## News\r
+* ***2015-05-20:*** 2.1.0 tagged\r
* ***2014-10-15:*** 2.0.0 tagged\r
* ***2013-05-15:*** 1.1.0 tagged\r
* ***2013-05-03:*** 1.0.0 tagged\r
## ChangeLog\r
+### 2.1.0\r
+* Added pq\Query\AsyncExecutor::setCallbacks(callable $init, callable $done, callable $then) \r
+ and removed soft dependency on reactphp/promise\r
+* Fixed pq\Gateway\Table::with()'s relation handling when source table equals foreign table\r
### 2.0.0\r
* Published documentation\r
* Added support for pecl/pq-0.5\r
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"pq\\Gateway": "lib",
- "pq\\Query": "lib"
+ "pq\\Query": "lib",
+ "pq\\Data": "lib"
"require-dev": {
--- /dev/null
+ "_readme": [
+ "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
+ "Read more about it at http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file",
+ "This file is @generated automatically"
+ ],
+ "hash": "813817d14a924e8b4189c1365120cf86",
+ "packages": [],
+ "packages-dev": [
+ {
+ "name": "amphp/amp",
+ "version": "v1.0.0-beta4",
+ "source": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/amphp/amp.git",
+ "reference": "9fa6010f192f82a81381ae2dd372e1e75107d332"
+ },
+ "dist": {
+ "type": "zip",
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/amphp/amp/zipball/9fa6010f192f82a81381ae2dd372e1e75107d332",
+ "reference": "9fa6010f192f82a81381ae2dd372e1e75107d332",
+ "shasum": ""
+ },
+ "require": {
+ "php": ">=5.5"
+ },
+ "require-dev": {
+ "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.4.0"
+ },
+ "type": "library",
+ "extra": {
+ "branch-alias": {
+ "dev-master": "2.0.0-dev",
+ "dev-v1.0.x": "1.0.0-dev"
+ }
+ },
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-4": {
+ "Amp\\": "lib/"
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "lib/functions.php"
+ ]
+ },
+ "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+ "license": [
+ "MIT"
+ ],
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "name": "Daniel Lowrey",
+ "email": "rdlowrey@php.net",
+ "role": "Creator / Lead Developer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "description": "A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/amphp/amp",
+ "keywords": [
+ "async",
+ "concurrency",
+ "event",
+ "future",
+ "non-blocking",
+ "promise"
+ ],
+ "time": "2015-05-20 03:12:32"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "react/promise",
+ "version": "v2.2.0",
+ "source": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/reactphp/promise.git",
+ "reference": "365fcee430dfa4ace1fbc75737ca60ceea7eeeef"
+ },
+ "dist": {
+ "type": "zip",
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/reactphp/promise/zipball/365fcee430dfa4ace1fbc75737ca60ceea7eeeef",
+ "reference": "365fcee430dfa4ace1fbc75737ca60ceea7eeeef",
+ "shasum": ""
+ },
+ "require": {
+ "php": ">=5.4.0"
+ },
+ "type": "library",
+ "extra": {
+ "branch-alias": {
+ "dev-master": "2.0-dev"
+ }
+ },
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-4": {
+ "React\\Promise\\": "src/"
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "src/functions_include.php"
+ ]
+ },
+ "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+ "license": [
+ "MIT"
+ ],
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "name": "Jan Sorgalla",
+ "email": "jsorgalla@googlemail.com"
+ }
+ ],
+ "description": "A lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP",
+ "time": "2014-12-30 13:32:42"
+ }
+ ],
+ "aliases": [],
+ "minimum-stability": "stable",
+ "stability-flags": {
+ "amphp/amp": 10
+ },
+ "prefer-stable": false,
+ "prefer-lowest": false,
+ "platform": [],
+ "platform-dev": []
* @param array $ref
function __construct($ref) {
- $this->name = self::name($ref);
+ $this->name = self::name($ref["foreignColumns"], $ref["referencedColumns"]);
$this->foreignTable = $ref["foreignTable"];
$this->foreignColumns = $ref["foreignColumns"];
$this->referencedTable = $ref["referencedTable"];
* Compose an identifying name
- * @param array $ref
+ * @param array $foreignColumns
+ * @param array $referencedColumns
* @return string
- static function name($ref) {
+ static function name(array $foreignColumns, array $referencedColumns) {
return implode("_", array_map(function($ck, $cr) {
return preg_replace("/_$cr\$/", "", $ck);
- }, $ref["foreignColumns"], $ref["referencedColumns"]));
+ }, $foreignColumns, $referencedColumns));
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+use pq\Gateway\Rowset;
+use pq\Gateway\Table;
+use pq\Query\Expr;
+class Map implements MapInterface
+ private $class;
+ private $gateway;
+ private $objects;
+ private $properties;
+ function __construct($class, Table $gateway, PropertyInterface ...$properties) {
+ $this->class = $class;
+ $this->gateway = $gateway;
+ $this->properties = $properties;
+ foreach ($properties as $property) {
+ $property->setContainer($this);
+ }
+ $this->objects = new ObjectCache($this);
+ }
+ function getClass() {
+ return $this->class;
+ }
+ function getObjects() {
+ return $this->objects;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Table
+ */
+ function getGateway() {
+ return $this->gateway;
+ }
+ function getProperties() {
+ return $this->properties;
+ }
+ function addProperty(PropertyInterface $property) {
+ $property->setContainer($this);
+ $this->properties[] = $property;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ function idOf(Row $row, $check = false) {
+ $identity = $row->getIdentity();
+ if (is_scalar($identity)) {
+ return $identity;
+ }
+ if ($check && !isset($identity)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (is_array($identity)) {
+ if ($check && array_search(null, $identity, true)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* one level is better than no level * /
+ asort($identity);
+ }
+ return json_encode($identity);
+ }
+ function objectOf(Row $row) {
+ $id = $this->idOf($row);
+ if (isset($this->objects["obj"][$id])) {
+ $obj = $this->objects["obj"][$id];
+ } else {
+ $obj = new $this->class;
+ $this->objects["obj"][$id] = $obj;
+ $this->objects["row"][spl_object_hash($obj)] = $row;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ function rowOf($object) {
+ $id = spl_object_hash($object);
+ if (isset($this->objects["row"][$id])) {
+ $row = $this->objects["row"][$id];
+ } else {
+ $row = new Row($this->gateway);
+ $this->objects["row"][$id] = $row;
+ }
+ return $row;
+ }
+ function allOf(Row $row, $refName, &$objects = null) {
+ /* apply objectOf to populate the object cache */
+ return $this->gateway->of($row, $refName)->apply(function($row) use(&$objects) {
+ $objects[] = $this->objects->asObject($row);
+ });
+ }
+ function refOf(Row $row, $refName, &$objects = null) {
+ $rid = [];
+ $rel = $row->getTable()->getRelation($this->gateway->getName(), $refName);
+ // FIXME: check if foreign key points to primary key
+ foreach ($rel as $fgn => $col) {
+ $rid[$col] = $row->$fgn->get();
+ }
+ $rid = $this->objects->serializeRowId($rid);
+ if ($this->objects->hasObject($rid)) {
+ $object = $this->objects->getObjectById($rid);
+ $row = $this->objects->getRow($object);
+ $objects[] = $object;
+ $rowset = new Rowset($this->gateway);
+ return $rowset->append($row);
+ }
+ /* apply objectOf to populate the object cache */
+ return $this->gateway->by($row, $refName)->apply(function($row) use(&$objects) {
+ $objects[] = $this->objects->asObject($row);
+ });
+ }
+ function relOf(MapInterface $map, $refName) {
+ return $map->getGateway()->getRelation(
+ $this->gateway->getName(), $refName);
+ }
+ private function drain(array $deferred, callable $exec) {
+ while ($deferred) {
+ $cb = array_shift($deferred);
+ if (($cb = $exec($cb))) {
+ $deferred[] = $cb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function map(Row $row) {
+ $deferred = [];
+ $object = $this->objects->asObject($row);
+ foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
+ if (($cb = $property->read($row, $object))) {
+ $deferred[] = $cb;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->drain($deferred, function(callable $cb) use($row, $object) {
+ return $cb($row, $object);
+ });
+ return $object;
+ }
+ function mapAll(Rowset $rows) {
+ $objects = [];
+ foreach ($rows as $row) {
+ $objects[] = $this->map($row);
+ }
+ return $objects;
+ }
+ function unmap($object) {
+ $deferred = [];
+ /* @var $row Row */
+ $row = $this->objects->asRow($object);
+ $upd = $this->objects->rowId($row, true);
+ foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
+ if (($cb = $property->write($object, $row))) {
+ $deferred[] = $cb;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->gateway->getIdentity() as $col) {
+ if (null === $row->$col->get()
+ || ($row->$col->isExpr() && $row->$col->get()->isNull()))
+ {
+ $row->$col = new Expr("DEFAULT");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($row->isDirty()) {
+ if ($upd) {
+ $row->update();
+ } else {
+ $row->create();
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
+ if (($cb = $property->read($row, $object))) {
+ $deferred[] = $cb;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->drain($deferred, function($cb) use($object, $row) {
+ return $cb($object, $row);
+ });
+ if ($row->isDirty()) {
+ $row->update();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+use pq\Gateway\Rowset;
+use pq\Gateway\Table;
+interface MapInterface
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ function getClass();
+ /**
+ * @return Table
+ */
+ function getGateway();
+ /**
+ * @return array of PropertyInterface instances
+ */
+ function getProperties();
+ /**
+ * @param PropertyInterface $property
+ */
+ function addProperty(PropertyInterface $property);
+ /**
+ * @param Row $row
+ * @return object
+ */
+ function map(Row $row);
+ /**
+ * @param \pq\Mapper\Rowset $rows
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function mapAll(Rowset $rows);
+ /**
+ * @param object $object
+ * @return Row
+ */
+ function unmap($object);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+use UnexpectedValueException;
+class Mapper
+ private $maps;
+ private $refp;
+ /**
+ * @param \pq\Mapper\MapInterface $map
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\Mapper
+ */
+ function register(MapInterface $map) {
+ $this->maps[$map->getClass()] = $map;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ function getReflector($class, $prop) {
+ if (is_object($class)) {
+ $class = get_class($class);
+ }
+ $hash = "$class::$prop";
+ if (!isset($this->refp[$hash])) {
+ $this->refp[$hash] = new \ReflectionProperty($class, $prop);
+ $this->refp[$hash]->setAccessible(true);
+ }
+ return $this->refp[$hash];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $class
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\MapInterface
+ * @throws UnexpectedValueException
+ */
+ function mapOf($class) {
+ if (is_object($class)) {
+ $class = get_class($class);
+ }
+ if (!isset($this->maps[$class])) {
+ if (!is_callable([$class, "mapAs"])) {
+ throw new UnexpectedValueException("Not a mapped class: '$class'");
+ }
+ $this->register($class::mapAs($this));
+ }
+ return $this->maps[$class];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $class
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\Storage
+ */
+ function createStorage($class) {
+ return new Storage($this, $class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $property
+ * @param string $field
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\Property\Field
+ */
+ function mapField($property, $field = null) {
+ return new Property\Field($this, $property, $field);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $property
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\Property\All
+ */
+ function mapAll($property) {
+ return new Property\All($this, $property);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $property
+ * @return \pq\Mapper\Property\Ref
+ */
+ function mapRef($property) {
+ return new Property\Ref($this, $property);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+use OutOfBoundsException;
+use pq\Exception\BadMethodCallException;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+class ObjectCache
+ private $map;
+ private $obj = [];
+ private $row = [];
+ function __construct(MapInterface $map) {
+ $this->map = $map;
+ }
+ function reset() {
+ $this->obj = [];
+ $this->row = [];
+ }
+ function rowId(Row $row, $check = false) {
+ try {
+ $identity = $row->getIdentity();
+ } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $this->serializeRowId($identity, $check);
+ }
+ function objectId($object) {
+ return spl_object_hash($object);
+ }
+ function extractRowId($object) {
+ $id = [];
+ foreach ($this->map->getGateway()->getIdentity() as $col) {
+ foreach ($this->map->getProperties() as $property) {
+ if ($property->exposes($col)) {
+ $id[$col] = $property->extract($object);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->serializeRowId($id, true);
+ }
+ function serializeRowId($identity, $check = false) {
+ if (is_scalar($identity)) {
+ return $identity;
+ }
+ if ($check && !isset($identity)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (is_array($identity)) {
+ if ($check && array_search(null, $identity, true)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* one level is better than no level */
+ asort($identity);
+ }
+ return json_encode($identity);
+ }
+ function hasObject($row_id) {
+ return isset($this->obj[$row_id]);
+ }
+ function createObject(Row $row) {
+ $rid = $this->rowId($row);
+ $cls = $this->map->getClass();
+ $obj = new $cls;
+ $oid = $this->objectId($obj);
+ $this->obj[$rid] = $obj;
+ $this->row[$oid] = $row;
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ function resetObject(Row $row) {
+ unset($this->obj[$this->rowId($row)]);
+ }
+ function getObject(Row $row) {
+ $id = $this->rowId($row);
+ return $this->getObjectById($id);
+ }
+ function getObjectById($row_id) {
+ if (!$this->hasObject($row_id)) {
+ throw new BadMethodCallException("Object of row with id $row_id does not exist");
+ }
+ return $this->obj[$row_id];
+ }
+ function asObject(Row $row){
+ return $this->hasObject($this->rowId($row))
+ ? $this->getObject($row)
+ : $this->createObject($row);
+ }
+ function hasRow($obj_id) {
+ return isset($this->row[$obj_id]);
+ }
+ function createRow($object) {
+ $oid = $this->objectId($object);
+ $row = new Row($this->map->getGateway());
+ $this->row[$oid] = $row;
+ return $row;
+ }
+ function resetRow($object) {
+ unset($this->row [$this->objectId($object)]);
+ }
+ function getRow($object) {
+ $id = $this->objectId($object);
+ if (!$this->hasRow($id)) {
+ throw new BadMethodCallException("Row for object with id $id does not exist");
+ }
+ return $this->row[$id];
+ }
+ function asRow($object) {
+ return $this->hasRow($this->objectId($object))
+ ? $this->getRow($object)
+ : $this->createRow($object);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+trait Property
+ private $mapper;
+ private $field;
+ private $property;
+ function setContainer(MapInterface $container) {
+ $this->container = $container;
+ }
+ function getContainer() {
+ return $this->container;
+ }
+ function getProperty() {
+ return $this->property;
+ }
+ function defines($property) {
+ return $this->property === $property;
+ }
+ function exposes($field) {
+ return $this->field === $field;
+ }
+ function assign($object, $value) {
+ $this->mapper
+ ->getReflector($object, $this->property)
+ ->setValue($object, $value);
+ }
+ function extract($object) {
+ return $this->mapper
+ ->getReflector($object, $this->property)
+ ->getValue($object);
+ }
+ function __toString() {
+ return sprintf("%s: %s(%s)", get_class($this), $this->property, $this->field?:"NULL");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper\Property;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+use pq\Mapper\Mapper;
+use pq\Mapper\RefProperty;
+use pq\Mapper\RefPropertyInterface;
+use UnexpectedValueException;
+class All implements RefPropertyInterface
+ use RefProperty;
+ function __construct(Mapper $mapper, $property) {
+ $this->mapper = $mapper;
+ $this->property = $property;
+ }
+ function read(Row $row, $objectToUpdate) {
+ $val = $this->extract($objectToUpdate);
+ if (!isset($val)) {
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $all = $map->allOf($row, $this->refName, $objects);
+ $this->assign($objectToUpdate, $objects);
+ $map->mapAll($all);
+ }
+ }
+ function write($object, Row $rowToUpdate) {
+ $property = $this->findRefProperty($object);
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $refs = $this->extract($object);
+ foreach ($refs as $ref) {
+ $property->assign($ref, $object);
+ }
+ return function() use($map, $refs) {
+ foreach ($refs as $ref) {
+ $map->unmap($ref);
+ }
+ };
+ if (!$this->container->getObjects()->rowId($rowToUpdate, true)) {
+ return [$this, "write"];
+ } else {
+ /* $object = User */
+ /* $refs = array(Email) */
+ /* $property = Property\Ref(Email::$user)->to(User)->by("email_user") */
+ /* now update array(Email) with id of User, i.e. $ref->user_id = $object->id */
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $refs = $this->extract($object);
+ foreach ($refs as $ref) {
+ $property->assign($ref, $object);
+ $map->unmap($ref);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function findRefProperty($object) {
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $property = array_filter($map->getProperties(), function($property) use($object) {
+ if ($property instanceof RefPropertyInterface) {
+ return $property->references($object) && $property->on($this->refName);
+ }
+ });
+ if (1 != count($property)) {
+ // FIXME: move the decl
+ throw new UnexpectedValueException(
+ sprintf("%s does not reference %s exactly once through %s",
+ $this->refClass, $this->container->getClass(), $this->refName));
+ }
+ return current($property);
+ }
+ function read2(RowGateway $row) {
+ #echo __METHOD__." ".$this;
+ $ref = $this->getRefMap()->ref($row, $this->refName);
+ $value = $this->mapper->map($ref, $this->refClass);
+ return [$this->property => $value];
+ }
+ function write2($object) {
+ #echo __METHOD__." ".$this;
+ $value = $this->extract($object);
+ foreach ($value as $ref) {
+ $this->mapper->queue(function() use(&$object, &$ref) {
+ $map = $this->getRefMap()->getRefMapping($this->refName);
+ $map->assign($ref, $object);
+ $this->mapper->unmap($ref, $this->getRefMap());
+ });
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper\Property;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+use pq\Mapper\Mapper;
+use pq\Mapper\Property;
+use pq\Mapper\PropertyInterface;
+class Field implements PropertyInterface
+ use Property;
+ function __construct(Mapper $mapper, $property, $field = null) {
+ $this->mapper = $mapper;
+ $this->property = $property;
+ $this->field = $field ?: $property;
+ }
+ function read(Row $row, $objectToUpdate) {
+ /* @var $val \pq\Gateway\Cell */
+ $val = $row->{$this->field};
+ $this->assign($objectToUpdate, $val->get());
+ }
+ function write($object, Row $rowToUpdate) {
+ $val = $this->extract($object);
+ $rowToUpdate->{$this->field} = $val;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper\Property;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+use pq\Mapper\Mapper;
+use pq\Mapper\RefProperty;
+use pq\Mapper\RefPropertyInterface;
+class Ref implements RefPropertyInterface
+ use RefProperty;
+ function __construct(Mapper $mapper, $property) {
+ $this->mapper = $mapper;
+ $this->property = $property;
+ }
+ function read(Row $row, $objectToUpdate) {
+ $val = $this->extract($objectToUpdate);
+ if (!isset($val)) {
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $ref = $map->refOf($row, $this->refName, $objects)->current();
+ $this->assign($objectToUpdate, current($objects));
+ $map->map($ref);
+ }
+ }
+ function write($object, Row $rowToUpdate) {
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ $ref = $this->extract($object);
+ $rel = $map->relOf($this->container, $this->refName);
+ foreach ($rel as $fgn => $col) {
+ foreach ($this->findFieldProperty($col) as $property) {
+ $value = $property->extract($ref);
+ $rowToUpdate->$fgn = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function findFieldProperty($col) {
+ $map = $this->mapper->mapOf($this->refClass);
+ return array_filter($map->getProperties(), function($property) use($col) {
+ return $property->exposes($col);
+ });
+ }
+ function read2(RowGateway $row) {
+ #echo __METHOD__." ".$this;
+ $map = $this->getRefMap();
+ $rel = $this->container->getGateway()->getRelation(
+ $map->getGateway()->getName(), $this->refName);
+ $key = array_combine($rel->referencedColumns, array_map(function($c) use($row) {
+ return $row->$c->get();
+ }, $rel->foreignColumns));
+ if (($obj = $this->mapper->objectOfRowId($this->refClass, $key))) {
+ yield $this->property => $obj;
+ } else foreach ($map->getGateway()->by($row, $this->refName) as $row) {
+ yield $this->property => $this->mapper->objectOf($this->refClass, $row);
+ }
+ }
+ function write2($object) {
+ #echo __METHOD__." ".$this;
+ $map = $this->getRefMap();
+ $rel = $this->container->getGateway()->getRelation(
+ $map->getGateway()->getName(), $this->refName);
+ $ref = $this->extract($object);
+ foreach ($rel as $fgn => $col) {
+ $fld = $map->getFieldMapping($col);
+ yield $fgn => $fld->extract($ref);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+use pq\Gateway\Row;
+interface PropertyInterface
+ function write($object, Row $rowToUpdate);
+ function read(Row $row, $objectToUpdate);
+ function assign($object, $value);
+ function extract($object);
+ function getProperty();
+ function getContainer();
+ function setContainer(MapInterface $container);
+ function defines($property);
+ function exposes($field);
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+trait RefProperty
+ use Property;
+ private $refClass;
+ private $refName;
+ function to($class) {
+ $this->refClass = $class;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ function references($class) {
+ return $this->refClass === (is_object($class) ? get_class($class) : $class);
+ }
+ function by($ref) {
+ $this->refName = $ref;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ function on($ref) {
+ return $this->refName === $ref;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+interface RefPropertyInterface extends PropertyInterface
+ /**
+ * @param string $class
+ */
+ function to($class);
+ /**
+ * @param string $class
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ function references($class);
+ /**
+ * @param string $ref
+ */
+ function by($ref);
+ /**
+ * @param string $ref
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ function on($ref);
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+class Storage implements StorageInterface
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $class;
+ /**
+ * @var \pq\Mapper\Mapper
+ */
+ private $mapper;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var pq\Mapper\MapInterface
+ */
+ private $mapping;
+ /**
+ * @var \pq\Gateway\Table
+ */
+ private $gateway;
+ function __construct(Mapper $mapper, $class) {
+ $this->class = $class;
+ $this->mapper = $mapper;
+ $this->mapping = $mapper->mapOf($class);
+ $this->gateway = $this->mapping->getGateway();
+ }
+ function getMapper() {
+ return $this->mapper;
+ }
+ function find($where = [], $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null) {
+ /* @var pq\Gateway\Rowset $rowset */
+ $rowset = $this->gateway->find($where, $order, $limit, $offset);
+ return $this->mapping->mapAll($rowset);
+ }
+ function delete($object) {
+ $cache = $this->mapping->getObjects();
+ $row = $cache->asRow($object)->delete();
+ $cache->resetObject($row);
+ $cache->resetRow($object);
+ }
+ function persist($object) {
+ $this->mapping->unmap($object);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq\Mapper;
+interface StorageInterface
+ /**
+ * @return pq\Mapper\Mapper
+ */
+ function getMapper();
+ function find($where, $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null);
+ function delete($object);
+ function persist($object);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace pq
+ interface Converter
+ {
+ abstract public function convertTypes();
+ abstract public function convertFromString($data, $type);
+ abstract public function convertToString($data, $type);
+ }
+ class Cancel
+ {
+ public $connection;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection) {
+ }
+ public function cancel() {
+ }
+ }
+ interface Exception
+ {
+ const RUNTIME = 1;
+ const IO = 3;
+ const ESCAPE = 4;
+ const BAD_METHODCALL = 5;
+ const UNINITIALIZED = 6;
+ const DOMAIN = 7;
+ const SQL = 8;
+ }
+ class COPY
+ {
+ const FROM_STDIN = 0;
+ const TO_STDOUT = 1;
+ public $connection;
+ public $expression;
+ public $direction;
+ public $options;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection, $expression, $direction, $options = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function put($data) {
+ }
+ public function end($error = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function get(&$data) {
+ }
+ }
+ class Connection
+ {
+ const OK = 0;
+ const BAD = 1;
+ const STARTED = 2;
+ const MADE = 3;
+ const AUTH_OK = 5;
+ const SSL_STARTUP = 7;
+ const SETENV = 6;
+ const TRANS_IDLE = 0;
+ const TRANS_ACTIVE = 1;
+ const TRANS_INTRANS = 2;
+ const TRANS_INERROR = 3;
+ const TRANS_UNKNOWN = 4;
+ const POLLING_FAILED = 0;
+ const POLLING_READING = 1;
+ const POLLING_WRITING = 2;
+ const POLLING_OK = 3;
+ const EVENT_NOTICE = 'notice';
+ const EVENT_RESULT = 'result';
+ const EVENT_RESET = 'reset';
+ const ASYNC = 1;
+ const PERSISTENT = 2;
+ public $status;
+ public $transactionStatus;
+ public $socket;
+ public $errorMessage;
+ public $busy;
+ public $encoding;
+ public $unbuffered;
+ public $db;
+ public $user;
+ public $pass;
+ public $host;
+ public $port;
+ public $params;
+ public $options;
+ public $eventHandlers;
+ public $defaultFetchType;
+ public $defaultTransactionIsolation;
+ public $defaultTransactionReadonly;
+ public $defaultTransactionDeferrable;
+ public $defaultAutoConvert;
+ public function __construct($dsn, $async = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function reset() {
+ }
+ public function resetAsync() {
+ }
+ public function poll() {
+ }
+ public function exec($query) {
+ }
+ public function execAsync($query, $callable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function execParams($query, array $params, array $types = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function execParamsAsync($query, array $params, array $types = NULL, $callable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function prepare($name, $query, array $types = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function prepareAsync($name, $query, array $types = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function declare($name, $flags, $query) {
+ }
+ public function declareAsync($name, $flags, $query = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function unlisten($channel) {
+ }
+ public function unlistenAsync($channel) {
+ }
+ public function listen($channel, $callable) {
+ }
+ public function listenAsync($channel = NULL, $callable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function notify($channel, $message) {
+ }
+ public function notifyAsync($channel, $message) {
+ }
+ public function getResult() {
+ }
+ public function quote($string) {
+ }
+ public function quoteName($type) {
+ }
+ public function escapeBytea($bytea) {
+ }
+ public function unescapeBytea($bytea) {
+ }
+ public function startTransaction($isolation = NULL, $readonly = NULL, $deferrable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function startTransactionAsync($isolation = NULL, $readonly = NULL, $deferrable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function trace($stdio_stream = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function off($type) {
+ }
+ public function on($type, $callable) {
+ }
+ public function setConverter(\pq\Converter $converter) {
+ }
+ public function unsetConverter(\pq\Converter $converter) {
+ }
+ }
+ class Cursor
+ {
+ const BINARY = 1;
+ const INSENSITIVE = 2;
+ const WITH_HOLD = 4;
+ const SCROLL = 16;
+ const NO_SCROLL = 32;
+ public $name;
+ public $connection;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection, $name, $flags, $query, $async = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function open() {
+ }
+ public function close() {
+ }
+ public function fetch($spec) {
+ }
+ public function move($spec = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function fetchAsync($spec = NULL, $callback = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function moveAsync($spec = NULL, $callback = NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ class DateTime extends \DateTime implements \DateTimeInterface, \JsonSerializable
+ {
+ public $format;
+ public function __toString() {
+ }
+ public function jsonSerialize() {
+ }
+ }
+ class LOB
+ {
+ const INVALID_OID = 0;
+ const R = 262144;
+ const W = 131072;
+ const RW = 393216;
+ public $transaction;
+ public $oid;
+ public $stream;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Transaction $transaction, $oid = NULL, $mode = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function write($data) {
+ }
+ public function read($length = NULL, &$read = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function seek($offset, $whence = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function tell() {
+ }
+ public function truncate($length = NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ class Result implements \Countable
+ {
+ const EMPTY_QUERY = 0;
+ const COMMAND_OK = 1;
+ const TUPLES_OK = 2;
+ const COPY_OUT = 3;
+ const COPY_IN = 4;
+ const BAD_RESPONSE = 5;
+ const NONFATAL_ERROR = 6;
+ const FATAL_ERROR = 7;
+ const COPY_BOTH = 8;
+ const SINGLE_TUPLE = 9;
+ const FETCH_ARRAY = 0;
+ const FETCH_ASSOC = 1;
+ const FETCH_OBJECT = 2;
+ const CONV_BOOL = 1;
+ const CONV_INT = 2;
+ const CONV_FLOAT = 4;
+ const CONV_SCALAR = 15;
+ const CONV_ARRAY = 16;
+ const CONV_DATETIME = 32;
+ const CONV_JSON = 256;
+ const CONV_ALL = 65535;
+ public $status;
+ public $statusMessage;
+ public $errorMessage;
+ public $numRows;
+ public $numCols;
+ public $affectedRows;
+ public $fetchType;
+ public $autoConvert;
+ public function bind($col, &$ref) {
+ }
+ public function fetchBound() {
+ }
+ public function fetchRow($fetch_type = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function fetchCol(&$ref, $col = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function fetchAll($fetch_type = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function fetchAllCols($col = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function count() {
+ }
+ public function map($keys = NULL, $vals = NULL, $fetch_type = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function desc() {
+ }
+ }
+ class Statement
+ {
+ public $name;
+ public $connection;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection, $name, $query, array $types = NULL, $async = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function bind($param_no, &$param_ref) {
+ }
+ public function exec(array $params = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function desc() {
+ }
+ public function execAsync(array $params = NULL, $callable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function descAsync($callable) {
+ }
+ }
+ class Transaction
+ {
+ const READ_COMMITTED = 0;
+ const REPEATABLE_READ = 1;
+ const SERIALIZABLE = 2;
+ public $connection;
+ public $isolation;
+ public $readonly;
+ public $deferrable;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection, $async = NULL, $isolation = NULL, $readonly = NULL, $deferrable = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function commit() {
+ }
+ public function rollback() {
+ }
+ public function commitAsync() {
+ }
+ public function rollbackAsync() {
+ }
+ public function savepoint() {
+ }
+ public function savepointAsync() {
+ }
+ public function exportSnapshot() {
+ }
+ public function exportSnapshotAsync() {
+ }
+ public function importSnapshot($snapshot_id) {
+ }
+ public function importSnapshotAsync($snapshot_id) {
+ }
+ public function openLOB($oid, $mode = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function createLOB($mode = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function unlinkLOB($oid) {
+ }
+ public function importLOB($local_path, $oid = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function exportLOB($oid, $local_path) {
+ }
+ }
+ class Types
+ {
+ const BOOL = 16;
+ const BYTEA = 17;
+ const CHAR = 18;
+ const NAME = 19;
+ const INT8 = 20;
+ const INT2 = 21;
+ const INT2VECTOR = 22;
+ const INT4 = 23;
+ const REGPROC = 24;
+ const TEXT = 25;
+ const OID = 26;
+ const TID = 27;
+ const XID = 28;
+ const CID = 29;
+ const OIDVECTOR = 30;
+ const PG_TYPE = 71;
+ const PG_ATTRIBUTE = 75;
+ const PG_PROC = 81;
+ const PG_CLASS = 83;
+ const JSON = 114;
+ const XML = 142;
+ const XMLARRAY = 143;
+ const JSONARRAY = 199;
+ const PG_NODE_TREE = 194;
+ const SMGR = 210;
+ const POINT = 600;
+ const LSEG = 601;
+ const PATH = 602;
+ const BOX = 603;
+ const POLYGON = 604;
+ const LINE = 628;
+ const LINEARRAY = 629;
+ const FLOAT4 = 700;
+ const FLOAT8 = 701;
+ const ABSTIME = 702;
+ const RELTIME = 703;
+ const TINTERVAL = 704;
+ const UNKNOWN = 705;
+ const CIRCLE = 718;
+ const CIRCLEARRAY = 719;
+ const MONEY = 790;
+ const MONEYARRAY = 791;
+ const MACADDR = 829;
+ const INET = 869;
+ const CIDR = 650;
+ const BOOLARRAY = 1000;
+ const BYTEAARRAY = 1001;
+ const CHARARRAY = 1002;
+ const NAMEARRAY = 1003;
+ const INT2ARRAY = 1005;
+ const INT2VECTORARRAY = 1006;
+ const INT4ARRAY = 1007;
+ const REGPROCARRAY = 1008;
+ const TEXTARRAY = 1009;
+ const OIDARRAY = 1028;
+ const TIDARRAY = 1010;
+ const XIDARRAY = 1011;
+ const CIDARRAY = 1012;
+ const OIDVECTORARRAY = 1013;
+ const BPCHARARRAY = 1014;
+ const VARCHARARRAY = 1015;
+ const INT8ARRAY = 1016;
+ const POINTARRAY = 1017;
+ const LSEGARRAY = 1018;
+ const PATHARRAY = 1019;
+ const BOXARRAY = 1020;
+ const FLOAT4ARRAY = 1021;
+ const FLOAT8ARRAY = 1022;
+ const ABSTIMEARRAY = 1023;
+ const RELTIMEARRAY = 1024;
+ const TINTERVALARRAY = 1025;
+ const POLYGONARRAY = 1027;
+ const ACLITEM = 1033;
+ const ACLITEMARRAY = 1034;
+ const MACADDRARRAY = 1040;
+ const INETARRAY = 1041;
+ const CIDRARRAY = 651;
+ const CSTRINGARRAY = 1263;
+ const BPCHAR = 1042;
+ const VARCHAR = 1043;
+ const DATE = 1082;
+ const TIME = 1083;
+ const TIMESTAMP = 1114;
+ const TIMESTAMPARRAY = 1115;
+ const DATEARRAY = 1182;
+ const TIMEARRAY = 1183;
+ const TIMESTAMPTZ = 1184;
+ const TIMESTAMPTZARRAY = 1185;
+ const INTERVAL = 1186;
+ const INTERVALARRAY = 1187;
+ const NUMERICARRAY = 1231;
+ const TIMETZ = 1266;
+ const TIMETZARRAY = 1270;
+ const BIT = 1560;
+ const BITARRAY = 1561;
+ const VARBIT = 1562;
+ const VARBITARRAY = 1563;
+ const NUMERIC = 1700;
+ const REFCURSOR = 1790;
+ const REFCURSORARRAY = 2201;
+ const REGPROCEDURE = 2202;
+ const REGOPER = 2203;
+ const REGOPERATOR = 2204;
+ const REGCLASS = 2205;
+ const REGTYPE = 2206;
+ const REGOPERARRAY = 2208;
+ const REGOPERATORARRAY = 2209;
+ const REGCLASSARRAY = 2210;
+ const REGTYPEARRAY = 2211;
+ const UUID = 2950;
+ const UUIDARRAY = 2951;
+ const PG_LSN = 3220;
+ const PG_LSNARRAY = 3221;
+ const TSVECTOR = 3614;
+ const GTSVECTOR = 3642;
+ const TSQUERY = 3615;
+ const REGCONFIG = 3734;
+ const REGDICTIONARY = 3769;
+ const TSVECTORARRAY = 3643;
+ const GTSVECTORARRAY = 3644;
+ const TSQUERYARRAY = 3645;
+ const REGCONFIGARRAY = 3735;
+ const JSONB = 3802;
+ const JSONBARRAY = 3807;
+ const TXID_SNAPSHOT = 2970;
+ const TXID_SNAPSHOTARRAY = 2949;
+ const INT4RANGE = 3904;
+ const INT4RANGEARRAY = 3905;
+ const NUMRANGE = 3906;
+ const NUMRANGEARRAY = 3907;
+ const TSRANGE = 3908;
+ const TSRANGEARRAY = 3909;
+ const TSTZRANGE = 3910;
+ const TSTZRANGEARRAY = 3911;
+ const DATERANGE = 3912;
+ const DATERANGEARRAY = 3913;
+ const INT8RANGE = 3926;
+ const INT8RANGEARRAY = 3927;
+ const RECORD = 2249;
+ const RECORDARRAY = 2287;
+ const CSTRING = 2275;
+ const ANY = 2276;
+ const ANYARRAY = 2277;
+ const VOID = 2278;
+ const TRIGGER = 2279;
+ const EVENT_TRIGGER = 3838;
+ const LANGUAGE_HANDLER = 2280;
+ const INTERNAL = 2281;
+ const OPAQUE = 2282;
+ const ANYELEMENT = 2283;
+ const ANYNONARRAY = 2776;
+ const ANYENUM = 3500;
+ const FDW_HANDLER = 3115;
+ const ANYRANGE = 3831;
+ public $connection;
+ public function __construct(\pq\Connection $connection, array $namespaces = NULL) {
+ }
+ public function refresh(array $namespaces = NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+namespace pq\Exception
+ class BadMethodCallException extends \BadMethodCallException implements \pq\Exception
+ {
+ }
+ class InvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements \pq\Exception
+ {
+ }
+ class RuntimeException extends \RuntimeException implements \pq\Exception
+ {
+ }
+ class DomainException extends \DomainException implements \pq\Exception
+ {
+ public $sqlstate;
+ }