- better fix
[m6w6/ext-http] / KnownIssues.txt
1 Known Issues
2 ============
3 $Id$
5 PHP < 5.1.3:
6 HttpResponse::getHeader() does not work with Apache2 SAPIs.
7 Using an encoding stream filter on a stream you read from doesn't work.
9 Windows:
10 If you keep getting "SSL connect error" when trying to issue
11 requests, try another (newer) libeay32.dll/ssleay32.dll pair.
13 Internals:
14 Our http_urlencode_hash() does not differentiate between prefixes
15 for numeric or string keys.
16 Inflating raw deflated data causes a re-initialization of the inflate
17 stream where the corresponding window bits are modified to tell libz
18 to not check for zlib header bytes. This is not preventable AFAICS.