- hossa - missed to clean the llist at rshutdown
[m6w6/ext-http] / php_http_api.h
1 /*
2 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | PECL :: http |
4 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, that |
6 | is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available |
7 | through the world-wide-web at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
8 | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
9 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
10 | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
11 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
12 | Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Michael Wallner <mike@php.net> |
13 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
14 */
16 /* $Id$ */
18 #ifndef PHP_HTTP_API_H
19 #define PHP_HTTP_API_H
21 #include "php_http_std_defs.h"
23 #define pretty_key(key, key_len, uctitle, xhyphen) _http_pretty_key(key, key_len, uctitle, xhyphen)
24 extern char *_http_pretty_key(char *key, size_t key_len, zend_bool uctitle, zend_bool xhyphen);
26 typedef void (*http_key_list_decode_t)(const char *encoded, size_t encoded_len, char **decoded, size_t *decoded_len TSRMLS_DC);
27 #define http_key_list_default_decoder _http_key_list_default_decoder
28 extern void _http_key_list_default_decoder(const char *encoded, size_t encoded_len, char **decoded, size_t *decoded_len TSRMLS_DC);
30 #define http_parse_cookie(l, i) _http_parse_key_list((l), (i), ';', http_key_list_default_decoder, 1 TSRMLS_CC)
31 #define http_parse_key_list(l, i, s, d, f) _http_parse_key_list((l), (i), (s), (d), (f) TSRMLS_CC)
32 extern STATUS _http_parse_key_list(const char *list, HashTable *items, char separator, http_key_list_decode_t decode, zend_bool first_entry_is_name_value_pair TSRMLS_DC);
34 #define http_error(type, code, string) _http_error_ex(type, code, "%s", string)
35 #define http_error_ex _http_error_ex
36 extern void _http_error_ex(long type, long code, const char *format, ...) PHP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4);
38 #define http_exit(s, h) http_exit_ex((s), (h), 1)
39 #define http_exit_ex(s, h, f) _http_exit_ex((s), (h), (f) TSRMLS_CC)
40 extern STATUS _http_exit_ex(int status, char *header, zend_bool free_header TSRMLS_DC);
42 #define http_check_method(m) http_check_method_ex((m), HTTP_KNOWN_METHODS)
43 #define http_check_method_ex(m, a) _http_check_method_ex((m), (a))
44 extern STATUS _http_check_method_ex(const char *method, const char *methods);
46 #define HTTP_GSC(var, name, ret) HTTP_GSP(var, name, return ret)
47 #define HTTP_GSP(var, name, ret) \
48 if (!(var = _http_get_server_var_ex(name, strlen(name)+1, 1 TSRMLS_CC))) { \
49 ret; \
50 }
51 #define http_got_server_var(v) (NULL != _http_get_server_var_ex((v), sizeof(v), 1 TSRMLS_CC))
52 #define http_get_server_var(v) http_get_server_var_ex((v), sizeof(v))
53 #define http_get_server_var_ex(v, s) _http_get_server_var_ex((v), (s), 0 TSRMLS_CC)
54 PHP_HTTP_API zval *_http_get_server_var_ex(const char *key, size_t key_size, zend_bool check TSRMLS_DC);
56 #define http_chunked_decode(e, el, d, dl) _http_chunked_decode((e), (el), (d), (dl) TSRMLS_CC)
57 PHP_HTTP_API const char *_http_chunked_decode(const char *encoded, size_t encoded_len, char **decoded, size_t *decoded_len TSRMLS_DC);
59 #define http_split_response(r, rl, h, b, bl) _http_split_response((r), (rl), (h), (b), (bl) TSRMLS_CC)
60 PHP_HTTP_API STATUS _http_split_response(char *response, size_t repsonse_len, HashTable *headers, char **body, size_t *body_len TSRMLS_DC);
62 #endif
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