// Symbol
php_ion_register(symbol, Symbol);
+ oh_Symbol.compare = php_ion_symbol_zval_compare;
php_ion_register(symbol_iloc, Symbol_ImportLocation);
php_ion_register(symbol_table, Symbol_Table);
ce_Symbol_System = register_class_ion_Symbol_System();
zend_object *iloc, std;
} php_ion_symbol;
+static inline int php_ion_symbol_zval_compare(zval *zv1, zval *zv2) {
+ zend_string *zs1 = zval_get_string(zv1);
+ zend_string *zs2 = zval_get_string(zv2);
+ if (EG(exception)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int result;
+ if (zs1->len > zs2->len) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if (zs2->len > zs1->len) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else {
+ result = memcmp(zs1->val, zs2->val, zs1->len);
+ }
+ zend_string_release(zs1);
+ zend_string_release(zs2);
+ return result;
static inline void php_ion_symbol_ctor(php_ion_symbol *obj)
zend_update_property_long(obj->std.ce, &obj->std, ZEND_STRL("sid"),
+ * @link https://amzn.github.io/ion-docs/docs/spec.html#struct
* When two fields in the same struct have the same name [...] Implementations must preserve all such fields,
* i.e., they may not discard fields that have repeated names. However, implementations may reorder fields
* (the binary format identifies structs that are sorted by symbolID), so certain operations may lead to