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169 <li>Wiping clean the contents of a server
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190 <div class=
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191 <h1>Wiping clean the contents of a server
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#wiping-clean-the-contents-of-a-server" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
192 <div class=
"section" id=
193 <h2>SYNOPSIS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#synopsis" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
194 <dl class=
195 <dt>#include
196 <dd>Compile and link with -lmemcached
198 <dl class=
199 <dt id=
200 <span id=
"_CPPv315memcached_flushP12memcached_st6time_t"></span><span id=
"_CPPv215memcached_flushP12memcached_st6time_t"></span><span id=
"memcached_flush__memcached_stP.time_t"></span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> <code class=
</code><span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *
</em>, time_t
</em><span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv415memcached_flushP12memcached_st6time_t" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
201 <dd><table class=
"docutils field-list" frame=
"void" rules=
202 <col class=
"field-name" />
203 <col class=
"field-body" />
205 <tr class=
"field-odd field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><ul class=
"first simple">
206 <li><strong>ptr
</strong> -- pointer to an initialized
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> struct
207 <li><strong>expiration
</strong> -- expiration as a unix timestamp or as relative expiration time in seconds
211 <tr class=
"field-even field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><p class=
"first last"><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_return_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> indicating success
219 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#description" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
221 <p><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv415memcached_flushP12memcached_st6time_t" title=
"memcached_flush"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> is used to wipe clean the contents of
<em class=
"manpage"><a class=
"manpage reference external" href=
</a></em> servers.
222 It will either do this immediately or expire the content based on the
223 expiration time passed to the method (a value of zero causes an immediate
224 flush). The operation is not atomic to multiple servers, just atomic to a
225 single server. That is, it will flush the servers in the order that they were
228 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#return-value" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
230 <p>A value of type
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_return_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-type docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> is returned.
231 On success that value will be
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_SUCCESSE" title=
"MEMCACHED_SUCCESS"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
232 Use
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_strerror.html#_CPPv418memcached_strerrorP12memcached_st18memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_strerror"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> to translate this value to a printable string.
234 <div class=
"section" id=
235 <h2>SEE ALSO
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#see-also" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
237 <li><em class=
"manpage"><a class=
"manpage reference external" href=
238 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"../libmemcached.html"><span class=
"doc">C/C++ Client Library for memcached
239 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_strerror.html"><span class=
"doc">Converting Error Codes to Messages
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"memcached_dump.html" class=
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