Remove a simple issue that trips up peope providing patches (just allow the class...
[m6w6/libmemcached] / memcached / t / getset.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use Test::More tests => 539;
5 use FindBin qw($Bin);
6 use lib "$Bin/lib";
7 use MemcachedTest;
10 my $server = new_memcached();
11 my $sock = $server->sock;
14 # set foo (and should get it)
15 print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\n";
16 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo");
17 mem_get_is($sock, "foo", "fooval");
19 # add bar (and should get it)
20 print $sock "add bar 0 0 6\r\nbarval\r\n";
21 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored barval");
22 mem_get_is($sock, "bar", "barval");
24 # add foo (but shouldn't get new value)
25 print $sock "add foo 0 0 5\r\nfoov2\r\n";
26 is(scalar <$sock>, "NOT_STORED\r\n", "not stored");
27 mem_get_is($sock, "foo", "fooval");
29 # replace bar (should work)
30 print $sock "replace bar 0 0 6\r\nbarva2\r\n";
31 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "replaced barval 2");
33 # replace notexist (shouldn't work)
34 print $sock "replace notexist 0 0 6\r\nbarva2\r\n";
35 is(scalar <$sock>, "NOT_STORED\r\n", "didn't replace notexist");
37 # delete foo.
38 print $sock "delete foo\r\n";
39 is(scalar <$sock>, "DELETED\r\n", "deleted foo");
41 # delete foo again. not found this time.
42 print $sock "delete foo\r\n";
43 is(scalar <$sock>, "NOT_FOUND\r\n", "deleted foo, but not found");
45 # add moo
46 #
47 print $sock "add moo 0 0 6\r\nmooval\r\n";
48 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored barval");
49 mem_get_is($sock, "moo", "mooval");
51 # check-and-set (cas) failure case, try to set value with incorrect cas unique val
52 print $sock "cas moo 0 0 6 0\r\nMOOVAL\r\n";
53 is(scalar <$sock>, "EXISTS\r\n", "check and set with invalid id");
55 # test "gets", grab unique ID
56 print $sock "gets moo\r\n";
57 # VALUE moo 0 6 3084947704
58 #
59 my @retvals = split(/ /, scalar <$sock>);
60 my $data = scalar <$sock>; # grab data
61 my $dot = scalar <$sock>; # grab dot on line by itself
62 is($retvals[0], "VALUE", "get value using 'gets'");
63 my $unique_id = $retvals[4];
64 # clean off \r\n
65 $unique_id =~ s/\r\n$//;
66 ok($unique_id =~ /^\d+$/, "unique ID '$unique_id' is an integer");
67 # now test that we can store moo with the correct unique id
68 print $sock "cas moo 0 0 6 $unique_id\r\nMOOVAL\r\n";
69 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n");
70 mem_get_is($sock, "moo", "MOOVAL");
72 # pipeling is okay
73 print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\ndelete foo\r\nset foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\ndelete foo\r\n";
74 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "pipeline set");
75 is(scalar <$sock>, "DELETED\r\n", "pipeline delete");
76 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "pipeline set");
77 is(scalar <$sock>, "DELETED\r\n", "pipeline delete");
80 # Test sets up to a large size around 1MB.
81 # Everything up to 1MB - 1k should succeed, everything 1MB +1k should fail.
83 my $len = 1024;
84 while ($len < 1024*1028) {
85 my $val = "B"x$len;
86 if ($len > (1024*1024)) {
87 # Ensure causing a memory overflow doesn't leave stale data.
88 print $sock "set foo_$len 0 0 3\r\nMOO\r\n";
89 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n");
90 print $sock "set foo_$len 0 0 $len\r\n$val\r\n";
91 is(scalar <$sock>, "SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache\r\n", "failed to store size $len");
92 mem_get_is($sock, "foo_$len");
93 } else {
94 print $sock "set foo_$len 0 0 $len\r\n$val\r\n";
95 is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored size $len");
96 }
97 $len += 2048;
98 }