--- /dev/null
+; example INI file for pecl/http
+; $Id$
+; enable if you want to transform all errors to exceptions (PHP >= 5 only)
+http.only_exceptions = 0
+; the hashing algorithm with wich ETags are generated
+; you can use mhash constants if ext/mhash is enabled, or their
+; literal representation if ext/http was linked against libmhash
+;http.etag_mode = MHASH_TIGER ; same as 7
+http.etag_mode = HTTP_ETAG_MD5
+; allowed request methods
+; by default PHP ignores unkown request methods
+; PHP will exit with a response status of 405 and an Allow header
+; if it encounters a request method not contained in the specified list
+;http.allowed_methods = "HEAD, GET, POST"
+; log file for positive cache hits
+;http.cache_log =
+; log file for redirects
+;http.redirect_log =
+; log file for requests with an unallowed request method
+;http.allowed_methods_log =
+; composite log file (i.e. log all messages to this file)
+;http.composite_log =