- move some cruft of http_request_api.c to php_http_request_int.h
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / HttpRequest_005.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 HttpRequest accessors
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include 'skip.inc';
6 checkcls('HttpRequest');
7 ?>
8 --FILE--
9 <?php
10 echo "-TEST\n";
11 error_reporting(0);
12 $r = new HttpRequest;
13 foreach (get_class_methods('HttpRequest') as $method) {
14 try {
15 if (strlen($method) > 3 && substr($method, 0, 3) == 'get')
16 $x = $r->$method();
17 else
18 $x = $r->$method(null, null);
19 } catch (HttpException $e) {
20 }
21 }
22 echo "Done\n";
23 ?>
24 --EXPECTF--
25 %sTEST
26 Done