* Prepends message(s) to the HTTP message.
* Expects an HttpMessage object as parameter.
+ *
+ * Throws HttpInvalidParamException if the messages are located within the same message chain.
PHP_METHOD(HttpMessage, prepend)
zend_bool top = 1;
if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "O|b", &prepend, http_message_object_ce, &top)) {
+ http_message *msg[2];
+ getObject(http_message_object, obj);
+ getObjectEx(http_message_object, prepend_obj, prepend);
+ /* safety check */
+ for (msg[0] = obj->message; msg[0]; msg[0] = msg[0]->parent) {
+ for (msg[1] = prepend_obj->message; msg[1]; msg[1] = msg[1]->parent) {
+ if (msg[0] == msg[1]) {
+ http_error(HE_THROW, HTTP_E_INVALID_PARAM, "Cannot prepend a message located within the same message chain");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
http_message_object_prepend_ex(getThis(), prepend, top);
<license>BSD, revised</license>
- Improved performance of the message and header parser
+- Disallow $HttpMessage->prepend($HttpMessage) causing infinite recursion
* Fixed internal http_parse_headers() always returning success
* Fixed missing "parentMessage" entry in print_r($HttpMessageObject)