- now I know what to use TSRMLS_SET_CTX() and TSRMLS_FETCH_FROM_CTX() for...
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / send_data_001.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 http_send_data() NIL-NUM range
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include 'skip.inc';
6 ?>
7 --ENV--
8 HTTP_RANGE=bytes=-5
9 --FILE--
10 <?php
11 http_send_content_type('text/plain');
12 http_send_data(str_repeat('123abc', 1000));
13 ?>
14 --EXPECTF--
15 Status: 206
16 X-Powered-By: PHP/%s
17 Content-Type: text/plain
18 Accept-Ranges: bytes
19 Content-Range: bytes 5995-5999/6000
21 23abc