--- /dev/null
+large object stream
+<?php include "_skipif.inc"; ?>
+echo "Test\n";
+include "_setup.inc";
+$c = new pq\Connection(PQ_DSN);
+$t = $c->startTransaction();
+$lob = $t->createLOB();
+fwrite($lob->stream, file_get_contents(__FILE__));
+fseek($lob->stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
+$dat = fread($lob->stream, filesize(__FILE__));
+var_dump(hash("md5", $dat)==hash_file("md5", __FILE__));
+ftruncate($lob->stream, 5);
+$lob = new pq\Lob($t, $lob->oid);
+var_dump(fread($lob->stream, 123));
+Warning: ftruncate(): Can't truncate this stream! in %s on line %d
+string(123) "<?php
+echo "Test\n";
+include "_setup.inc";
+$c = new pq\Connection(PQ_DSN);
+$t = $c->startTransaction();
+$lob = $t->creat"
--- /dev/null
+large object closing stream
+<?php include "_skipif.inc"; ?>
+echo "Test\n";
+include "_setup.inc";
+$c = new pq\Connection(PQ_DSN);
+$t = $c->startTransaction();
+$lob = $t->createLOB();
+fclose($lob->stream); // bad boy!
+var_dump(fread($lob->stream, 5));
+$lob = null;
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+Warning: fclose(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+string(0) ""