseDir() {
-               return $this->path;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @return array
-        */
-       public function getPackageInfo() {
-               return [];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getLicense() {
-               if (($file = $this->findLicense($this->getBaseDir()))) {
-                       return $this->readLicense($file);
-               }
-               return "UNKNOWN";
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @return array
-        */
-       public function getArgs() {
-               return [];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        */
-       public function setArgs(Args $args) {
-       }
-       /**
-        * Generate a list of files by `git ls-files`
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       private function generateFiles() {
-               $pwd = getcwd();
-               chdir($this->path);
-               if (($pipe = popen("git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD", "r"))) {
-                       $path = realpath($this->path);
-                       while (!feof($pipe)) {
-                               if (strlen($file = trim(fgets($pipe)))) {
-                                       /* there may be symlinks, so no realpath here */
-                                       yield "$path/$file";
-                               }
-                       }
-                       pclose($pipe);
-               }
-               chdir($pwd);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Implements IteratorAggregate
-        * @see IteratorAggregate::getIterator()
-        */
-       public function getIterator() {
-               return $this->generateFiles();
-       }
-namespace pharext\SourceDir;
-use pharext\Cli\Args;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\SourceDir;
-use pharext\License;
- * A PECL extension source directory containing a v2 package.xml
- */
-class Pecl implements \IteratorAggregate, SourceDir
-       use License;
-       /**
-        * The package.xml
-        * @var SimpleXmlElement
-        */
-       private $sxe;
-       /**
-        * The base directory
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $path;
-       /**
-        * The package.xml
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $file;
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::__construct()
-        */
-       public function __construct($path) {
-               if (is_file("$path/package2.xml")) {
-                       $sxe = simplexml_load_file($this->file = "$path/package2.xml");
-               } elseif (is_file("$path/package.xml")) {
-                       $sxe = simplexml_load_file($this->file = "$path/package.xml");
-               } else {
-                       throw new Exception("Missing package.xml in $path");
-               }
-               $sxe->registerXPathNamespace("pecl", $sxe->getDocNamespaces()[""]);
-               $this->sxe = $sxe;
-               $this->path = realpath($path);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::getBaseDir()
-        */
-       public function getBaseDir() {
-               return $this->path;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve gathered package info
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       public function getPackageInfo() {
-               if (($name = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:name"))) {
-                       yield "name" => (string) $name[0];
-               }
-               if (($release = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:version/pecl:release"))) {
-                       yield "release" => (string) $release[0];
-               }
-               if ($this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:zendextsrcrelease")) {
-                       yield "zend" => true;
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getLicense() {
-               if (($license = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:license"))) {
-                       if (($file = $this->findLicense($this->getBaseDir(), $license[0]["filesource"]))) {
-                               return $this->readLicense($file);
-                       }
-               }
-               if (($file = $this->findLicense($this->getBaseDir()))) {
-                       return $this->readLicense($file);
-               }
-               if ($license) {
-                       return $license[0] ." ". $license[0]["uri"];
-               }
-               return "UNKNOWN";
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::getArgs()
-        */
-       public function getArgs() {
-               $configure = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:extsrcrelease/pecl:configureoption");
-               foreach ($configure as $cfg) {
-                       yield [null, $cfg["name"], ucfirst($cfg["prompt"]), Args::OPTARG,
-                               strlen($cfg["default"]) ? $cfg["default"] : null];
-               }
-               $configure = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:zendextsrcrelease/pecl:configureoption");
-               foreach ($configure as $cfg) {
-                       yield [null, $cfg["name"], ucfirst($cfg["prompt"]), Args::OPTARG,
-                               strlen($cfg["default"]) ? $cfg["default"] : null];
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\SourceDir::setArgs()
-        */
-       public function setArgs(Args $args) {
-               $configure = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:extsrcrelease/pecl:configureoption");
-               foreach ($configure as $cfg) {
-                       if (isset($args[$cfg["name"]])) {
-                               $args->configure = "--{$cfg["name"]}={$args[$cfg["name"]]}";
-                       }
-               }
-               $configure = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:zendextsrcrelease/pecl:configureoption");
-               foreach ($configure as $cfg) {
-                       if (isset($args[$cfg["name"]])) {
-                               $args->configure = "--{$cfg["name"]}={$args[$cfg["name"]]}";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Compute the path of a file by parent dir nodes
-        * @param \SimpleXMLElement $ele
-        * @return string
-        */
-       private function dirOf($ele) {
-               $path = "";
-               while (($ele = current($ele->xpath(".."))) && $ele->getName() == "dir") {
-                       $path = trim($ele["name"], "/") ."/". $path ;
-               }
-               return trim($path, "/");
-       }
-       /**
-        * Generate a list of files from the package.xml
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       private function generateFiles() {
-               /* hook  */
-               $temp = tmpfile();
-               fprintf($temp, "<?php\nreturn new %s(__DIR__);\n", get_class($this));
-               rewind($temp);
-               yield "pharext_package.php" => $temp;
-               /* deps */
-               $dependencies = $this->sxe->xpath("/pecl:package/pecl:dependencies/pecl:required/pecl:package");
-               foreach ($dependencies as $key => $dep) {
-                       if (($glob = glob("{$this->path}/{$dep->name}-*.ext.phar*"))) {
-                               usort($glob, function($a, $b) {
-                                       return version_compare(
-                                               substr($a, strpos(".ext.phar", $a)),
-                                               substr($b, strpos(".ext.phar", $b))
-                                       );
-                               });
-                               yield end($glob);
-                       }
-               }
-               /* files */
-               yield realpath($this->file);
-               foreach ($this->sxe->xpath("//pecl:file") as $file) {
-                       yield realpath($this->path ."/". $this->dirOf($file) ."/". $file["name"]);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Implements IteratorAggregate
-        * @see IteratorAggregate::getIterator()
-        */
-       public function getIterator() {
-               return $this->generateFiles();
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Source directory interface, which should yield file names to package on traversal
- */
-interface SourceDir extends \Traversable
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the base directory
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getBaseDir();
-       /**
-        * Retrieve gathered package info
-        * @return array|Traversable
-        */
-       public function getPackageInfo();
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the full text license
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getLicense();
-       /**
-        * Provide installer command line args
-        * @return array|Traversable
-        */
-       public function getArgs();
-       /**
-        * Process installer command line args
-        * @param \pharext\Cli\Args $args
-        */
-       public function setArgs(Cli\Args $args);
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\ExecCmd;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempfile;
- * PHP INI activation
- */
-class Activate implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $cwd;
-       /**
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $inis;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $type;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $php_config;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $sudo;
-       /**
-        * @param string $cwd working directory
-        * @param array $inis custom INI or list of loaded/scanned INI files
-        * @param string $type extension or zend_extension
-        * @param string $prefix install prefix, e.g. /usr/local
-        * @param string $common_name PHP programs common name, e.g. php5
-        * @param string $sudo sudo command
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function __construct($cwd, array $inis, $type = "extension", $prefix = null, $common_name = "php", $sudo = null) {
-               $this->cwd = $cwd;
-               $this->type = $type;
-               $this->sudo = $sudo;
-               if (!$this->inis = $inis) {
-                       throw new Exception("No PHP INIs given");
-               }
-               $cmd = $common_name . "-config";
-               if (isset($prefix)) {
-                       $cmd = $prefix . "/bin/" . $cmd;
-               }
-               $this->php_config = $cmd;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return boolean false, if extension was already activated
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Running INI activation ...\n");
-               }
-               $extension = basename(current(glob("{$this->cwd}/modules/*.so")));
-               if ($this->type === "zend_extension") {
-                       $pattern = preg_quote((new ExecCmd($this->php_config))->run(["--extension-dir"])->getOutput() . "/$extension", "/");
-               } else {
-                       $pattern = preg_quote($extension, "/");
-               }
-               foreach ($this->inis as $file) {
-                       if ($verbose) {
-                               printf("Checking %s ...\n", $file);
-                       }
-                       if (!file_exists($file)) {
-                               throw new Exception(sprintf("INI file '%s' does not exist", $file));
-                       }
-                       $temp = new Tempfile("phpini");
-                       foreach (file($file) as $line) {
-                               if (preg_match("/^\s*{$this->type}\s*=\s*[\"']?{$pattern}[\"']?\s*(;.*)?\$/", $line)) {
-                                       return false;
-                               }
-                               fwrite($temp->getStream(), $line);
-                       }
-               }
-               /* not found; append to last processed file, which is the main by default */
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Activating in %s ...\n", $file);
-               }
-               fprintf($temp->getStream(), $this->type . "=%s\n", $extension);
-               $temp->closeStream();
-               $path = $temp->getPathname();
-               $stat = stat($file);
-               // owner transfer
-               $ugid = sprintf("%d:%d", $stat["uid"], $stat["gid"]);
-               $cmd = new ExecCmd("chown", $verbose);
-               if (isset($this->sudo)) {
-                       $cmd->setSu($this->sudo);
-               }
-               $cmd->run([$ugid, $path]);
-               // permission transfer
-               $perm = decoct($stat["mode"] & 0777);
-               $cmd = new ExecCmd("chmod", $verbose);
-               if (isset($this->sudo)) {
-                       $cmd->setSu($this->sudo);
-               }
-               $cmd->run([$perm, $path]);
-               // rename
-               $cmd = new ExecCmd("mv", $verbose);
-               if (isset($this->sudo)) {
-                       $cmd->setSu($this->sudo);
-               }
-               $cmd->run([$path, $file]);
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Replaced %s ...\n", $file);
-               }
-               return true;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Ask password on console
- */
-class Askpass implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $prompt;
-       /**
-        * @param string $prompt
-        */
-       public function __construct($prompt = "Password:") {
-               $this->prompt = $prompt;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               system("stty -echo");
-               printf("%s ", $this->prompt);
-               $pass = fgets(STDIN, 1024);
-               printf("\n");
-               system("stty echo");
-               if (substr($pass, -1) == "\n") {
-                       $pass = substr($pass, 0, -1);
-               }
-               return $pass;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Task;
-use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
-use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
- * List all library files of pharext to bundle with a phar
- */
-class BundleGenerator implements Task
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return Generator
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Packaging pharext ... \n");
-               }
-               $rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
-               $rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi);
-               for ($rii->rewind(); $rii->valid(); $rii->next()) {
-                       if (!$rii->isDot()) {
-                               yield $rii->getSubPathname() => $rii->key();
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Task;
-use FilesystemIterator;
-use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
-use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
- * Recursively cleanup FS entries
- */
-class Cleanup implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $rm;
-       public function __construct($rm) {
-               $this->rm = $rm;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Cleaning up %s ...\n", $this->rm);
-               }
-               if ($this->rm instanceof Tempfile) {
-                       unset($this->rm);
-               } elseif (is_dir($this->rm)) {
-                       $rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->rm,
-                               FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF | // needed for 5.5
-                               FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME |
-                               FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
-                       $rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi,
-                               RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
-                       foreach ($rii as $path => $child) {
-                               if ($child->isDir()) {
-                                       @rmdir($path);
-                               } else {
-                                       @unlink($path);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       @rmdir($this->rm);
-               } elseif (file_exists($this->rm)) {
-                       @unlink($this->rm);
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\ExecCmd;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Runs extension's configure
- */
-class Configure implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $args;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $cwd;
-       /**
-        * @param string $cwd working directory
-        * @param array $args configure args
-        * @param string $prefix install prefix, e.g. /usr/local
-        * @param string $common_name PHP programs common name, e.g. php5
-        */
-       public function __construct($cwd, array $args = null, $prefix = null, $common_name = "php") {
-               $this->cwd = $cwd;
-               $cmd = $common_name . "-config";
-               if (isset($prefix)) {
-                       $cmd = $prefix . "/bin/" . $cmd;
-               }
-               $this->args =  ["--with-php-config=$cmd"];
-               if ($args) {
-                       $this->args = array_merge($this->args, $args);
-               }
-       }
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Running ./configure ...\n");
-               }
-               $pwd = getcwd();
-               if (!chdir($this->cwd)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               try {
-                       $cmd = new ExecCmd("./configure", $verbose);
-                       $cmd->run($this->args);
-               } finally {
-                       chdir($pwd);
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Archive;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempdir;
-use Phar;
-use PharData;
- * Extract a package archive
- */
-class Extract implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var Phar(Data)
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * @param mixed $source archive location
-        */
-       public function __construct($source) {
-               if ($source instanceof Phar || $source instanceof PharData || $source instanceof Archive) {
-                       $this->source = $source;
-               } else {
-                       $this->source = new PharData($source);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return \pharext\Tempdir
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Extracting %s ...\n", basename($this->source->getPath()));
-               }
-               if ($this->source instanceof Archive) {
-                       return $this->source->extract();
-               }
-               $dest = new Tempdir("extract");
-               $this->source->extractTo($dest);
-               return $dest;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\ExecCmd;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempdir;
- * Clone a git repo
- */
-class GitClone implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $branch;
-       /**
-        * @param string $source git repo location
-        */
-       public function __construct($source, $branch = null) {
-               $this->source = $source;
-               $this->branch = $branch;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return \pharext\Tempdir
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Fetching %s ...\n", $this->source);
-               }
-               $local = new Tempdir("gitclone");
-               $cmd = new ExecCmd("git", $verbose);
-               if (strlen($this->branch)) {
-                       $cmd->run(["clone", "--depth", 1, "--branch", $this->branch, $this->source, $local]);
-               } else {
-                       $cmd->run(["clone", $this->source, $local]);
-               }
-               return $local;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\ExecCmd;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Run make in the source dir
- */
-class Make implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $cwd;
-       /**
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $args;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $sudo;
-       /**
-        *
-        * @param string $cwd working directory
-        * @param array $args make's arguments
-        * @param string $sudo sudo command
-        */
-       public function __construct($cwd, array $args = null, $sudo = null) {
-               $this->cwd = $cwd;
-               $this->sudo = $sudo;
-               $this->args = $args;
-       }
-       /**
-        *
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Running make");
-                       if ($this->args) {
-                               foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
-                                       printf(" %s", $arg);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       printf(" ...\n");
-               }
-               $pwd = getcwd();
-               if (!chdir($this->cwd)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               try {
-                       $cmd = new ExecCmd("make", $verbose);
-                       if (isset($this->sudo)) {
-                               $cmd->setSu($this->sudo);
-                       }
-                       $args = $this->args;
-                       if (!$verbose) {
-                               $args = array_merge((array) $args, ["-s"]);
-                       }
-                       $cmd->run($args);
-               } finally {
-                       chdir($pwd);
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempfile;
-class PaxFixup implements Task
-       private $source;
-       public function __construct($source) {
-               $this->source = $source;
-       }
-       private function openArchive($source) {
-               $hdr = file_get_contents($source, false, null, 0, 3);
-               if ($hdr === "\x1f\x8b\x08") {
-                       $fd = fopen("compress.zlib://$source", "r");
-               } elseif ($hdr === "BZh") {
-                       $fd = fopen("compress.bzip2://$source", "r");
-               } else {
-                       $fd = fopen($source, "r");
-               }
-               if (!is_resource($fd)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return $fd;
-       }
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Fixing up a tarball with global pax header ...\n");
-               }
-               $temp = new Tempfile("paxfix");
-               stream_copy_to_stream($this->openArchive($this->source),
-                       $temp->getStream(), -1, 1024);
-               $temp->closeStream();
-               return (new Extract((string) $temp))->run($verbose);
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Fixup package.xml files in an extracted PECL dir
- */
-class PeclFixup implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * @param string $source source directory
-        */
-       public function __construct($source) {
-               $this->source = $source;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return string sanitized source location
-        * @throws \pahrext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Sanitizing PECL dir ...\n");
-               }
-               $dirs = glob("{$this->source}/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR);
-               $files = array_diff(glob("{$this->source}/*"), $dirs);
-               $check = array_reduce($files, function($r, $v) {
-                       return $v && fnmatch("package*.xml", basename($v));
-               }, true);
-               if (count($dirs) !== 1 || !$check) {
-                       throw new Exception("Does not look like an extracted PECL dir: {$this->source}");
-               }
-               $dest = current($dirs);
-               foreach ($files as $file) {
-                       if ($verbose) {
-                               printf("Moving %s into %s ...\n", basename($file), basename($dest));
-                       }
-                       if (!rename($file, "$dest/" . basename($file))) {
-                               throw new Exception;
-                       }
-               }
-               return $dest;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\SourceDir;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempname;
-use Phar;
- * Build phar
- */
-class PharBuild implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var \pharext\SourceDir
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $stub;
-       /**
-        * @var array
-        */
-       private $meta;
-       /**
-        * @var bool
-        */
-       private $readonly;
-       /**
-        * @param SourceDir $source extension source directory
-        * @param string $stub path to phar stub
-        * @param array $meta phar meta data
-        * @param bool $readonly whether the stub has -dphar.readonly=1 set
-        */
-       public function __construct(SourceDir $source = null, $stub, array $meta = null, $readonly = true) {
-               $this->source = $source;
-               $this->stub = $stub;
-               $this->meta = $meta;
-               $this->readonly = $readonly;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return \pharext\Tempname
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               /* Phar::compress() and ::convert*() use strtok("."), ugh!
-                * so, be sure to not use any other dots in the filename
-                * except for .phar
-                */
-               $temp = new Tempname("", "-pharext.phar");
-               $phar = new Phar($temp);
-               $phar->startBuffering();
-               if ($this->meta) {
-                       $phar->setMetadata($this->meta);
-               }
-               if ($this->stub) {
-                       (new PharStub($phar, $this->stub))->run($verbose);
-               }
-               $phar->buildFromIterator((new Task\BundleGenerator)->run());
-               if ($this->source) {
-                       if ($verbose) {
-                               $bdir = $this->source->getBaseDir();
-                               $blen = strlen($bdir);
-                               foreach ($this->source as $index => $file) {
-                                       if (is_resource($file)) {
-                                               printf("Packaging %s ...\n", $index);
-                                               $phar[$index] = $file;
-                                       } else {
-                                               printf("Packaging %s ...\n", $index = trim(substr($file, $blen), "/"));
-                                               $phar->addFile($file, $index);
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               $phar->buildFromIterator($this->source, $this->source->getBaseDir());
-                       }
-               }
-               $phar->stopBuffering();
-               if (!chmod($temp, fileperms($temp) | 0111)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return $temp;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Task;
-use Phar;
- * Clone a compressed copy of a phar
- */
-class PharCompress implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $file;
-       /**
-        * @var Phar
-        */
-       private $package;
-       /**
-        * @var int
-        */
-       private $encoding;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $extension;
-       /**
-        * @param string $file path to the original phar
-        * @param int $encoding Phar::GZ or Phar::BZ2
-        */
-       public function __construct($file, $encoding) {
-               $this->file = $file;
-               $this->package = new Phar($file);
-               $this->encoding = $encoding;
-               switch ($encoding) {
-                       case Phar::GZ:
-                               $this->extension = ".gz";
-                               break;
-                       case Phar::BZ2:
-                               $this->extension = ".bz2";
-                               break;
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Compressing %s ...\n", basename($this->package->getPath()));
-               }
-               /* stop shebang */
-               $stub = $this->package->getStub();
-               $phar = $this->package->compress($this->encoding);
-               $phar->setStub(substr($stub, strpos($stub, "\n")+1));
-               return $this->file . $this->extension;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Rename the phar archive
- */
-class PharRename implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $phar;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $dest;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $name;
-       /**
-        * @param string $phar path to phar
-        * @param string $dest destination dir
-        * @param string $name package name
-        */
-       public function __construct($phar, $dest, $name) {
-               $this->phar = $phar;
-               $this->dest = $dest;
-               $this->name = $name;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return string path to renamed phar
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               $extension = substr(strstr($this->phar, "-pharext.phar"), 8);
-               $name = sprintf("%s/%s.ext%s", $this->dest, $this->name, $extension);
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Renaming %s to %s ...\n", basename($this->phar), basename($name));
-               }
-               if (!rename($this->phar, $name)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return $name;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Openssl;
-use pharext\Task;
-use Phar;
- * Sign the phar with a private key
- */
-class PharSign implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var Phar
-        */
-       private $phar;
-       /**
-        * @var \pharext\Openssl\PrivateKey
-        */
-       private $pkey;
-       /**
-        *
-        * @param mixed $phar phar instance or path to phar
-        * @param string $pkey path to private key
-        * @param string $pass password for the private key
-        */
-       public function __construct($phar, $pkey, $pass) {
-               if ($phar instanceof Phar || $phar instanceof PharData) {
-                       $this->phar = $phar;
-               } else {
-                       $this->phar = new Phar($phar);
-               }
-               $this->pkey = new Openssl\PrivateKey($pkey, $pass);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return \pharext\Openssl\PrivateKey
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Signing %s ...\n", basename($this->phar->getPath()));
-               }
-               $this->pkey->sign($this->phar);
-               return $this->pkey;
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use Phar;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Set the phar's stub
- */
-class PharStub implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var \Phar
-        */
-       private $phar;
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $stub;
-       /**
-        * @param \Phar $phar
-        * @param string $stub file path to the stub
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       function __construct(Phar $phar, $stub) {
-               $this->phar = $phar;
-               if (!file_exists($this->stub = $stub)) {
-                       throw new Exception("File '$stub' does not exist");
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        */
-       function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose) {
-                       printf("Using stub '%s'...\n", basename($this->stub));
-               }
-               $stub = preg_replace_callback('/^#include <([^>]+)>/m', function($includes) {
-                       return file_get_contents($includes[1], true, null, 5);
-               }, file_get_contents($this->stub));
-               if ($this->phar->isCompressed() && substr($stub, 0, 2) === "#!") {
-                       $stub = substr($stub, strpos($stub, "\n")+1);
-               }
-               $this->phar->setStub($stub);
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\ExecCmd;
-use pharext\Task;
- * Run phpize in the extension source directory
- */
-class Phpize implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $phpize;
-       /**
-        *
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $cwd;
-       /**
-        * @param string $cwd working directory
-        * @param string $prefix install prefix, e.g. /usr/local
-        * @param string $common_name PHP program common name, e.g. php5
-        */
-       public function __construct($cwd, $prefix = null,  $common_name = "php") {
-               $this->cwd = $cwd;
-               $cmd = $common_name . "ize";
-               if (isset($prefix)) {
-                       $cmd = $prefix . "/bin/" . $cmd;
-               }
-               $this->phpize = $cmd;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Running %s ...\n", $this->phpize);
-               }
-               $pwd = getcwd();
-               if (!chdir($this->cwd)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               try {
-                       $cmd = new ExecCmd($this->phpize, $verbose);
-                       $cmd->run();
-               } finally {
-                       chdir($pwd);
-               }
-       }
-namespace pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Exception;
-use pharext\Task;
-use pharext\Tempfile;
- * Fetch a remote archive
- */
-class StreamFetch implements Task
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $source;
-       /**
-        * @var callable
-        */
-       private $progress;
-       /**
-        * @param string $source remote file location
-        * @param callable $progress progress callback
-        */
-       public function __construct($source, callable $progress) {
-               $this->source = $source;
-               $this->progress = $progress;
-       }
-       private function createStreamContext() {
-               $progress = $this->progress;
-               /* avoid bytes_max bug of older PHP versions */
-               $maxbytes = 0;
-               return stream_context_create([],["notification" => function($notification, $severity, $message, $code, $bytes_cur, $bytes_max) use($progress, &$maxbytes) {
-                       if ($bytes_max > $maxbytes) {
-                               $maxbytes = $bytes_max;
-                       }
-                       switch ($notification) {
-                               case STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT:
-                                       $progress(0);
-                                       break;
-                               case STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS:
-                                       $progress($maxbytes > 0 ? $bytes_cur/$maxbytes : .5);
-                                       break;
-                               case STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED:
-                                       /* this is sometimes not generated, why? */
-                                       $progress(1);
-                                       break;
-                       }
-               }]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param bool $verbose
-        * @return \pharext\Task\Tempfile
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function run($verbose = false) {
-               if ($verbose !== false) {
-                       printf("Fetching %s ...\n", $this->source);
-               }
-               $context = $this->createStreamContext();
-               if (!$remote = fopen($this->source, "r", false, $context)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $local = new Tempfile("remote");
-               if (!stream_copy_to_stream($remote, $local->getStream())) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $local->closeStream();
-               /* STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED is not generated, see above */
-               call_user_func($this->progress, 1);
-               return $local;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Simple task interface
- */
-interface Task
-       public function run($verbose = false);
-namespace pharext;
- * Create a temporary directory
- */
-class Tempdir extends \SplFileInfo
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix prefix to uniqid()
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix) {
-               $temp = new Tempname($prefix);
-               if (!is_dir($temp) && !mkdir($temp, 0700, true)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Could not create tempdir: ".error_get_last()["message"]);
-               }
-               parent::__construct($temp);
-       }
-namespace pharext;
- * Create a new temporary file
- */
-class Tempfile extends \SplFileInfo
-       /**
-        * @var resource
-        */
-       private $handle;
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix uniqid() prefix
-        * @param string $suffix e.g. file extension
-        * @throws \pharext\Exception
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix, $suffix = ".tmp") {
-               $tries = 0;
-               $omask = umask(077);
-               do {
-                       $path = new Tempname($prefix, $suffix);
-                       $this->handle = fopen($path, "x");
-               } while (!is_resource($this->handle) && $tries++ < 10);
-               umask($omask);
-               if (!is_resource($this->handle)) {
-                       throw new Exception("Could not create temporary file");
-               }
-               parent::__construct($path);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Unlink the file
-        */
-       public function __destruct() {
-               if (is_file($this->getPathname())) {
-                       @unlink($this->getPathname());
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Close the stream
-        */
-       public function closeStream() {
-               fclose($this->handle);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the stream resource
-        * @return resource
-        */
-       public function getStream() {
-               return $this->handle;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use pharext\Exception;
- * A temporary file/directory name
- */
-class Tempname
-       /**
-        * @var string
-        */
-       private $name;
-       /**
-        * @param string $prefix uniqid() prefix
-        * @param string $suffix e.g. file extension
-        */
-       public function __construct($prefix, $suffix = null) {
-               $temp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/pharext-" . $this->getUser();
-               if (!is_dir($temp) && !mkdir($temp, 0700, true)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               $this->name = $temp ."/". uniqid($prefix) . $suffix;
-       }
-       private function getUser() {
-               if (extension_loaded("posix") && function_exists("posix_getpwuid")) {
-                       return posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid())["name"];
-               }
-               return trim(`whoami 2>/dev/null`)
-                       ?: trim(`id -nu 2>/dev/null`)
-                       ?: getenv("USER")
-                       ?: get_current_user();
-       }
-       /**
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function __toString() {
-               return (string) $this->name;
-       }
-namespace pharext;
-use Phar;
-use PharFileInfo;
-use SplFileInfo;
-use pharext\Exception;
-class Updater implements Command
-       use Cli\Command;
-       /**
-        * Create the command
-        */
-       public function __construct() {
-               $this->args = new Cli\Args([
-                       ["h", "help", "Display this help",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       ["v", "verbose", "More output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       ["q", "quiet", "Less output",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG],
-                       [null, "signature", "Show pharext signature",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "license", "Show pharext license",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [null, "version", "Show pharext version",
-                               Cli\Args::OPTIONAL|Cli\Args::SINGLE|Cli\Args::NOARG|Cli\Args::HALT],
-                       [0, "path", "Path to .ext.phar to update",
-                               Cli\Args::REQUIRED|Cli\Args::MULTI],
-               ]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @inheritdoc
-        * @see \pharext\Command::run()
-        */
-       public function run($argc, array $argv) {
-               $errs = [];
-               $prog = array_shift($argv);
-               foreach ($this->args->parse(--$argc, $argv) as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($this->args["help"]) {
-                       $this->header();
-                       $this->help($prog);
-                       exit;
-               }
-               try {
-                       foreach (["signature", "license", "version"] as $opt) {
-                               if ($this->args[$opt]) {
-                                       printf("%s\n", $this->metadata($opt));
-                                       exit;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage());
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               foreach ($this->args->validate() as $error) {
-                       $errs[] = $error;
-               }
-               if ($errs) {
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->header();
-                       }
-                       foreach ($errs as $err) {
-                               $this->error("%s\n", $err);
-                       }
-                       printf("\n");
-                       if (!$this->args["quiet"]) {
-                               $this->help($prog);
-                       }
-                       exit(self::EARGS);
-               }
-               foreach ($this->args[0] as $file) {
-                       $info = new SplFileInfo($file);
-                       while ($info->isLink()) {
-                               $info = new SplFileInfo($info->getLinkTarget());
-                       }
-                       if ($info->isFile()) {
-                               if (!$this->updatePackage($info)) {
-                                       $this->warn("Cannot upgrade pre-v3 packages\n");
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               $this->error("File '%s' does not exist\n", $file);
-                               exit(self::EARGS);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Replace the pharext core in an .ext.phar package
-        * @param string $temp path to temp phar
-        * @return boolean FALSE if the package is too old (pre-v3) to upgrade
-        */
-       private function replacePharext($temp) {
-               $phar = new Phar($temp, Phar::CURRENT_AS_SELF);
-               $phar->startBuffering();
-               if (!$meta = $phar->getMetadata()) {
-                       // don't upgrade pre-v3 packages
-                       return false;
-               }
-               // replace current pharext files
-               $core = (new Task\BundleGenerator)->run($this->verbosity());
-               $phar->buildFromIterator($core);
-               $stub = __DIR__."/../pharext_installer.php";
-               (new Task\PharStub($phar, $stub))->run($this->verbosity());
-               // check dependencies
-               foreach ($phar as $info) {
-                       if (fnmatch("*.ext.phar*", $info->getBasename())) {
-                               $this->updatePackage($info, $phar);
-                       }
-               }
-               $phar->stopBuffering();
-               $phar->setMetadata([
-                       "version" => Metadata::version(),
-                       "header" => Metadata::header(),
-               ] + $meta);
-               $this->info("Updated pharext version from '%s' to '%s'\n",
-                       isset($meta["version"]) ? $meta["version"] : "(unknown)",
-                       $phar->getMetadata()["version"]);
-               return true;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Update an .ext.phar package to the current pharext version
-        * @param SplFileInfo $file
-        * @param Phar $phar the parent phar containing $file as dependency
-        * @return boolean FALSE if the package is too old (pre-v3) to upgrade
-        * @throws Exception
-        */
-       private function updatePackage(SplFileInfo $file, Phar $phar = null) {
-               $this->info("Updating pharext core in '%s'...\n", basename($file));
-               $temp = new Tempname("update", substr(strstr($file, ".ext.phar"), 4));
-               if (!copy($file->getPathname(), $temp)) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               if (!chmod($temp, $file->getPerms())) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               if (!$this->replacePharext($temp)) {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               if ($phar) {
-                       $phar->addFile($temp, $file);
-               } elseif (!rename($temp, $file->getPathname())) {
-                       throw new Exception;
-               }
-               return true;
-       }
-#!/usr/bin/env php
- * The installer sub-stub for extension phars
- */
-namespace pharext;
-define("PHAREXT_PHAR", __FILE__);
-spl_autoload_register(function($c) {
-       return include strtr($c, "\\_", "//") . ".php";
-#include <pharext/Exception.php>
-#include <pharext/Tempname.php>
-#include <pharext/Tempfile.php>
-#include <pharext/Tempdir.php>
-#include <pharext/Archive.php>
-namespace pharext;
-if (extension_loaded("Phar")) {
-       \Phar::interceptFileFuncs();
-       \Phar::mapPhar();
-       $phardir = "phar://".__FILE__;
-} else {
-       $archive = new Archive(__FILE__);
-       $phardir = $archive->extract();
-set_include_path("$phardir:". get_include_path());
-$installer = new Installer();
-$installer->run($argc, $argv);
-#!/usr/bin/php -dphar.readonly=0
- * The packager sub-stub for bin/pharext
- */
-namespace pharext;
-spl_autoload_register(function($c) {
-       return include strtr($c, "\\_", "//") . ".php";
-set_include_path('phar://' . __FILE__ .":". get_include_path());
-if (!extension_loaded("Phar")) {
-       fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: Phar extension not loaded\n\n");
-       fprintf(STDERR, "\tPlease load the phar extension in your php.ini\n".
-                                       "\tor rebuild PHP with the --enable-phar flag.\n\n");
-       exit(1);
-if (ini_get("phar.readonly")) {
-       fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: Phar is configured read-only\n\n");
-       fprintf(STDERR, "\tPlease specify phar.readonly=0 in your php.ini\n".
-                                       "\tor run this command with php -dphar.readonly=0\n\n");
-       exit(1);
-$packager = new Packager();
-$packager->run($argc, $argv);
-#!/usr/bin/php -dphar.readonly=0
- * The installer updater stub for extension phars
- */
-namespace pharext;
-spl_autoload_register(function($c) {
-       return include strtr($c, "\\_", "//") . ".php";
-set_include_path('phar://' . __FILE__ .":". get_include_path());
-if (!extension_loaded("Phar")) {
-       fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: Phar extension not loaded\n\n");
-       fprintf(STDERR, "\tPlease load the phar extension in your php.ini\n".
-                                       "\tor rebuild PHP with the --enable-phar flag.\n\n");
-       exit(1);
-if (ini_get("phar.readonly")) {
-       fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: Phar is configured read-only\n\n");
-       fprintf(STDERR, "\tPlease specify phar.readonly=0 in your php.ini\n".
-                                       "\tor run this command with php -dphar.readonly=0\n\n");
-       exit(1);
-$updater = new Updater();
-$updater->run($argc, $argv);
-return new pharext\SourceDir\Pecl(__DIR__);
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- packagerversion="1.4.11" 
- version="2.0" 
- xmlns="" 
- xmlns:tasks="" 
- xmlns:xsi="" 
- xsi:schemaLocation="
- <name>raphf</name>
- <channel></channel>
- <summary>Resource and persistent handles factory</summary>
- <description>A reusable split-off of pecl_http's persistent handle and resource factory API.</description>
- <lead>
-  <name>Michael Wallner</name>
-  <user>mike</user>
-  <email></email>
-  <active>yes</active>
- </lead>
- <date>2015-07-28</date>
- <version>
-  <release>1.1.0</release>
-  <api>1.0.0</api>
- </version>
- <stability>
-  <release>stable</release>
-  <api>stable</api>
- </stability>
- <license>BSD, revised</license>
- <notes><![CDATA[
-* Fixed php module dependency check with RTLD_LAZY
-+ Source code documentation available at
- <contents>
-  <dir name="/">
-   <file role="doc" name="CREDITS" />
-   <file role="doc" name="LICENSE" />
-   <file role="doc" name="Doxyfile" />
-   <file role="src" name="config.m4" />
-   <file role="src" name="config.w32" />
-   <file role="src" name="php_raphf.h" />
-   <file role="src" name="php_raphf_api.h" />
-   <file role="src" name="php_raphf.c" />
-   <dir name="tests">
-    <file role="test" name="http001.phpt" />
-    <file role="test" name="http002.phpt" />
-    <file role="test" name="http003.phpt" />
-    <file role="test" name="http004.phpt" />
-   </dir>
-  </dir>
- </contents>
- <dependencies>
-  <required>
-   <php>
-    <min>5.3.0</min>
-    <max>7.0.0</max>
-    <exclude>7.0.0</exclude>
-   </php>
-   <pearinstaller>
-    <min>1.4.0</min>
-   </pearinstaller>
-  </required>
- </dependencies>
- <providesextension>raphf</providesextension>
- <extsrcrelease/>
-Michael Wallner
-Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Wallner <>.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
-      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
-      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
-      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# Doxyfile
-# Project related configuration options
-PROJECT_NAME           = "Resource and persistent handle factory API"
-PROJECT_BRIEF          = "A facility to manage possibly persistent resources with a comprehensible API.  Provides simliar functionality like the zend_list API, but with more flexiblity and freedom."
-PROJECT_LOGO           = raphf.png
-OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
-REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
-SHORT_NAMES            = NO
-QT_AUTOBRIEF           = NO
-INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
-TAB_SIZE               = 4
-ALIASES                =
-TCL_SUBST              =
-SIP_SUPPORT            = NO
-SUBGROUPING            = YES
-# Build related configuration options
-EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
-INTERNAL_DOCS          = NO
-INLINE_INFO            = YES
-SHOW_FILES             = YES
-LAYOUT_FILE            =
-CITE_BIB_FILES         =
-# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
-QUIET                  = NO
-WARNINGS               = YES
-WARN_FORMAT            = "$file:$line: $text"
-WARN_LOGFILE           =
-# Configuration options related to the input files
-INPUT                  = php_raphf.h
-FILE_PATTERNS          =
-RECURSIVE              = NO
-EXCLUDE                =
-EXAMPLE_PATH           =
-IMAGE_PATH             =
-INPUT_FILTER           =
-# Configuration options related to source browsing
-USE_HTAGS              = NO
-# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
-IGNORE_PREFIX          =
-# Configuration options related to the HTML output
-HTML_OUTPUT            = .
-HTML_HEADER            =
-HTML_FOOTER            =
-DOCSET_FEEDNAME        = "Doxygen generated docs"
-DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID       = org.doxygen.Project
-DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID    = org.doxygen.Publisher
-CHM_FILE               =
-HHC_LOCATION           =
-GENERATE_CHI           = NO
-BINARY_TOC             = NO
-TOC_EXPAND             = NO
-GENERATE_QHP           = NO
-QCH_FILE               =
-QHP_NAMESPACE          = org.doxygen.Project
-QHG_LOCATION           =
-ECLIPSE_DOC_ID         = org.doxygen.Project
-DISABLE_INDEX          = NO
-TREEVIEW_WIDTH         = 250
-USE_MATHJAX            = NO
-SEARCHDATA_FILE        = searchdata.xml
-# Configuration options related to the LaTeX output
-LATEX_OUTPUT           = latex
-LATEX_CMD_NAME         = latex
-MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME     = makeindex
-COMPACT_LATEX          = NO
-PAPER_TYPE             = a4
-LATEX_HEADER           =
-LATEX_FOOTER           =
-USE_PDFLATEX           = YES
-LATEX_BIB_STYLE        = plain
-# Configuration options related to the RTF output
-GENERATE_RTF           = NO
-RTF_OUTPUT             = rtf
-COMPACT_RTF            = NO
-# Configuration options related to the man page output
-GENERATE_MAN           = NO
-MAN_OUTPUT             = man
-MAN_EXTENSION          = .3
-MAN_SUBDIR             =
-MAN_LINKS              = NO
-# Configuration options related to the XML output
-GENERATE_XML           = NO
-XML_OUTPUT             = xml
-# Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
-DOCBOOK_OUTPUT         = docbook
-# Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
-# Configuration options related to the Perl module output
-PERLMOD_LATEX          = NO
-# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
-INCLUDE_PATH           =
-PREDEFINED             = DOXYGEN \
-                         TSRMLS_C= \
-                         TSRMLS_D= \
-                         TSRMLS_CC= \
-                         TSRMLS_DC= \
-                         PHP_RAPHF_API=
-# Configuration options related to external references
-TAGFILES               =
-ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
-PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl
-# Configuration options related to the dot tool
-MSCGEN_PATH            =
-DIA_PATH               =
-HAVE_DOT               = YES
-DOT_NUM_THREADS        = 0
-DOT_FONTNAME           = Helvetica
-DOT_FONTSIZE           = 10
-DOT_FONTPATH           =
-CLASS_GRAPH            = NO
-GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
-UML_LOOK               = NO
-CALL_GRAPH             = YES
-CALLER_GRAPH           = YES
-DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
-DOT_PATH               =
-DOTFILE_DIRS           =
-MSCFILE_DIRS           =
-DIAFILE_DIRS           =
-DOT_CLEANUP            = YES
-PHP_ARG_ENABLE(raphf, whether to enable raphf support,
-[  --enable-raphf           Enable resource and persistent handles factory support])
-if test "$PHP_RAPHF" != "no"; then
-       PHP_INSTALL_HEADERS(ext/raphf, php_raphf.h php_raphf_api.h)
-       PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(raphf, php_raphf.c, $ext_shared)
-ARG_ENABLE("raphf", "for raphf support", "no");\r
-if (PHP_RAPHF == "yes") {\r
-               EXTENSION("raphf", "php_raphf.c");\r
-               AC_DEFINE("HAVE_RAPHF", 1);\r
-               PHP_INSTALL_HEADERS("ext/raphf", "php_raphf.h");\r
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | PECL :: raphf                                                      |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
-    | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
-    | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Wallner <>                 |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-#ifndef PHP_RAPHF_H
-#define PHP_RAPHF_H
-extern zend_module_entry raphf_module_entry;
-#define phpext_raphf_ptr &raphf_module_entry
-#define PHP_RAPHF_VERSION "1.1.0"
-#ifdef PHP_WIN32
-#      define PHP_RAPHF_API __declspec(dllexport)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
-#      define PHP_RAPHF_API extern __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
-#      define PHP_RAPHF_API extern
-#ifdef ZTS
-#      include "TSRM.h"
-#include "php_raphf_api.h"
-#endif /* PHP_RAPHF_H */
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
- * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
- */
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | PECL :: raphf                                                      |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
-    | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
-    | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Wallner <>                 |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-#ifndef PHP_RAPHF_API_H
-#define PHP_RAPHF_API_H
- * A resource constructor.
- *
- * @param opaque is the \a data from php_persistent_handle_provide()
- * @param init_arg is the \a init_arg from php_resource_factory_init()
- * @return the created (persistent) handle
- */
-typedef void *(*php_resource_factory_handle_ctor_t)(void *opaque,
-               void *init_arg TSRMLS_DC);
- * The copy constructor of a resource.
- *
- * @param opaque the factory's data
- * @param handle the (persistent) handle to copy
- */
-typedef void *(*php_resource_factory_handle_copy_t)(void *opaque,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * The destructor of a resource.
- *
- * @param opaque the factory's data
- * @param handle the handle to destroy
- */
-typedef void (*php_resource_factory_handle_dtor_t)(void *opaque,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * The resource ops consisting of a ctor, a copy ctor and a dtor.
- *
- * Define this ops and register them with php_persistent_handle_provide()
- * in MINIT.
- */
-typedef struct php_resource_factory_ops {
-       /** The resource constructor */
-       php_resource_factory_handle_ctor_t ctor;
-       /** The resource's copy constructor */
-       php_resource_factory_handle_copy_t copy;
-       /** The resource's destructor */
-       php_resource_factory_handle_dtor_t dtor;
-} php_resource_factory_ops_t;
- * The resource factory.
- */
-typedef struct php_resource_factory {
-       /** The resource ops */
-       php_resource_factory_ops_t fops;
-       /** Opaque user data */
-       void *data;
-       /** User data destructor */
-       void (*dtor)(void *data);
-       /** How often this factory is referenced */
-       unsigned refcount;
-} php_resource_factory_t;
- * Initialize a resource factory.
- *
- * If you register a \a dtor for a resource factory used with a persistent
- * handle provider, be sure to call php_persistent_handle_cleanup() for your
- * registered provider in MSHUTDOWN, else the dtor will point to no longer
- * available memory if the extension has already been unloaded.
- *
- * @param f the factory to initialize; if NULL allocated on the heap
- * @param fops the resource ops to assign to the factory
- * @param data opaque user data; may be NULL
- * @param dtor a destructor for the data; may be NULL
- * @return \a f or an allocated resource factory
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API php_resource_factory_t *php_resource_factory_init(
-               php_resource_factory_t *f, php_resource_factory_ops_t *fops, void *data,
-               void (*dtor)(void *data));
- * Increase the refcount of the resource factory.
- *
- * @param rf the resource factory
- * @return the new refcount
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API unsigned php_resource_factory_addref(php_resource_factory_t *rf);
- * Destroy the resource factory.
- *
- * If the factory's refcount reaches 0, the \a dtor for \a data is called.
- *
- * @param f the resource factory
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_resource_factory_dtor(php_resource_factory_t *f);
- * Destroy and free the resource factory.
- *
- * Calls php_resource_factory_dtor() and frees \æ f if the factory's refcount
- * reached 0.
- *
- * @param f the resource factory
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_resource_factory_free(php_resource_factory_t **f);
- * Construct a resource by the resource factory \a f
- *
- * @param f the resource factory
- * @param init_arg for the resource constructor
- * @return the new resource
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void *php_resource_factory_handle_ctor(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *init_arg TSRMLS_DC);
- * Create a copy of the resource \a handle
- *
- * @param f the resource factory
- * @param handle the resource to copy
- * @return the copy
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void *php_resource_factory_handle_copy(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Destroy (and free) the resource
- *
- * @param f the resource factory
- * @param handle the resource to destroy
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_resource_factory_handle_dtor(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Persistent handles storage
- */
-typedef struct php_persistent_handle_list {
-       /** Storage of free resources */
-       HashTable free;
-       /** Count of acquired resources */
-       ulong used;
-} php_persistent_handle_list_t;
- * Definition of a persistent handle provider.
- * Holds a resource factory an a persistent handle list.
- */
-typedef struct php_persistent_handle_provider {
-        /**
-         * The list of free handles.
-         * Hash of "ident" => array(handles) entries. Persistent handles are
-         * acquired out of this list.
-         */
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t list;
-       /**
-        * The resource factory.
-        * New handles are created by this factory.
-        */
-       php_resource_factory_t rf;
-} php_persistent_handle_provider_t;
-typedef struct php_persistent_handle_factory php_persistent_handle_factory_t;
- * Wakeup the persistent handle on re-acquisition.
- */
-typedef void (*php_persistent_handle_wakeup_t)(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *f, void **handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Retire the persistent handle on release.
- */
-typedef void (*php_persistent_handle_retire_t)(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *f, void **handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Definition of a persistent handle factory.
- *
- * php_persistent_handle_concede() will return a pointer to a
- * php_persistent_handle_factory if a provider for the \a name_str has
- * been registered with php_persistent_handle_provide().
- */
-struct php_persistent_handle_factory {
-       /** The persistent handle provider */
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider;
-       /** The persistent handle wakeup routine; may be NULL */
-       php_persistent_handle_wakeup_t wakeup;
-       /** The persistent handle retire routine; may be NULL */
-       php_persistent_handle_retire_t retire;
-       /** The ident for which this factory manages resources */
-       struct {
-               /** ident string */
-               char *str;
-               /** ident length */
-               size_t len;
-       } ident;
-       /** Whether it has to be free'd on php_persistent_handle_abandon() */
-       unsigned free_on_abandon:1;
- * Register a persistent handle provider in MINIT.
- *
- * Registers a factory provider for \a name_str with \a fops resource factory
- * ops. Call this in your MINIT.
- *
- * A php_resource_factory will be created with \a fops, \a data and \a dtor
- * and will be stored together with a php_persistent_handle_list in the global
- * raphf hash.
- *
- * A php_persistent_handle_factory can then be retrieved by
- * php_persistent_handle_concede() at runtime.
- *
- * @param name_str the provider name, e.g. "http\Client\Curl"
- * @param name_len the provider name length, e.g. strlen("http\Client\Curl")
- * @param fops the resource factory ops
- * @param data opaque user data
- * @param dtor \a data destructor
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API int /* SUCCESS|FAILURE */ php_persistent_handle_provide(
-               const char *name_str, size_t name_len, php_resource_factory_ops_t *fops,
-               void *data, void (*dtor)(void *) TSRMLS_DC);
- * Retrieve a persistent handle factory at runtime.
- *
- * If a persistent handle provider has been registered for \a name_str, a new
- * php_persistent_handle_factory creating resources in the \a ident_str
- * namespace will be constructed.
- *
- * The wakeup routine \a wakeup and the retire routine \a retire will be
- * assigned to the new php_persistent_handle_factory.
- *
- * @param a pointer to a factory; allocated on the heap if NULL
- * @param name_str the provider name, e.g. "http\Client\Curl"
- * @param name_len the provider name length, e.g. strlen("http\Client\Curl")
- * @param ident_str the subsidiary namespace, e.g. ""
- * @param ident_len the subsidiary namespace lenght, e.g. strlen("")
- * @param wakeup any persistent handle wakeup routine
- * @param retire any persistent handle retire routine
- * @return \a a or an allocated persistent handle factory
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API php_persistent_handle_factory_t *php_persistent_handle_concede(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, const char *name_str,
-               size_t name_len, const char *ident_str, size_t ident_len,
-               php_persistent_handle_wakeup_t wakeup,
-               php_persistent_handle_retire_t retire TSRMLS_DC);
- * Abandon the persistent handle factory.
- *
- * Destroy a php_persistent_handle_factory created by
- * php_persistent_handle_concede(). If the memory for the factory was allocated,
- * it will automatically be free'd.
- *
- * @param a the persistent handle factory to destroy
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_persistent_handle_abandon(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a);
- * Acquire a persistent handle.
- *
- * That is, either re-use a resource from the free list or create a new handle.
- *
- * If a handle is acquired from the free list, the
- * php_persistent_handle_factory::wakeup callback will be executed for that
- * handle.
- *
- * @param a the persistent handle factory
- * @param init_arg the \a init_arg for php_resource_factory_handle_ctor()
- * @return the acquired resource
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void *php_persistent_handle_acquire(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *init_arg TSRMLS_DC);
- * Release a persistent handle.
- *
- * That is, either put it back into the free list for later re-use or clean it
- * up with php_resource_factory_handle_dtor().
- *
- * If a handle is put back into the free list, the
- * php_persistent_handle_factory::retire callback will be executed for that
- * handle.
- *
- * @param a the persistent handle factory
- * @param handle the handle to release
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_persistent_handle_release(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Copy a persistent handle.
- *
- * Let the underlying resource factory copy the \a handle.
- *
- * @param a the persistent handle factory
- * @param handle the resource to accrete
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void *php_persistent_handle_accrete(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *handle TSRMLS_DC);
- * Retrieve persistent handle resource factory ops.
- *
- * These ops can be used to mask a persistent handle factory as
- * resource factory itself, so you can transparently use the
- * resource factory API, both for persistent and non-persistent
- * ressources.
- *
- * Example:
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
- * php_resource_factory_t *create_my_rf(const char *persistent_id_str,
- *                                      size_t persistent_id_len TSRMLS_DC)
- * {
- *     php_resource_factory_t *rf;
- *
- *     if (persistent_id_str) {
- *         php_persistent_handle_factory_t *pf;
- *         php_resource_factory_ops_t *ops;
- *
- *         ops = php_persistent_handle_get_resource_factory_ops();
- *
- *         pf = php_persistent_handle_concede(NULL, "my", 2,
- *             persistent_id_str, persistent_id_len, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
- *
- *         rf = php_persistent_handle_resource_factory_init(NULL, pf);
- *     } else {
- *         rf = php_resource_factory_init(NULL, &myops, NULL, NULL);
- *     }
- *     return rf;
- * }
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API php_resource_factory_ops_t *
- * Create a resource factory for persistent handles.
- *
- * This will create a resource factory with persistent handle ops, which wraps
- * the provided reource factory \a pf.
- *
- * @param a the persistent handle resource factory to initialize
- * @param pf the resource factory to wrap
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API php_resource_factory_t *
-php_persistent_handle_resource_factory_init(php_resource_factory_t *a,
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *pf);
- * Check whether a resource factory is a persistent handle resource factory.
- *
- * @param a the resource factory to check
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API zend_bool php_resource_factory_is_persistent(
-               php_resource_factory_t *a);
- * Clean persistent handles up.
- *
- * Destroy persistent handles of provider \a name_str and in subsidiary
- * namespace \a ident_str.
- *
- * If \a name_str is NULL, all persistent handles of all providers with a
- * matching \a ident_str will be cleaned up.
- *
- * If \a ident_str is NULL all persistent handles of the provider will be
- * cleaned up.
- *
- * Ergo, if both, \a name_str and \a ident_str are NULL, then all
- * persistent handles will be cleaned up.
- *
- * You must call this in MSHUTDOWN, if your resource factory ops hold a
- * registered php_resource_factory::dtor, else the dtor will point to
- * memory not any more available if the extension has already been unloaded.
- *
- * @param name_str the provider name; may be NULL
- * @param name_len the provider name length
- * @param ident_str the subsidiary namespace name; may be NULL
- * @param ident_len the subsidiary namespace name length
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_persistent_handle_cleanup(const char *name_str,
-               size_t name_len, const char *ident_str, size_t ident_len TSRMLS_DC);
- * Retrieve statistics about the current process/thread's persistent handles.
- *
- * @return a HashTable like:
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- *     [
- *         "name" => [
- *             "ident" => [
- *                 "used" => 1,
- *                 "free" => 0,
- *             ]
- *         ]
- *     ]
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- */
-PHP_RAPHF_API HashTable *php_persistent_handle_statall(HashTable *ht TSRMLS_DC);
-#endif /* PHP_RAPHF_API_H */
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
- * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
- */
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | PECL :: raphf                                                      |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
-    | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
-    | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Wallner <>                 |
-    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-#      include "config.h"
-#include "php.h"
-#include "php_ini.h"
-#include "ext/standard/info.h"
-#include "php_raphf.h"
-struct php_persistent_handle_globals {
-       ulong limit;
-       HashTable hash;
-       struct php_persistent_handle_globals persistent_handle;
-#ifdef ZTS
-#      define PHP_RAPHF_G ((zend_raphf_globals *) \
-               (*((void ***) tsrm_ls))[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(raphf_globals_id)])
-#      define PHP_RAPHF_G (&raphf_globals)
-#if PHP_VERSION_ID < 50500
-#undef SUCCESS
-#undef FAILURE
-typedef enum {
-       SUCCESS = 0,
-       FAILURE = -1
-#      undef inline
-#      define inline
-php_resource_factory_t *php_resource_factory_init(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               php_resource_factory_ops_t *fops, void *data, void (*dtor)(void *data))
-       if (!f) {
-               f = emalloc(sizeof(*f));
-       }
-       memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
-       memcpy(&f->fops, fops, sizeof(*fops));
-       f->data = data;
-       f->dtor = dtor;
-       f->refcount = 1;
-       return f;
-unsigned php_resource_factory_addref(php_resource_factory_t *rf)
-       return ++rf->refcount;
-void php_resource_factory_dtor(php_resource_factory_t *f)
-       --f->refcount;
-       if (!f->refcount) {
-               if (f->dtor) {
-                       f->dtor(f->data);
-               }
-       }
-void php_resource_factory_free(php_resource_factory_t **f)
-       if (*f) {
-               php_resource_factory_dtor(*f);
-               if (!(*f)->refcount) {
-                       efree(*f);
-                       *f = NULL;
-               }
-       }
-void *php_resource_factory_handle_ctor(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *init_arg TSRMLS_DC)
-       if (f->fops.ctor) {
-               return f->fops.ctor(f->data, init_arg TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-       return NULL;
-void *php_resource_factory_handle_copy(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC)
-       if (f->fops.copy) {
-               return f->fops.copy(f->data, handle TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-       return NULL;
-void php_resource_factory_handle_dtor(php_resource_factory_t *f,
-               void *handle TSRMLS_DC)
-       if (f->fops.dtor) {
-               f->fops.dtor(f->data, handle TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-php_resource_factory_t *php_persistent_handle_resource_factory_init(
-               php_resource_factory_t *a, php_persistent_handle_factory_t *pf)
-       return php_resource_factory_init(a,
-                       php_persistent_handle_get_resource_factory_ops(), pf,
-                       (void(*)(void*)) php_persistent_handle_abandon);
-zend_bool php_resource_factory_is_persistent(php_resource_factory_t *a)
-       return a->dtor == (void(*)(void *)) php_persistent_handle_abandon;
-static inline php_persistent_handle_list_t *php_persistent_handle_list_init(
-               php_persistent_handle_list_t *list)
-       int free_list;
-       if ((free_list = !list)) {
-               list = pemalloc(sizeof(php_persistent_handle_list_t), 1);
-       }
-       list->used = 0;
-       if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_init(&list->free, 0, NULL, NULL, 1)) {
-               if (free_list) {
-                       pefree(list, 1);
-               }
-               list = NULL;
-       }
-       return list;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_stat(void *p TSRMLS_DC, int argc,
-               va_list argv, zend_hash_key *key)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t **list = p;
-       zval *zsubentry, *zentry = va_arg(argv, zval *);
-       MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zsubentry);
-       array_init(zsubentry);
-       add_assoc_long_ex(zsubentry, ZEND_STRS("used"), (*list)->used);
-       add_assoc_long_ex(zsubentry, ZEND_STRS("free"),
-                       zend_hash_num_elements(&(*list)->free));
-       add_assoc_zval_ex(zentry, key->arKey, key->nKeyLength, zsubentry);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_statall(void *p TSRMLS_DC, int argc,
-               va_list argv, zend_hash_key *key)
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider = p;
-       HashTable *ht = va_arg(argv, HashTable *);
-       zval *zentry;
-       MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zentry);
-       array_init(zentry);
-       zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&provider-> TSRMLS_CC,
-                       php_persistent_handle_apply_stat, 1, zentry);
-       zend_symtable_update(ht, key->arKey, key->nKeyLength, &zentry,
-                       sizeof(zval *), NULL);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_ex(void *pp, void *arg TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_resource_factory_t *rf = arg;
-       void **handle = pp;
-       fprintf(stderr, "DESTROY: %p\n", *handle);
-       php_resource_factory_handle_dtor(rf, *handle TSRMLS_CC);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup(void *pp, void *arg TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_resource_factory_t *rf = arg;
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t **listp = pp;
-       zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&(*listp)->free,
-                       php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_ex, rf TSRMLS_CC);
-       if ((*listp)->used) {
-               return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-       }
-       zend_hash_destroy(&(*listp)->free);
-       fprintf(stderr, "LSTFREE: %p\n", *listp);
-       pefree(*listp, 1);
-       *listp = NULL;
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE;
-static inline void php_persistent_handle_list_dtor(
-               php_persistent_handle_list_t *list,
-               php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider TSRMLS_DC)
-       fprintf(stderr, "LSTDTOR: %p\n", list);
-       zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&list->free,
-                       php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_ex, &provider->rf TSRMLS_CC);
-       zend_hash_destroy(&list->free);
-static inline void php_persistent_handle_list_free(
-               php_persistent_handle_list_t **list,
-               php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_dtor(*list, provider TSRMLS_CC);
-       fprintf(stderr, "LSTFREE: %p\n", *list);
-       pefree(*list, 1);
-       *list = NULL;
-static int php_persistent_handle_list_apply_dtor(void *listp,
-               void *provider TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_free(listp, provider TSRMLS_CC);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE;
-static inline php_persistent_handle_list_t *php_persistent_handle_list_find(
-               php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider, const char *ident_str,
-               size_t ident_len TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t **list, *new_list;
-       ZEND_RESULT_CODE rv = zend_symtable_find(&provider->, ident_str,
-                       ident_len + 1, (void *) &list);
-       if (SUCCESS == rv) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "LSTFIND: %p\n", *list);
-               return *list;
-       }
-       if ((new_list = php_persistent_handle_list_init(NULL))) {
-               rv = zend_symtable_update(&provider->, ident_str, ident_len+1,
-                               (void *) &new_list,     sizeof(php_persistent_handle_list_t *),
-                               (void *) &list);
-               if (SUCCESS == rv) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "LSTFIND: %p (new)\n", *list);
-                       return *list;
-               }
-               php_persistent_handle_list_free(&new_list, provider TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-       return NULL;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_all(void *p TSRMLS_DC, int argc,
-               va_list argv, zend_hash_key *key)
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider = p;
-       const char *ident_str = va_arg(argv, const char *);
-       size_t ident_len = va_arg(argv, size_t);
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t *list;
-       if (ident_str && ident_len) {
-               if ((list = php_persistent_handle_list_find(provider, ident_str,
-                               ident_len TSRMLS_CC))) {
-                       zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&list->free,
-                                       php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_ex,
-                                       &provider->rf TSRMLS_CC);
-               }
-       } else {
-               zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&provider->,
-                               php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup, &provider->rf TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-static void php_persistent_handle_hash_dtor(void *p)
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider;
-       TSRMLS_FETCH();
-       provider = (php_persistent_handle_provider_t *) p;
-       zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&provider->,
-                       php_persistent_handle_list_apply_dtor, provider TSRMLS_CC);
-       zend_hash_destroy(&provider->;
-       php_resource_factory_dtor(&provider->rf);
-PHP_RAPHF_API ZEND_RESULT_CODE php_persistent_handle_provide(const char *name_str,
-               size_t name_len, php_resource_factory_ops_t *fops, void *data,
-               void (*dtor)(void *) TSRMLS_DC)
-       ZEND_RESULT_CODE status = FAILURE;
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t provider;
-       if (php_persistent_handle_list_init(&provider.list)) {
-               if (php_resource_factory_init(&provider.rf, fops, data, dtor)) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "PROVIDE: %p %s\n", PHP_RAPHF_G, name_str);
-                       status = zend_symtable_update(&PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash,
-                                       name_str, name_len+1, (void *) &provider,
-                                       sizeof(php_persistent_handle_provider_t), NULL);
-                       if (SUCCESS != status) {
-                               php_resource_factory_dtor(&provider.rf);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return status;
-php_persistent_handle_factory_t *php_persistent_handle_concede(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, const char *name_str,
-               size_t name_len, const char *ident_str, size_t ident_len,
-               php_persistent_handle_wakeup_t wakeup,
-               php_persistent_handle_retire_t retire TSRMLS_DC)
-       ZEND_RESULT_CODE status = FAILURE;
-       php_persistent_handle_factory_t *free_a = NULL;
-       if (!a) {
-               free_a = a = emalloc(sizeof(*a));
-       }
-       memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
-       status = zend_symtable_find(&PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash, name_str,
-                       name_len+1, (void *) &a->provider);
-       if (SUCCESS == status) {
-               a->ident.str = estrndup(ident_str, ident_len);
-               a->ident.len = ident_len;
-               a->wakeup = wakeup;
-               a->retire = retire;
-               if (free_a) {
-                       a->free_on_abandon = 1;
-               }
-       } else {
-               if (free_a) {
-                       efree(free_a);
-               }
-               a = NULL;
-       }
-       fprintf(stderr, "CONCEDE: %p %p (%s) (%s)\n", PHP_RAPHF_G,
-                       a ? a->provider : NULL, name_str, ident_str);
-       return a;
-PHP_RAPHF_API void php_persistent_handle_abandon(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a)
-       zend_bool f = a->free_on_abandon;
-       fprintf(stderr, "ABANDON: %p\n", a->provider);
-       STR_FREE(a->ident.str);
-       memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
-       if (f) {
-               efree(a);
-       }
-void *php_persistent_handle_acquire(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *init_arg  TSRMLS_DC)
-       int key;
-       ZEND_RESULT_CODE rv;
-       ulong index;
-       void **handle_ptr, *handle = NULL;
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t *list;
-       list = php_persistent_handle_list_find(a->provider, a->ident.str,
-                       a->ident.len TSRMLS_CC);
-       if (list) {
-               zend_hash_internal_pointer_end(&list->free);
-               key = zend_hash_get_current_key(&list->free, NULL, &index, 0);
-               rv = zend_hash_get_current_data(&list->free, (void *) &handle_ptr);
-               if (HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT != key && SUCCESS == rv) {
-                       handle = *handle_ptr;
-                       if (a->wakeup) {
-                               a->wakeup(a, &handle TSRMLS_CC);
-                       }
-                       zend_hash_index_del(&list->free, index);
-               } else {
-                       handle = php_resource_factory_handle_ctor(&a->provider->rf,
-                                       init_arg TSRMLS_CC);
-               }
-               fprintf(stderr, "CREATED: %p\n", *handle);
-               if (handle) {
-                       ++a->provider->list.used;
-                       ++list->used;
-               }
-       }
-       return handle;
-void *php_persistent_handle_accrete(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *handle TSRMLS_DC)
-       void *new_handle = NULL;
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t *list;
-       new_handle = php_resource_factory_handle_copy(&a->provider->rf,
-                       handle TSRMLS_CC);
-       if (handle) {
-               list = php_persistent_handle_list_find(a->provider, a->ident.str,
-                               a->ident.len TSRMLS_CC);
-               if (list) {
-                       ++list->used;
-               }
-               ++a->provider->list.used;
-       }
-       return new_handle;
-void php_persistent_handle_release(
-               php_persistent_handle_factory_t *a, void *handle TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t *list;
-       list = php_persistent_handle_list_find(a->provider, a->ident.str,
-                       a->ident.len TSRMLS_CC);
-       if (list) {
-               if (a->provider->list.used >= PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.limit) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "DESTROY: %p\n", *handle);
-                       php_resource_factory_handle_dtor(&a->provider->rf,
-                                       handle TSRMLS_CC);
-               } else {
-                       if (a->retire) {
-                               a->retire(a, &handle TSRMLS_CC);
-                       }
-                       zend_hash_next_index_insert(&list->free, (void *) &handle,
-                                       sizeof(void *), NULL);
-               }
-               --a->provider->list.used;
-               --list->used;
-       }
-void php_persistent_handle_cleanup(const char *name_str, size_t name_len,
-               const char *ident_str, size_t ident_len TSRMLS_DC)
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider;
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t *list;
-       ZEND_RESULT_CODE rv;
-       if (name_str && name_len) {
-               rv = zend_symtable_find(&PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash, name_str,
-                               name_len+1, (void *) &provider);
-               if (SUCCESS == rv) {
-                       if (ident_str && ident_len) {
-                               list = php_persistent_handle_list_find(provider, ident_str,
-                                               ident_len TSRMLS_CC);
-                               if (list) {
-                                       zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&list->free,
-                                                       php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_ex,
-                                                       &provider->rf TSRMLS_CC);
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&provider->,
-                                               php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup,
-                                               &provider->rf TSRMLS_CC);
-                       }
-               }
-       } else {
-               zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(
-                               &PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash TSRMLS_CC,
-                               php_persistent_handle_apply_cleanup_all, 2, ident_str,
-                               ident_len);
-       }
-HashTable *php_persistent_handle_statall(HashTable *ht TSRMLS_DC)
-       if (zend_hash_num_elements(&PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash)) {
-               if (!ht) {
-                       ALLOC_HASHTABLE(ht);
-                       zend_hash_init(ht, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
-               }
-               zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(
-                               &PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash TSRMLS_CC,
-                               php_persistent_handle_apply_statall, 1, ht);
-       } else if (ht) {
-               ht = NULL;
-       }
-       return ht;
-static php_resource_factory_ops_t php_persistent_handle_resource_factory_ops = {
-       (php_resource_factory_handle_ctor_t) php_persistent_handle_acquire,
-       (php_resource_factory_handle_copy_t) php_persistent_handle_accrete,
-       (php_resource_factory_handle_dtor_t) php_persistent_handle_release
-php_resource_factory_ops_t *php_persistent_handle_get_resource_factory_ops(void)
-       return &php_persistent_handle_resource_factory_ops;
-ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(ai_raphf_stat_persistent_handles, 0, 0, 0)
-static PHP_FUNCTION(raphf_stat_persistent_handles)
-       if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters_none()) {
-               object_init(return_value);
-               if (php_persistent_handle_statall(HASH_OF(return_value) TSRMLS_CC)) {
-                       return;
-               }
-               zval_dtor(return_value);
-       }
-ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(ai_raphf_clean_persistent_handles, 0, 0, 0)
-       ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, name)
-       ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, ident)
-static PHP_FUNCTION(raphf_clean_persistent_handles)
-       char *name_str = NULL, *ident_str = NULL;
-       int name_len = 0, ident_len = 0;
-       if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|s!s!",
-                       &name_str, &name_len, &ident_str, &ident_len)) {
-               php_persistent_handle_cleanup(name_str, name_len, ident_str,
-                               ident_len TSRMLS_CC);
-       }
-static const zend_function_entry raphf_functions[] = {
-       ZEND_NS_FENTRY("raphf", stat_persistent_handles,
-                       ZEND_FN(raphf_stat_persistent_handles),
-                       ai_raphf_stat_persistent_handles, 0)
-       ZEND_NS_FENTRY("raphf", clean_persistent_handles,
-                       ZEND_FN(raphf_clean_persistent_handles),
-                       ai_raphf_clean_persistent_handles, 0)
-       {0}
-       STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("raphf.persistent_handle.limit", "-1", PHP_INI_SYSTEM,
-                       OnUpdateLong, persistent_handle.limit, zend_raphf_globals,
-                       raphf_globals)
-static HashTable *php_persistent_handles_global_hash;
-static PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(raphf)
-       raphf_globals->persistent_handle.limit = -1;
-       zend_hash_init(&raphf_globals->persistent_handle.hash, 0, NULL,
-                       php_persistent_handle_hash_dtor, 1);
-       if (php_persistent_handles_global_hash) {
-               zend_hash_copy(&raphf_globals->persistent_handle.hash,
-                               php_persistent_handles_global_hash, NULL, NULL,
-                               sizeof(php_persistent_handle_provider_t));
-       }
-       zend_hash_destroy(&raphf_globals->persistent_handle.hash);
-       php_persistent_handles_global_hash = &PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash;
-       return SUCCESS;
-       php_persistent_handles_global_hash = NULL;
-       return SUCCESS;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_info_ex(void *p TSRMLS_DC, int argc,
-               va_list argv, zend_hash_key *key)
-       php_persistent_handle_list_t **list = p;
-       zend_hash_key *super_key = va_arg(argv, zend_hash_key *);
-       char used[21], free[21];
-       slprintf(used, sizeof(used), "%u", (*list)->used);
-       slprintf(free, sizeof(free), "%d", zend_hash_num_elements(&(*list)->free));
-       php_info_print_table_row(4, super_key->arKey, key->arKey, used, free);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-static int php_persistent_handle_apply_info(void *p TSRMLS_DC, int argc,
-               va_list argv, zend_hash_key *key)
-       php_persistent_handle_provider_t *provider = p;
-       zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&provider-> TSRMLS_CC,
-                       php_persistent_handle_apply_info_ex, 1, key);
-       return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
-       php_info_print_table_start();
-       php_info_print_table_header(2,
-                       "Resource and persistent handle factory support", "enabled");
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "Extension version", PHP_RAPHF_VERSION);
-       php_info_print_table_end();
-       php_info_print_table_start();
-       php_info_print_table_colspan_header(4, "Persistent handles in this "
-#ifdef ZTS
-                       "thread"
-                       "process"
-       );
-       php_info_print_table_header(4, "Provider", "Ident", "Used", "Free");
-       zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(
-                       &PHP_RAPHF_G->persistent_handle.hash TSRMLS_CC,
-                       php_persistent_handle_apply_info, 0);
-       php_info_print_table_end();
-zend_module_entry raphf_module_entry = {
-       "raphf",
-       raphf_functions,
-       PHP_MINIT(raphf),
-       PHP_MSHUTDOWN(raphf),
-       NULL,
-       NULL,
-       PHP_MINFO(raphf),
-       ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS(raphf),
-       PHP_GINIT(raphf),
-       PHP_GSHUTDOWN(raphf),
-       NULL,
-/* }}} */
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
- * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
- */
-pecl/http-v2 - general and stat
-if (!extension_loaded("http")) {
-       die("skip pecl/http needed");
-if (!class_exists("http\\Client", false)) {
-       die("skip pecl/http-v2 with curl support needed");
-echo "Test\n";
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-$c = new http\Client("curl", "");
-do {
-       $c->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", ""));
-} while (count($c) < 3);
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(0) {
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(0) {
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(1)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(3)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(1)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(3)
-    }
-  }
-pecl/http-v2 - clean with name and id
-if (!extension_loaded("http")) {
-       die("skip pecl/http needed");
-if (!class_exists("http\\Client", false)) {
-       die("skip pecl/http-v2 with curl support needed");
-echo "Test\n";
-$c = new http\Client("curl", "");
-do {
-       $c->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", ""));
-} while (count($c) < 3);
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-raphf\clean_persistent_handles("http\\Client\\Curl\\Request", "");
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(1)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(3)
-    }
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(0) {
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-pecl/http-v2 - clean with id only
-if (!extension_loaded("http")) {
-       die("skip pecl/http needed");
-if (!class_exists("http\\Client", false)) {
-       die("skip pecl/http-v2 with curl support needed");
-echo "Test\n";
-$c = new http\Client("curl", "");
-do {
-       $c->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", ""));
-} while (count($c) < 3);
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-raphf\clean_persistent_handles(null, "");
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(1)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(3)
-    }
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(0)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-pecl/http-v2 - partial clean
-if (!extension_loaded("http")) {
-       die("skip pecl/http needed");
-if (!class_exists("http\\Client", false)) {
-       die("skip pecl/http-v2 with curl support needed");
-echo "Test\n";
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-$c = new http\Client("curl", "");
-$c2 = new http\Client("curl", "");
-do {
-       $c->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", ""));
-       $c2->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", ""));
-} while (count($c) < 3);
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-$h = (array) raphf\stat_persistent_handles();
-var_dump(array_intersect_key($h, array_flip(preg_grep("/^http/", array_keys($h)))));
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(0) {
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(0) {
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(2)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(6)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(1)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(1)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(3)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(3)
-    }
-  }
-array(2) {
-  ["http\Client\Curl"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(1)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
-  ["http\Client\Curl\Request"]=>
-  array(1) {
-    [""]=>
-    array(2) {
-      ["used"]=>
-      int(3)
-      ["free"]=>
-      int(0)
-    }
-  }
\9cÝÆ¿¢è\89õp¡4ºÈ0¸.|\97¯\ 2\0\0\0GBMB
\ No newline at end of file