<license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
-* Updated documentation
-* Renamed http_absolute_uri() to http_build_uri() (complements with http_build_query())
-* Changed the signature of the negotiator to fill the second parameter with the results array
++ Updated documentation (a lot)
+- Renamed http_absolute_uri() to http_build_uri() (complements with http_build_query())
+- Changed the signature of the negotiator to fill the second parameter with the results array
+* Fixed unexpected warnings on request shutdown when etag caching is enabled
<dir name="/">
<file role="test" name="HttpRequest_003.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpResponse_001.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="HttpResponse_002.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="HttpResponse_003.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="HttpResponse_004.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="INI_001.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="parse_headers_001.phpt"/>
<file role="test" name="parse_message_001.phpt"/>