<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-1.0">
-<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.7.1">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.8.1">
<summary>Extended HTTP Support</summary>
<description>This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful
- <version>1.6.3</version>
- <date>2009-02-12</date>
+ <version>1.6.4</version>
+ <date>2009-07-24</date>
<license>BSD, revised</license>
- <notes>* Fixed bug #15495 (HttpMessage::setHttpVersion segfault)
-* Fixed bug #15497 (HttpInflateStream::finish segfault)
-* Fixed bug #15499 (HttpRequest::addHeaders segfault)
-* Fixed bug #15509 (HttpMessage::rewind memory leaks)
-* Fixed bug #15800 (Double free when zval is separated in convert_to_*)
-* Fixed bug #15813 (Requests not removed from multi stack when fatal errors occur with fcgi)
+ <notes>* Fixed PHP4 build
+* Fixed PHP5.3 issue in the negotiation API
+* Fixed HttpMessage::toMessageTypeObject() to honor non-string arguments
+* Fixed memory leaks and unterminated string issues with HttpMessage
+* Fixed bug #16577 typo in http_request_object.c (HttpRequest::addBody)
+* Fixed bug #16700 child classes of HttpMessage cannot not have array properties
<dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_005.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_006.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_007.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="HttpMessage_008.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="HttpMessage_009_bug16700.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_001.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_002.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_003.phpt"/>
- <date>2009-03-17</date>
+ <date>2009-07-24</date>
- <release>1.6.4dev</release>
+ <release>1.6.4</release>
<license>BSD, revised</license>
* Fixed PHP4 build
-* Fixed HttpMessage::toMessageTypeObject() to nonor non-string arguments
+* Fixed PHP5.3 issue in the negotiation API
+* Fixed HttpMessage::toMessageTypeObject() to honor non-string arguments
* Fixed memory leaks and unterminated string issues with HttpMessage
-* Fixed bug ##16577 typo in http_request_object.c (HttpRequest::addBody)
+* Fixed bug #16577 typo in http_request_object.c (HttpRequest::addBody)
+* Fixed bug #16700 child classes of HttpMessage cannot not have array properties
<dir name="/">
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_006.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_007.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpMessage_008.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="HttpMessage_009_bug16700.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_001.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_002.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpQueryString_003.phpt"/>