[awesomized/libmemcached] / udp.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use Test::More tests => 48;
5 use FindBin qw($Bin);
6 use lib "$Bin/lib";
7 use MemcachedTest;
9 use constant IS_ASCII => 0;
10 use constant IS_BINARY => 1;
11 use constant ENTRY_EXISTS => 0;
12 use constant ENTRY_MISSING => 1;
13 use constant BIN_REQ_MAGIC => 0x80;
14 use constant BIN_RES_MAGIC => 0x81;
15 use constant CMD_GET => 0x00;
16 use constant CMD_SET => 0x01;
17 use constant CMD_ADD => 0x02;
18 use constant CMD_REPLACE => 0x03;
19 use constant CMD_DELETE => 0x04;
20 use constant CMD_INCR => 0x05;
21 use constant CMD_DECR => 0x06;
22 use constant CMD_APPEND => 0x0E;
23 use constant CMD_PREPEND => 0x0F;
24 use constant REQ_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN";
25 use constant RES_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN";
26 use constant INCRDECR_PKT_FMT => "NNNNN";
27 use constant MIN_RECV_BYTES => length(pack(RES_PKT_FMT));
30 my $server = new_memcached();
31 my $sock = $server->sock;
33 # set foo (and should get it)
34 print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\n";
35 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo");
36 mem_get_is($sock, "foo", "fooval");
38 my $usock = $server->new_udp_sock
39 or die "Can't bind : $@\n";
41 # testing sequence of request ids
42 for my $offt (1, 1, 2) {
43 my $req = 160 + $offt;
44 my $res = send_udp_request($usock, $req, "get foo\r\n");
45 ok($res, "got result");
46 is(keys %$res, 1, "one key (one packet)");
47 ok($res->{0}, "only got seq number 0");
48 is(substr($res->{0}, 8), "VALUE foo 0 6\r\nfooval\r\nEND\r\n");
49 is(hexify(substr($res->{0}, 0, 2)), hexify(pack("n", $req)), "udp request number in response ($req) is correct");
50 }
52 # op tests
53 for my $prot (::IS_ASCII,::IS_BINARY) {
54 udp_set_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1",0,0);
55 udp_set_test($prot,45,"bval$prot","abcd" x 1024,0,0);
56 udp_get_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1",::ENTRY_EXISTS);
57 udp_get_test($prot,45,"404$prot","1",::ENTRY_MISSING);
58 udp_incr_decr_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1","incr",1);
59 udp_incr_decr_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1","decr",2);
60 udp_delete_test($prot,45,"aval$prot");
61 }
63 sub udp_set_test {
64 my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $value, $flags, $exp) = @_;
65 my $req = "";
66 my $val_len = length($value);
68 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
69 $req = "set $key $flags $exp $val_len\r\n$value\r\n";
70 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
71 my $key_len = length($key);
72 my $extra = pack "NN",$flags,$exp;
73 my $extra_len = length($extra);
74 my $total_len = $val_len + $extra_len + $key_len;
75 $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_SET, $key_len, $extra_len, 0, 0, $total_len, 0, 0, 0);
76 $req .= $extra . $key . $value;
77 }
79 my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req);
80 my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams);
82 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
83 is($resp,"STORED\r\n","Store key $key using ASCII protocol");
84 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
85 my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len,
86 $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp);
87 is($resp_status,"0","Store key $key using binary protocol");
88 }
89 }
91 sub udp_get_test {
92 my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $value, $exists) = @_;
93 my $key_len = length($key);
94 my $value_len = length($value);
95 my $req = "";
97 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
98 $req = "get $key\r\n";
99 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
100 $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_GET, $key_len, 0, 0, 0, $key_len, 0, 0, 0);
101 $req .= $key;
102 }
104 my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req);
105 my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams);
107 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
108 if ($exists == ::ENTRY_EXISTS) {
109 is($resp,"VALUE $key 0 $value_len\r\n$value\r\nEND\r\n","Retrieve entry with key $key using ASCII protocol");
110 } else {
111 is($resp,"END\r\n","Retrieve non existing entry with key $key using ASCII protocol");
112 }
113 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
114 my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len,
115 $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp);
116 if ($exists == ::ENTRY_EXISTS) {
117 is($resp_status,"0","Retrieve entry with key $key using binary protocol");
118 is(substr($resp,::MIN_RECV_BYTES + $resp_extra_len + $resp_key_len, $value_len),$value,"Value for key $key retrieved with binary protocol matches");
119 } else {
120 is($resp_status,"1","Retrieve non existing entry with key $key using binary protocol");
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 sub udp_delete_test {
126 my ($protocol, $req_id, $key) = @_;
127 my $req = "";
128 my $key_len = length($key);
130 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
131 $req = "delete $key\r\n";
132 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
133 $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_DELETE, $key_len, 0, 0, 0, $key_len, 0, 0, 0);
134 $req .= $key;
135 }
137 my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req);
138 my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams);
140 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
141 is($resp,"DELETED\r\n","Delete key $key using ASCII protocol");
142 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
143 my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len,
144 $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp);
145 is($resp_status,"0","Delete key $key using binary protocol");
146 }
147 }
149 sub udp_incr_decr_test {
150 my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $val, $optype, $init_val) = @_;
151 my $req = "";
152 my $key_len = length($key);
153 my $expected_value = 0;
154 my $acmd = "incr";
155 my $bcmd = ::CMD_INCR;
156 if ($optype eq "incr") {
157 $expected_value = $init_val + $val;
158 } else {
159 $acmd = "decr";
160 $bcmd = ::CMD_DECR;
161 $expected_value = $init_val - $val;
162 }
164 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
165 $req = "$acmd $key $val\r\n";
166 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
167 my $extra = pack(::INCRDECR_PKT_FMT, ($val / 2 ** 32),($val % 2 ** 32), 0, 0, 0);
168 my $extra_len = length($extra);
169 $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, $bcmd, $key_len, $extra_len, 0, 0, $key_len + $extra_len, 0, 0, 0);
170 $req .= $extra . $key;
171 }
173 my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req);
174 my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams);
176 if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) {
177 is($resp,"$expected_value\r\n","perform $acmd math operation on key $key with ASCII protocol");
178 } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) {
179 my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len,
180 $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp);
181 is($resp_status,"0","perform $acmd math operation on key $key with binary protocol");
182 my ($resp_hi,$resp_lo) = unpack("NN",substr($resp,::MIN_RECV_BYTES + $resp_extra_len + $resp_key_len,
183 $resp_total_len - $resp_extra_len - $resp_key_len));
184 is(($resp_hi * 2 ** 32) + $resp_lo,$expected_value,"validate result of binary protocol math operation $acmd . Expected value $expected_value")
185 }
186 }
188 sub construct_udp_message {
189 my $datagrams = shift;
190 my $num_datagram = keys (%$datagrams);
191 my $msg = "";
192 my $cur_dg ="";
193 my $cur_udp_header ="";
194 for (my $cur_dg_index = 0; $cur_dg_index < $num_datagram; $cur_dg_index++) {
195 $cur_dg = $datagrams->{$cur_dg_index};
196 isnt($cur_dg,"","missing datagram for segment $cur_dg_index");
197 $cur_udp_header=substr($cur_dg, 0, 8);
198 $msg .= substr($cur_dg,8);
199 }
200 return $msg;
201 }
203 sub hexify {
204 my $val = shift;
205 $val =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%02x", ord($1))/egs;
206 return $val;
207 }
209 # returns undef on select timeout, or hashref of "seqnum" -> payload (including headers)
210 # verifies that resp_id is equal to id sent in request
211 # ensures consistency in num packets that make up response
212 sub send_udp_request {
213 my ($sock, $reqid, $req) = @_;
215 my $pkt = pack("nnnn", $reqid, 0, 1, 0); # request id (opaque), seq num, #packets, reserved (must be 0)
216 $pkt .= $req;
217 my $fail = sub {
218 my $msg = shift;
219 warn " FAILING send_udp because: $msg\n";
220 return undef;
221 };
222 return $fail->("send") unless send($sock, $pkt, 0);
224 my $ret = {};
226 my $got = 0; # packets got
227 my $numpkts = undef;
229 while (!defined($numpkts) || $got < $numpkts) {
230 my $rin = '';
231 vec($rin, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
232 my $rout;
233 return $fail->("timeout after $got packets") unless
234 select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 1.5);
236 my $res;
237 my $sender = $sock->recv($res, 1500, 0);
238 my ($resid, $seq, $this_numpkts, $resv) = unpack("nnnn", substr($res, 0, 8));
239 die "Response ID of $resid doesn't match request if of $reqid" unless $resid == $reqid;
240 die "Reserved area not zero" unless $resv == 0;
241 die "num packets changed midstream!" if defined $numpkts && $this_numpkts != $numpkts;
242 $numpkts = $this_numpkts;
243 $ret->{$seq} = $res;
244 $got++;
245 }
246 return $ret;
247 }
250 __END__
251 $sender = recv($usock, $ans, 1050, 0);
253 __END__
254 $usock->send
257 ($hispaddr = recv(SOCKET, $rtime, 4, 0)) || die "recv: $!";
258 ($port, $hisiaddr) = sockaddr_in($hispaddr);
259 $host = gethostbyaddr($hisiaddr, AF_INET);
260 $histime = unpack("N", $rtime) - $SECS_of_70_YEARS ;