Remove a simple issue that trips up peope providing patches (just allow the class...
[m6w6/libmemcached] / memcached / t / multiversioning.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use Test::More tests => 13;
5 use FindBin qw($Bin);
6 use lib "$Bin/lib";
7 use MemcachedTest;
9 my $server = new_memcached();
10 my $sock = $server->sock;
11 my $sock2 = $server->new_sock;
13 ok($sock != $sock2, "have two different connections open");
15 # set large value
16 my $size = 256 * 1024; # 256 kB
17 my $bigval = "0123456789abcdef" x ($size / 16);
18 $bigval =~ s/^0/\[/; $bigval =~ s/f$/\]/;
19 my $bigval2 = uc($bigval);
21 print $sock "set big 0 0 $size\r\n$bigval\r\n";
22 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo");
23 mem_get_is($sock, "big", $bigval, "big value got correctly");
25 print $sock "get big\r\n";
26 my $buf;
27 is(read($sock, $buf, $size / 2), $size / 2, "read half the answer back");
28 like($buf, qr/VALUE big/, "buf has big value header in it");
29 like($buf, qr/abcdef/, "buf has some data in it");
30 unlike($buf, qr/abcde\]/, "buf doesn't yet close");
32 # sock2 interrupts (maybe sock1 is slow) and deletes stuff:
33 print $sock2 "delete big\r\n";
34 is(scalar <$sock2>, "DELETED\r\n", "deleted big from sock2 while sock1's still reading it");
35 mem_get_is($sock2, "big", undef, "nothing from sock2 now. gone from namespace.");
36 print $sock2 "set big 0 0 $size\r\n$bigval2\r\n";
37 is(scalar <$sock2>, "STORED\r\n", "stored big w/ val2");
38 mem_get_is($sock2, "big", $bigval2, "big value2 got correctly");
40 # sock1 resumes reading...
41 $buf .= <$sock>;
42 $buf .= <$sock>;
43 like($buf, qr/abcde\]/, "buf now closes");
45 # and if sock1 reads again, it's the uppercase version:
46 mem_get_is($sock, "big", $bigval2, "big value2 got correctly from sock1");