* source: git, svn
* build: php, pecl
* report: mail
+#### Usage
+Usage: btr [-hv] [<options>] <repository>
+ -h, --help Display this help
+ -v, --verbose Be more verbose
+ Options:
+ -s, --source=<rules> Use the specified source ruleset
+ -b, --build=<rules> Use the specified build ruleset
+ -r, --report=<rules> Use the specifued report ruleset
+ -B, --branch=<branch> Checkout this branch
+ -D, --directory=<directory> Use this directory as work root
+ -S, --suffix=<suffix> Append suffix to the build name
+ -C, --configure=<options> Define $CONFIGURE options
+ Rulesets:
+ source: git
+ build: php
+ report: mail
+#### Examples
+`USER=mike@php.net ./bin/btr -s svn -b pecl -r mail -v https://svn.php.net/repository/pecl/http -B branches/DEV_2`
+`USER=mike@php.net TESTS=tests/output ./bin/btr -s git -b php -r mail git@git.php.net:php-src.git`