--- /dev/null
+# travis-pecl
+These few lines of code support building and testing PHP extensions on Travis-CI.
+## Usage
+First, we'll add this repo to our extension as submodule:
+ git submodule add -n travis-pecl https://github.com/m6w6/travis-pecl.git travis/pecl
+ git submodule update --init
+Let's build a `.travis.yml`by example. We'll use a simple PHP script, e.g. `gen_travis_yml.php`,
+which will generate the configuration for us:
+ #!/usr/bin/env php
+ # file generated by gen_travis_yml.php, do not edit!
+ # use the container infrastructure
+ sudo: false
+ # we want to build a C library
+ language: c
+ # use the system's PHP to run this script
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - php5-cli
+ - php-pear
+ # now we'll specify the build matrix environment
+ env:
+ <?php
+ # instantiate the generator
+ $gen = include "travis/pecl/gen_matrix.php";
+ # generate the matrix
+ $env = $gen([
+ # the latest releases of minor versions we want to build against
+ "PHP" => ["5.4", "5.5", "5.6"],
+ # test debug and non-debug builds
+ "enable_debug",
+ # test threadsafe and non-threadsafe builds
+ "enable_maintainer_zts",
+ # test with ext/json enabled an disabled
+ "enable_json",
+ # always build with iconv support
+ "with_iconv" => ["yes"],
+ ]);
+ # output the build matrix
+ foreach ($env as $e) {
+ printf(" - %s\n", %e);
+ }
+ ?>
+ before_script:
+ # build the matrix' PHP version
+ - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile php
+ # build the extension, the PECL variable expects the extension name
+ # and optionally the soname and a specific version of the extension
+ # separeated by double colon, e.g. PECL=myext:ext:1.7.5
+ - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile ext PECL=myext
+ script:
+ # run the PHPT test suite
+ - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile test
+That's it, more TBD.