renamed http\Message\Body::add() to ::addForm() because it acually adds form-data...
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests /
2012-03-13  Michael Wallneradd some more tests; fix leak in php_http_env_get_respo...
2012-03-10  Michael Wallnerfix wrong assumption in php_http_env_is_response_cached...
2012-03-08  Michael Wallnersanitized negotiation code
2012-03-01  Michael Wallnerfix tests; fix leaks in new http\Env\Request methods...
2012-02-13  Michael Wallnertests
2012-02-01  Michael Wallnerremove that awkward and error prone global request...
2012-02-01  Michael WallnerHTTP info test & fixes
2012-01-25  Michael Wallnerquerystring test & fix
2012-01-23  Michael Wallneretag test & fixes; set default etag mode for temp strea...
2012-01-23  Michael Wallnernegotiation test & fixes
2012-01-23  Michael Wallnerfilter tests & fixes
2012-01-20  Michael Wallnertests & bugfixes
2012-01-19  Michael Wallnertests
2012-01-18  Michael Wallnerbastardize property proxy even more -- sorry that dev3...
2012-01-09  Michael Wallnerheader cleanups and fix some warnings
2011-05-21  Michael Wallnertests