/* decode and replace Transfer-Encoding with Content-Length header */
if (continue_at = http_chunked_decode(body, message + message_length - body, &decoded, &decoded_len)) {
- phpstr_from_string_ex(PHPSTR(msg), decoded, decoded_len);
- efree(decoded);
- {
- zval *len;
- char *tmp;
+ zval *len;
+ char *tmp;
+ int tmp_len;
- spprintf(&tmp, 0, "%lu", (ulong) decoded_len);
- ZVAL_STRING(len, tmp, 0);
+ tmp_len = (int) spprintf(&tmp, 0, "%lu", (ulong) decoded_len);
+ ZVAL_STRINGL(len, tmp, tmp_len, 0);
- zend_hash_del(&msg->hdrs, "Transfer-Encoding", sizeof("Transfer-Encoding"));
- zend_hash_add(&msg->hdrs, "Content-Length", sizeof("Content-Length"), (void *) &len, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- }
+ zend_hash_del(&msg->hdrs, "Transfer-Encoding", sizeof("Transfer-Encoding"));
+ zend_hash_add(&msg->hdrs, "Content-Length", sizeof("Content-Length"), (void *) &len, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ phpstr_from_string_ex(PHPSTR(msg), decoded, decoded_len);
+ efree(decoded);
} else
/* message has content-range header */
if (c = http_message_header(msg, "Content-Range")) {
- ulong start = 0, end = 0;
+ ulong total = 0, start = 0, end = 0;
+ if (!strncasecmp(Z_STRVAL_P(c), "bytes=", lenof("bytes="))) {
+ char *total_at = NULL, *end_at = NULL;
+ char *start_at = Z_STRVAL_P(c) + lenof("bytes=");
+ start = strtoul(start_at, &end_at, 10);
+ if (end_at) {
+ end = strtoul(end_at + 1, &total_at, 10);
+ if (total_at && strncmp(total_at + 1, "*", 1)) {
+ total = strtoul(total_at + 1, NULL, 10);
+ }
+ if (end >= start && (!total || end < total)) {
+ phpstr_from_string_ex(PHPSTR(msg), body, (size_t) (end + 1 - start));
+ continue_at = body + (end + 1 - start);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- sscanf(Z_STRVAL_P(c), "bytes=%lu-%lu", &start, &end);
- if (end > start) {
- phpstr_from_string_ex(PHPSTR(msg), body, (size_t) (end - start));
- continue_at = body + (end - start);
+ if (!continue_at) {
+ http_error_ex(HE_WARNING, HTTP_E_MALFORMED_HEADERS, "Invalid Content-Range header: %s", Z_STRVAL_P(c));
} else