<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-1.0">
-<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.11">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.6.1">
<summary>Extended HTTP Support</summary>
<description>This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful
- <version>1.5.2</version>
- <date>2007-02-25</date>
+ <version>1.6.0b1</version>
+ <date>2007-09-05</date>
<license>BSD, revised</license>
- <state>stable</state>
- <notes>* Fixed bug #10151 (build fails dynamic linking on Mac OS X)
-* Allow setting the "proxyhost" request option to an empty string,
- which lets curl ignore any environment settings
-* Allow unsetting request options by passing NULL:
- $request->setOptions(array("option" => NULL));
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>+ Added 'retrycount' and 'retrydelay' request options
++ Added libevent support for libcurl (>= 7.16.0):
+ o added --with-http-curl-libevent configure option
+ o added HttpRequestPool::enableEvents()
<dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3"/>
--- /dev/null
+class pool extends HttpRequestPool {
+ private $url;
+ private $cnt;
+ static function fetch($url, $n, $c, $e) {
+ $pool = new pool;
+ $pool->url = $url;
+ $pool->cnt = $n;
+ $pool->enableEvents($e);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $c; ++$i) {
+ $pool->push();
+ }
+ try {
+ $pool->send();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ echo $ex, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function push() {
+ if ($this->cnt > 0) {
+ request::init($this, $this->url)->id = $this->cnt--;
+ }
+ }
+class request extends HttpRequest {
+ static $counter = 0;
+ public $id;
+ private $pool;
+ static function init(pool $pool, $url) {
+ $r = new request($url);
+ $r->pool = $pool;
+ $pool->attach($r);
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function onFinish() {
+ ++self::$counter;
+ $this->pool->detach($this);
+ $this->pool->push();
+ }
+function usage() {
+ global $argv;
+ fprintf(STDERR, "Usage: %s -u <URL> -n <requests> -c <concurrency> -e (use libevent)\n", $argv[0]);
+ fprintf(STDERR, "\nDefaults: -u http://localhost/ -n 1000 -c 10\n\n");
+ exit(-1);
+isset($argv) or $argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
+defined('STDERR') or define('STDERR', fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));
+$opts = getopt("u:c:n:e");
+isset($opts["u"]) or $opts["u"] = "http://localhost/";
+isset($opts["c"]) or $opts["c"] = 10;
+isset($opts["n"]) or $opts["n"] = 1000;
+http_parse_message(http_head($opts["u"]))->responseCode == 200 or usage();
+$time = microtime(true);
+pool::fetch($opts["u"], $opts["n"], $opts["c"], isset($opts["e"]));
+printf("\n> %10.6fs\n", microtime(true)-$time);
+request::$counter == $opts["n"] or printf("\nOnly %d finished\n", request::$counter);