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"#">Library callbacks
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"memcached_memory_allocators.html">Use custom allocators for embedded usage
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170 <li>Library callbacks
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191 <div class=
"section" id=
192 <h1>Library callbacks
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#library-callbacks" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
193 <div class=
"section" id=
194 <h2>SYNOPSIS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#synopsis" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
195 <dl class=
196 <dt>#include
197 <dd>Compile and link with -lmemcached
199 <dl class=
200 <dt id=
201 <span id=
"_CPPv322memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv"></span><span id=
"_CPPv222memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_set__memcached_stP.memcached_callback_t.voidCP"></span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> <code class=
</code><span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv420memcached_callback_t" title=
</a> <em>flag
<em class=
</em> void *
</em><span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
202 <dd><table class=
"docutils field-list" frame=
"void" rules=
203 <col class=
"field-name" />
204 <col class=
"field-body" />
206 <tr class=
"field-odd field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><ul class=
"first simple">
207 <li><strong>ptr
</strong> -- pointer to initialized
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> struct
208 <li><strong>flag
</strong> --
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv420memcached_callback_t" title=
"memcached_callback_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> flag to set
209 <li><strong>data
</strong> -- data corresponding to
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv" title=
"memcached_callback_set::flag"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
213 <tr class=
"field-even field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><p class=
"first last"><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_return_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> indicating success
220 <dl class=
221 <dt id=
222 <span id=
"_CPPv322memcached_callback_getP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tP18memcached_return_t"></span><span id=
"_CPPv222memcached_callback_getP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tP18memcached_return_t"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_get__memcached_stP.memcached_callback_t.memcached_return_tP"></span>void *
<code class=
</code><span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv420memcached_callback_t" title=
</a> <em>flag
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> *
</em><span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_getP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tP18memcached_return_t" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
223 <dd><table class=
"docutils field-list" frame=
"void" rules=
224 <col class=
"field-name" />
225 <col class=
"field-body" />
227 <tr class=
"field-odd field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><ul class=
"first simple">
228 <li><strong>ptr
</strong> -- pointer to initialized
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> struct
229 <li><strong>flag
</strong> --
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv420memcached_callback_t" title=
"memcached_callback_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> flag to query
230 <li><strong>error
</strong> -- pointer to
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_return_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> indicating success
234 <tr class=
"field-even field"><th class=
</th><td class=
"field-body"><p class=
"first last">the
<code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code> previously set
242 <dt id=
243 enum
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#c.memcached_callback_t" title=
</a> <code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#c.memcached_callback_t" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
247 <dt id=
248 <span id=
"_CPPv320memcached_callback_t"></span><span id=
"_CPPv220memcached_callback_t"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv420memcached_callback_t" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
249 <dd><dl class=
250 <dt id=
251 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTIONE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTIONE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTIONE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
252 <dd><p>When
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv414memcached_freeP12memcached_st" title=
"memcached_free"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> or
<code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code> is called this function
253 will be executed. At the point of its execution all connections are closed.
254 <p>Its signature is:
256 <dt id=
257 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTION20memcached_cleanup_fnE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTION20memcached_cleanup_fnE"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_t::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTION::memcached_cleanup_fn"></span><em class=
</em><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> (*
<code class=
<span class=
</span><em class=
</em> <a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *ptr
<span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLEANUP_FUNCTION20memcached_cleanup_fnE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
262 <dl class=
263 <dt id=
264 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTIONE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTIONE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTIONE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
265 <dd><p>When
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv415memcached_cloneP12memcached_stP12memcached_st" title=
"memcached_clone"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> is called this function will be executed.
266 <p>Its signature is:
268 <dt id=
269 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTION18memcached_clone_fnE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTION18memcached_clone_fnE"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_t::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTION::memcached_clone_fn"></span><em class=
</em><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> (*
<code class=
<span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *destination,
<em class=
</em> <a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *source
<span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_CLONE_FUNCTION18memcached_clone_fnE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
274 <dl class=
275 <dt id=
276 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t29MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_PREFIX_KEYE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t29MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_PREFIX_KEYE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t29MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_PREFIX_KEYE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
277 <dd><p>See
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_NAMESPACEE" title=
"memcached_callback_t::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_NAMESPACE"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
280 <dl class=
281 <dt id=
282 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_NAMESPACEE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_NAMESPACEE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_NAMESPACEE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
283 <dd><p>You can set a value which will be used to create a domain for your keys.
284 The value specified here will be prefixed to each of your keys. The
285 value can not be greater then
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"constants.html#c.MEMCACHED_MAX_NAMESPACE" title=
"xref c c-macro docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> -
1 and
286 will reduce
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"constants.html#c.MEMCACHED_MAX_KEY" title=
"MEMCACHED_MAX_KEY"><code class=
"xref c c-macro docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> by the value of your key.
287 <p>The prefix key is only applied to the primary key, not the master key.
288 <a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_FAILUREE" title=
"MEMCACHED_FAILURE"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> will be returned if no key is set. In the case of a
289 key which is too long,
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t26MEMCACHED_BAD_KEY_PROVIDEDE" title=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> will be returned.
290 <p>If you set a value with the value being NULL then the prefix key is
294 <dl class=
295 <dt id=
296 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_USER_DATAE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_USER_DATAE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_USER_DATAE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
297 <dd><p>This allows you to store a pointer to a specific piece of data. This can
298 be retrieved from inside of
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_get.html#_CPPv423memcached_fetch_executeP12memcached_stP20memcached_execute_fnPv8uint32_t" title=
"memcached_fetch_execute"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a>. Cloning a
299 <a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> will copy the pointer to the clone.
302 <dl class=
303 <dt id=
304 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t34MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_MALLOC_FUNCTIONE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t34MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_MALLOC_FUNCTIONE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t34MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_MALLOC_FUNCTIONE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
305 <dd><div class=
306 <p><span class=
"versionmodified">Deprecated since version
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_memory_allocators.html#_CPPv431memcached_set_memory_allocatorsP12memcached_st19memcached_malloc_fn17memcached_free_fn20memcached_realloc_fn19memcached_calloc_fnPv" title=
"memcached_set_memory_allocators"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> instead.
310 <dl class=
311 <dt id=
312 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_REALLOC_FUNCTIONE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_REALLOC_FUNCTIONE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t35MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_REALLOC_FUNCTIONE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
313 <dd><div class=
314 <p><span class=
"versionmodified">Deprecated since version
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_memory_allocators.html#_CPPv431memcached_set_memory_allocatorsP12memcached_st19memcached_malloc_fn17memcached_free_fn20memcached_realloc_fn19memcached_calloc_fnPv" title=
"memcached_set_memory_allocators"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> instead.
318 <dl class=
319 <dt id=
320 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t32MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_FREE_FUNCTIONE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t32MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_FREE_FUNCTIONE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t32MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_FREE_FUNCTIONE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
321 <dd><div class=
322 <p><span class=
"versionmodified">Deprecated since version
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_memory_allocators.html#_CPPv431memcached_set_memory_allocatorsP12memcached_st19memcached_malloc_fn17memcached_free_fn20memcached_realloc_fn19memcached_calloc_fnPv" title=
"memcached_set_memory_allocators"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> instead.
326 <dl class=
327 <dt id=
328 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILUREE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILUREE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILUREE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
329 <dd><p>This function implements the read through cache behavior. On failure of
330 retrieval this callback will be called.
331 <p>You are responsible for populating the result object provided. This
332 result object will then be stored in the server and returned to the
334 <p>You must clone the
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> in order to make use of it. The value
335 will be stored only if you return
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_SUCCESSE" title=
"MEMCACHED_SUCCESS"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> or
336 <a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t18MEMCACHED_BUFFEREDE" title=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a>. Returning
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t18MEMCACHED_BUFFEREDE" title=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> will cause the
337 object to be buffered and not sent immediately (if this is the default
338 behavior based on your connection setup this will happen automatically).
339 <p>The prototype for this is:
341 <dt id=
342 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILURE21memcached_trigger_keyE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILURE21memcached_trigger_keyE"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_t::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILURE::memcached_trigger_key"></span><em class=
</em><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> (*
<code class=
<span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *ptr, char *key, size_t key_length,
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_result_st.html#_CPPv419memcached_result_st" title=
</a> *result
<span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t30MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET_FAILURE21memcached_trigger_keyE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
347 <dl class=
348 <dt id=
349 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGERE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGERE"></span><em class=
</em><code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGERE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
350 <dd><p>This function implements a trigger upon successful deletion of a key.
351 The
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
"memcached_st"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> structure will need to be cloned in order to make use
353 <p>The prototype for this is:
355 <dt id=
356 <span id=
"_CPPv3N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGER28memcached_trigger_delete_keyE"></span><span id=
"_CPPv2N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGER28memcached_trigger_delete_keyE"></span><span id=
"memcached_callback_t::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGER::memcached_trigger_delete_key"></span><em class=
</em><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
</a> (*
<code class=
<span class=
</span><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_create.html#_CPPv412memcached_st" title=
</a> *ptr, char *key, size_t key_length
<span class=
</span><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t33MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_DELETE_TRIGGER28memcached_trigger_delete_keyE" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
</a><br /></dt>
364 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#description" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
366 <p><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code> can have callbacks set key execution points. These either provide
367 function calls at points in the code, or return pointers to structures for
368 particular usages.
369 <p><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_getP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tP18memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_callback_get"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> takes a callback flag and returns the structure or
370 function set by
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv" title=
"memcached_callback_set"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
371 <p><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv" title=
"memcached_callback_set"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> changes the function/structure assigned by a callback
372 flag. No connections are reset.
373 <p>You can use
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv4N20memcached_callback_t28MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_USER_DATAE" title=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> to provide custom context if required
374 for any of the callbacks.
376 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#return-value" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
378 <p><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_getP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tP18memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_callback_get"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> returns the function or structure that was provided.
379 Upon error, nothing is set, NULL is returned, and the
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv418memcached_return_t" title=
"memcached_return_t"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
380 argument is set to
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_FAILUREE" title=
"MEMCACHED_FAILURE"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
381 <p><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#_CPPv422memcached_callback_setP12memcached_st20memcached_callback_tPKv" title=
"memcached_callback_set"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> returns
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_SUCCESSE" title=
"MEMCACHED_SUCCESS"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> upon successful setting,
382 otherwise
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_return_t.html#_CPPv4N18memcached_return_t17MEMCACHED_FAILUREE" title=
"MEMCACHED_FAILURE"><code class=
"xref cpp cpp-any docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
</span></code></a> on error.
384 <div class=
"section" id=
385 <h2>SEE ALSO
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#see-also" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
387 <li><em class=
"manpage"><a class=
"manpage reference external" href=
388 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"../libmemcached.html"><span class=
"doc">C/C++ Client Library for memcached
389 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"memcached_strerror.html"><span class=
"doc">Converting Error Codes to Messages
400 <div class=
"rst-footer-buttons" role=
"navigation" aria-label=
"footer navigation">
402 <a href=
"memcached_memory_allocators.html" class=
"btn btn-neutral float-right" title=
"Use custom allocators for embedded usage" accesskey=
"n" rel=
<span class=
"fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></span></a>
405 <a href=
"memcached_behavior.html" class=
"btn btn-neutral float-left" title=
"Behaviors of the library" accesskey=
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"fa fa-arrow-circle-left"></span> Previous
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