X-Git-Url: https://git.m6w6.name/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=docs%2Fv0.2%2Fion%2F%3A%20Tutorial%2F%3A4.%20Special%20Datatypes.html;fp=docs%2Fv0.2%2Fion%2F%3A%20Tutorial%2F%3A4.%20Special%20Datatypes.html;h=d77663b02d480d332cf2bd7facecc77ecafa9420;hb=3787f011144279a73401b7709676058508735e0e;hp=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hpb=717c399364f77f606c1e07d515127ece31ccb878;p=awesomized%2Fext-ion diff --git a/docs/v0.2/ion/: Tutorial/:4. Special Datatypes.html b/docs/v0.2/ion/: Tutorial/:4. Special Datatypes.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d77663b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/v0.2/ion/: Tutorial/:4. Special Datatypes.html @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ + + + + + + ★4. Special Datatypes - + mdref + + + + + + + + + + +
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+Special Datatypes

There are a handful of data types treated in a specific way in PHP; consider the following examples:

Symbols +

Symbols are much like strings, in that they are Unicode character sequences. The primary difference is the intended semantics: symbols represent semantic identifiers as opposed to textual literal values. Symbols are case sensitive.

In the text format, symbols are delimited by single-quotes and use the same escape characters.

See Ion Symbols for more details about symbol representations and symbol tables, and our section on Symbols, Tables and Catalogs for a distilled read.

Decimals +

See the section on reals for an introduction.

= new ion\Decimal(123);
ion\serialize($d), " = ", $d->isInt() ? "int" : "noint", "\n";
// 123d0 = int

$d = new ion\Decimal("123.123");
ion\serialize($d), " = ", $d->isInt() ? "int" : "noint" ,"\n";
// 123.123 = noint


See the official ION spec about real numbers and also Ion Float and Ion Decimals for more notes.

LOBs +

BLob +

The blob type allows embedding of arbitrary raw binary data. Ion treats such data as a single (though often very large) value. It does no processing of such data other than passing it through intact.

In the text format, blob values are denoted as RFC 4648-compliant Base64 text within two pairs of curly braces.

+{{ dHdvIHBhZGRpbmcgY2hhcmFjdGVycw== }}

CLob +

The clob type is similar to blob in that it holds uninterpreted binary data. The difference is that the content is expected to be text, so we use a text notation that’s more readable than Base64.

+{{ "This is a CLOB of text." }}

See the official ION specification on Blobs and Clobs.

Timestamps +

Timestamps represent a specific moment in time, always include a local offset, and are capable of arbitrary precision.

Instances of ion\Timestamp are really just plain \DateTime objects augmented with Stringable and ION specific formatting.

new ion\Timestamp(
precision: ion\Timestamp\Precision::FracTZ,
// 2022-02-25T16:11:54.118+00:00

new ion\Timestamp(
precision: ion\Timestamp\Precision::Day
// 2022-02-25T

new ion\Timestamp(
precision: ion\Timestamp\Precision::MinTZ,
format: ion\Timestamp\Format::Min,
datetime: "2020-03-15T12:34",
timezone: new DateTimeZone("Europe/Vienna")
// 2020-03-15T12:34+01:00

See also the official ION Timestamp specification.

Special PHP Objects +

Deprecated Serializable: +


+The interface Serializable has been deprecated in 8.1 and should be replaced with magic serialize methods.


class srlzbl implements \Serializable {
$data = "foo";
  public function 
serialize() { 
  public function 
unserialize($data) { 
$this->data = $data; 

$srlzbl = new srlzbl;

$srlzd = ion\serialize($srlzbl);

    object(srlzbl)#4 (1) {
        string(3) "foo"



Everything as expected so far, Serializable return a string, but since they cannot indicate whether it's a valid UTF-8 string, a ion\Type::CLob or ion\Type::BLob, CLobs are assumed.

Unserialization does not offer any surprises, either:


  object(srlzbl)#4 (1) {
    string(3) "bar"



Magic __serialize: +

Implementing serialization behavior with magic methods is the preferred way since 8.1:

class magic {
string $foo = "foo";
__serialize() : array {
    return [
"foo" => "bar"];
__unserialize(array $data) : void {
    foreach (
$data as $k => $v) 
$this->$k = $v;

$magic = new magic;

$srlzd = ion\serialize($magic);

  object(magic)#6 (1) {
    string(3) "foo"




Again, unserialization yields the expected results:


  object(magic)#7 (1) {
    string(3) "bar"



Custom serialize: +

Customly serializable objects work like magic serializable objects, with custom names for the magic methods.

class custom {
  private array 
init(array $data) : void {
$this->data = $data;
export() : array {

$custom = new custom;
$custom->init(["foo" => "bar"]);
$srlzd = ion\serialize($custom);



The above is actually the result of serializing a standard class backed PHP object, because we didn't implement any serialization primitives and did neither specify a custom method to call. So let's just do that:

= new ion\Serializer\Serializer(callCustomSerialize: "export");
$srlzd = ion\serialize($custom, $srlzr);




Note how this output compares to the output of the standard magic serializable object.

Unserialization works as used to, except sepcifying thwe custom unserialization method to call:

= new ion\Unserializer\Unserializer(callCustomUnserialize: "init");
var_dump(ion\unserialize($srlzd, $unsrlzr));

    object(custom)#10 (1) {
    array(1) {
      string(3) "bar"



S-Expressions +

An S-expression (or symbolic expression) is much like a list in that it’s an ordered collection of values. However, the notation aligns with Lisp syntax to connote use of application semantics like function calls or programming-language statements. As such, correct interpretation requires a higher-level context other than the raw Ion parser and data model.

In the text format, S-expressions are bounded by parentheses. S-expressions also allow unquoted operator symbols (in addition to the unquoted identifier symbols allowed everywhere), so commas are interpreted as values rather than element separators.

+null.sexp         // A null S-expression value
()                // An empty expression value
(cons 1 2)        // S-expression of three values
([hello][there])  // S-expression containing two lists

(a+-b)  ( 'a' '+-' 'b' )    // Equivalent; three symbols
(a.b;)  ( 'a' '.' 'b' ';')  // Equivalent; four symbols

Although Ion S-expressions use a syntax similar to Lisp expressions, Ion does not define their interpretation or any semantics at all, beyond the pure sequence-of-values data model indicated above.

Next up +

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