<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-1.0">
-<!-- $Revision: 1.38 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.39 $ -->
<package version="1.0">
<summary>Extended HTTP support</summary>
(with 'on the fly' option for ETag generation from buffered output)
* Sending data/files/streams with (multiple) ranges support
* Negotiating user preferred language/charset
-* Convenient request functions built upon libcurl
-* PHP5 classes: HttpUtil, HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpRequestPool, HttpMessage
+* Convenient request functionality built upon libcurl
+* PHP5 classes: HttpUtil, HttpResponse (PHP-5.1), HttpRequest, HttpRequestPool, HttpMessage
<license>PHP License 3.0</license>
+ HTTP request method API is now available for builds without libcurl, too
++ Added HttpResponse::guessContentType() through libmagic
+- Removed HttpResponse class from PHP-5.0 (WONKY) due to ZE limitations
+* Improved the build system
+* Imrpoved logging format
+* Implemented SSL crypto locks for thread safe builds
+* Fixed ridiculous low default transfer timeout of 3 seconds (set to 0 now)
+* Fixed a bug where plain instead of more specific HttpExceptions were thrown
+* Fixed a bug where entities that where not marked for being cached were
+ actually cached if an apropriate ETag or Last-Modified header was seen
<dir name="tests" role="test">
+ <file>log.inc</file>
+ <file>allowed_methods_001_logging.phpt</file>
+ <file>redirect_001_logging.phpt</file>
+ <file>redirect_002_logging.phpt</file>
+ <file>redirect_003_logging.phpt</file>
- <file>send_data_007.phpt</file>
+ <file>send_data_007_logging.phpt</file>