- add HttpQueryString::mod()
[m6w6/ext-http] / KnownIssues.txt
1 Known Issues
2 ============
3 $Id$
5 HttpResponse (only in PHP-5.1+):
6 HttpResponse::getHeader() does not work in Apache2 with a
7 PHP version lower than 5.1.3 (as mod_php).
9 Windows:
10 If you keep getting "SSL connect error" when trying to issue
11 requests, try another (newer) libeay32.dll/ssleay32.dll pair.
13 Deflate/Inflate:
14 Inflating raw deflated data causes a re-initialization of the inflate
15 stream where the corresponding window bits are modified to tell libz to
16 not check for zlib header bytes. This is not preventable AFAICS.
17 Using an encoding stream filter on a stream you read from, will
18 not work as expected in a PHP version lower than 5.1.3.
20 Internals:
21 - our http_urlencode_hash() only handles arrays and does not
22 differentiate between prefixes for numeric or string keys.