return rc;
- if (success) {
+ static memcached_return replication_binary_mget(memcached_st *ptr,
+ uint32_t* hash, bool* dead_servers,
+ char **keys, size_t *key_length,
+ unsigned int number_of_keys)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc= MEMCACHED_NOTFOUND;
+ uint32_t x;
+ int flush= number_of_keys == 1;
+ for (int replica = 0; replica <= ptr->number_of_replicas; ++replica)
+ {
+ bool success= true;
+ for (uint32_t x= 0; x < number_of_keys; ++x)
+ {
+ if (hash[x] == ptr->number_of_hosts)
+ continue; /* Already successfully sent */
+ uint32_t server= hash[x] + replica;
+ while (server >= ptr->number_of_hosts)
+ server -= ptr->number_of_hosts;
+ if (dead_servers[server])
+ continue;
+ if (memcached_server_response_count(&ptr->hosts[server]) == 0)
+ {
+ rc= memcached_connect(&ptr->hosts[server]);
+ {
+ memcached_io_reset(&ptr->hosts[server]);
+ dead_servers[server]= true;
+ success= false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ protocol_binary_request_getk request= {.bytes= {0}};
+ request.message.header.request.magic= PROTOCOL_BINARY_REQ;
+ if (number_of_keys == 1)
+ request.message.header.request.opcode= PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GETK;
+ else
+ request.message.header.request.opcode= PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GETKQ;
+ request.message.header.request.keylen= htons((uint16_t)key_length[x]);
+ request.message.header.request.datatype= PROTOCOL_BINARY_RAW_BYTES;
+ request.message.header.request.bodylen= htonl(key_length[x]);
+ if ((memcached_io_write(&ptr->hosts[server], request.bytes,
+ sizeof(request.bytes), 0) == -1) ||
+ (memcached_io_write(&ptr->hosts[server], keys[x],
+ key_length[x], flush) == -1))
+ {
+ memcached_io_reset(&ptr->hosts[server]);
+ dead_servers[server]= true;
+ success= false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ memcached_server_response_increment(&ptr->hosts[server]);
+ }
+ if (number_of_keys > 1)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Send a noop command to flush the buffers
+ */
+ protocol_binary_request_noop request= {.bytes= {0}};
+ request.message.header.request.magic= PROTOCOL_BINARY_REQ;
+ request.message.header.request.opcode= PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_NOOP;
+ request.message.header.request.datatype= PROTOCOL_BINARY_RAW_BYTES;
+ for (x= 0; x < ptr->number_of_hosts; x++)
+ if (memcached_server_response_count(&ptr->hosts[x]))
+ {
+ if (memcached_io_write(&ptr->hosts[x], request.bytes,
+ sizeof(request.bytes), 1) == -1)
+ {
+ memcached_io_reset(&ptr->hosts[x]);
+ dead_servers[x]= true;
+ success= false;
+ }
+ memcached_server_response_increment(&ptr->hosts[x]);
+ /* mark all of the messages bound for this server as sent! */
+ for (uint32_t x= 0; x < number_of_keys; ++x)
+ if (hash[x] == x)
+ hash[x]= ptr->number_of_hosts;
+ }
+ }
- }
++ if (success)
+ break;
- } else {
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ static memcached_return binary_mget_by_key(memcached_st *ptr,
+ unsigned int master_server_key,
+ bool is_master_key_set,
+ char **keys, size_t *key_length,
+ unsigned int number_of_keys)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc;
+ if (ptr->number_of_replicas == 0)
+ {
+ rc= simple_binary_mget(ptr, master_server_key, is_master_key_set,
+ keys, key_length, number_of_keys);
- for (unsigned int x= 0; x < number_of_keys; ++x)
++ }
++ else
++ {
+ uint32_t* hash;
+ bool* dead_servers;
+ hash= ptr->call_malloc(ptr, sizeof(uint32_t) * number_of_keys);
+ dead_servers= ptr->call_calloc(ptr, ptr->number_of_hosts, sizeof(bool));
+ if (hash == NULL || dead_servers == NULL)
+ {
+ ptr->call_free(ptr, hash);
+ ptr->call_free(ptr, dead_servers);
+ }
+ if (is_master_key_set)
- for (unsigned int x= 0; x < number_of_keys; ++x)
++ for (unsigned int x= 0; x < number_of_keys; x++)
+ hash[x]= master_server_key;
+ else
++ for (unsigned int x= 0; x < number_of_keys; x++)
+ hash[x]= memcached_generate_hash(ptr, keys[x], key_length[x]);
+ rc= replication_binary_mget(ptr, hash, dead_servers, keys,
+ key_length, number_of_keys);
+ ptr->call_free(ptr, hash);
+ ptr->call_free(ptr, dead_servers);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
- for (int host= 0; host < clone->number_of_hosts; ++host) {
+ static test_return replication_set_test(memcached_st *memc)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc;
+ memcached_st *clone= memcached_clone(NULL, memc);
+ memcached_behavior_set(clone, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 0);
+ rc= memcached_set(memc, "bubba", 5, "0", 1, 0, 0);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ /*
+ ** "bubba" should now be stored on all of our servers. We don't have an
+ ** easy to use API to address each individual server, so I'll just iterate
+ ** through a bunch of "master keys" and I should most likely hit all of the
+ ** servers...
+ */
+ for (int x= 'a'; x <= 'z'; ++x)
+ {
+ char key[2]= { [0]= (char)x };
+ size_t len;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ char *val= memcached_get_by_key(clone, key, 1, "bubba", 5,
+ &len, &flags, &rc);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ assert(val != NULL);
+ free(val);
+ }
+ memcached_free(clone);
+ return TEST_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ static test_return replication_get_test(memcached_st *memc)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc;
+ /*
+ * Don't do the following in your code. I am abusing the internal details
+ * within the library, and this is not a supported interface.
+ * This is to verify correct behavior in the library
+ */
+ for (int host= 0; host < memc->number_of_hosts; ++host) {
+ memcached_st *clone= memcached_clone(NULL, memc);
+ clone->hosts[host].port= 0;
+ for (int x= 'a'; x <= 'z'; ++x)
+ {
+ char key[2]= { [0]= (char)x };
+ size_t len;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ char *val= memcached_get_by_key(clone, key, 1, "bubba", 5,
+ &len, &flags, &rc);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ assert(val != NULL);
+ free(val);
+ }
+ memcached_free(clone);
+ }
+ return TEST_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ static test_return replication_mget_test(memcached_st *memc)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc;
+ memcached_st *clone= memcached_clone(NULL, memc);
+ memcached_behavior_set(clone, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 0);
+ char *keys[]= { "bubba", "key1", "key2", "key3" };
+ size_t len[]= { 5, 4, 4, 4 };
+ for (int x=0; x< 4; ++x)
+ {
+ rc= memcached_set(memc, keys[x], len[x], "0", 1, 0, 0);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't do the following in your code. I am abusing the internal details
+ * within the library, and this is not a supported interface.
+ * This is to verify correct behavior in the library
+ */
+ memcached_result_st result_obj;
- ++hits;
++ for (int host= 0; host < clone->number_of_hosts; ++host)
++ {
+ memcached_st *clone= memcached_clone(NULL, memc);
+ clone->hosts[host].port= 0;
+ for (int x= 'a'; x <= 'z'; ++x)
+ {
+ char key[2]= { [0]= (char)x };
+ rc= memcached_mget_by_key(clone, key, 1, keys, len, 4);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ memcached_result_st *results= memcached_result_create(clone, &result_obj);
+ assert(results);
+ int hits= 0;
+ while ((results= memcached_fetch_result(clone, &result_obj, &rc)) != NULL)
+ {
- for (int host= 0; host < clone->number_of_hosts; ++host) {
++ hits++;
+ }
+ assert(hits == 4);
+ memcached_result_free(&result_obj);
+ }
+ memcached_free(clone);
+ }
+ return TEST_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ static test_return replication_delete_test(memcached_st *memc)
+ {
+ memcached_return rc;
+ memcached_st *clone= memcached_clone(NULL, memc);
+ /* Delete the items from all of the servers except 1 */
+ uint64_t repl= memcached_behavior_get(memc,
+ memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, --repl);
+ char *keys[]= { "bubba", "key1", "key2", "key3" };
+ size_t len[]= { 5, 4, 4, 4 };
+ for (int x=0; x< 4; ++x)
+ {
+ rc= memcached_delete_by_key(memc, keys[0], len[0], keys[x], len[x], 0);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't do the following in your code. I am abusing the internal details
+ * within the library, and this is not a supported interface.
+ * This is to verify correct behavior in the library
+ */
+ int hash= memcached_generate_hash(memc, keys[0], len[0]);
+ for (int x= 0; x < (repl + 1); ++x) {
+ clone->hosts[hash].port= 0;
+ if (++hash == clone->number_of_hosts)
+ hash= 0;
+ }
+ memcached_result_st result_obj;
++ for (int host= 0; host < clone->number_of_hosts; ++host)
++ {
+ for (int x= 'a'; x <= 'z'; ++x)
+ {
+ char key[2]= { [0]= (char)x };
+ rc= memcached_mget_by_key(clone, key, 1, keys, len, 4);
+ assert(rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
+ memcached_result_st *results= memcached_result_create(clone, &result_obj);
+ assert(results);
+ int hits= 0;
+ while ((results= memcached_fetch_result(clone, &result_obj, &rc)) != NULL)
+ {
+ ++hits;
+ }
+ assert(hits == 4);
+ memcached_result_free(&result_obj);
+ }
+ }
+ memcached_free(clone);
+ return TEST_SUCCESS;
+ }
static void increment_request_id(uint16_t *id)
uint16_t *ids= malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * memc->number_of_hosts);
assert(ids != NULL);
unsigned int x;
for (x= 0; x < memc->number_of_hosts; x++)
ids[x]= get_udp_datagram_request_id((struct udp_datagram_header_st *) memc->hosts[x].write_buffer);
unsigned int x;
memcached_server_st *cur_server = memc->hosts;
uint16_t *cur_req_ids = get_udp_request_ids(memc);
for (x= 0; x < memc->number_of_hosts; x++)
assert(cur_server[x].cursor_active == 0);
memcpy(servers, memc->hosts, sizeof(memcached_server_st) * num_hosts);
for (x= 0; x < num_hosts; x++)
memc->number_of_hosts= 0;
memcached_behavior_set(memc, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_USE_UDP, 1);
for (x= 0; x < num_hosts; x++)
assert(memcached_server_add_udp(memc, servers[x].hostname, servers[x].port) == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS);
assert(memc->hosts[x].write_buffer_offset == UDP_DATAGRAM_HEADER_LENGTH);