* let http_info.request.url be a php_url
* let the message body be a simple query string unless files are added
* php_http_message_serialize reverses the chain twice; remove that
-* revisit error handling
- * ditch http\Object
- * interfacize http\Exception
- * subclass Exceptions
- * zend_throw_exception
\ No newline at end of file
- <date>2013-11-22</date>
+ <date>2013-11-26</date>
<license>BSD, revised</license>
* Fixed a bug with multiple ob_start(http\Env\Response) while replacing the body
-* Some Windows fixes
+* Fixed build on Windows with libevent2
<dir name="/">
#ifndef PHP_EXT_HTTP_H
#define PHP_EXT_HTTP_H
-#define PHP_PECL_HTTP_VERSION "2.0.1dev"
+#define PHP_PECL_HTTP_VERSION "2.0.1"
extern zend_module_entry http_module_entry;
#define phpext_http_ptr &http_module_entry