- Bring the majority of PECL extensions into line with macro/x.x.x versioning.
[m6w6/ext-courierauth] / package.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-1.0">
3 <package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.11">
4 <name>courierauth</name>
5 <summary>courierauth binding</summary>
6 <description>Binding for the courierauth library.
7 </description>
8 <maintainers>
9 <maintainer>
10 <user>mike</user>
11 <name>Michael Wallner</name>
12 <email>mike@php.net</email>
13 <role>lead</role>
14 </maintainer>
15 </maintainers>
16 <release>
17 <version>0.1.0</version>
18 <date>2006-12-11</date>
19 <license>BSD, revised</license>
20 <state>beta</state>
21 <notes>* Initial release
22 </notes>
23 <deps>
24 <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3"/>
25 <dep type="php" rel="le" version="6.0"/>
26 </deps>
27 <configureoptions>
28 <configureoption name="with-courierauth" default="yes" prompt="whether to enable courierauth support"/>
29 <configureoption name="with-courierauth-security-risk" default="no" prompt="whether to enable passwd security risk"/>
30 </configureoptions>
31 <filelist>
32 <file role="src" name="config.m4"/>
33 <file role="src" name="courierauth.c"/>
34 <file role="doc" name="CREDITS"/>
35 <file role="doc" name="EXPERIMENTAL"/>
36 <file role="doc" name="LICENSE"/>
37 <file role="src" name="php_courierauth.h"/>
38 </filelist>
39 </release>
40 </package>