missing inttypes.h
[awesomized/libmemcached] / include / libmemcachedprotocol-0.0 / callback.h
1 /*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | libmemcached - C/C++ Client Library for memcached |
4 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
6 | modification, are permitted under the terms of the BSD license. |
7 | You should have received a copy of the license in a bundled file |
8 | named LICENSE; in case you did not receive a copy you can review |
9 | the terms online at: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
10 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 | Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Brian Aker https://datadifferential.com/ |
12 | Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Wallner <mike@php.net> |
13 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
14 */
16 #pragma once
18 /**
19 * Callback to send data back from a successful GET/GETQ/GETK/GETKQ command
20 *
21 * @param cookie Just pass along the cookie supplied in the callback
22 * @param key What to insert as key in the reply
23 * @param keylen The length of the key
24 * @param body What to store in the body of the package
25 * @param bodylen The number of bytes of the body
26 * @param flags The flags stored with the item
27 * @param cas The CAS value to insert into the response (should be 0
28 * if you don't care)
29 */
30 typedef protocol_binary_response_status (*memcached_binary_protocol_get_response_handler)(
31 const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen, const void *body, uint32_t bodylen,
32 uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas);
33 /**
34 * Callback to send data back from a STAT command
35 *
36 * @param cookie Just pass along the cookie supplied in the callback
37 * @param key What to insert as key in the reply
38 * @param keylen The length of the key
39 * @param body What to store in the body of the package
40 * @param bodylen The number of bytes of the body
41 */
42 typedef protocol_binary_response_status (*memcached_binary_protocol_stat_response_handler)(
43 const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen, const void *body, uint32_t bodylen);
44 /**
45 * Callback to send data back from a VERSION command
46 *
47 * @param cookie Just pass along the cookie supplied in the callback
48 * @param text The version string
49 * @param length The number of bytes in the version string
50 */
51 typedef protocol_binary_response_status (*memcached_binary_protocol_version_response_handler)(
52 const void *cookie, const void *text, uint32_t length);
54 /**
55 * In the low level interface you need to format the response
56 * packet yourself (giving you complete freedom :-)
57 *
58 * @param cookie Just pass along the cookie supplied in the callback
59 * @param request Pointer to the request packet you are sending a reply to
60 * @param response Pointer to the response packet to send
61 *
62 */
63 typedef protocol_binary_response_status (*memcached_binary_protocol_raw_response_handler)(
64 const void *cookie, protocol_binary_request_header *request,
65 protocol_binary_response_header *response);
67 /**
68 * In the low lever interface you have to do most of the work by
69 * yourself, but it also gives you a lot of freedom :-)
70 * @param cookie identification for this connection, just pass it along to
71 * the response handler
72 * @param header the command received over the wire. Never try to access
73 * <u>anything</u> outside the command.
74 * @param resonse_handler call this function to send data back to the client
75 */
76 typedef protocol_binary_response_status (*memcached_binary_protocol_command_handler)(
77 const void *cookie, protocol_binary_request_header *header,
78 memcached_binary_protocol_raw_response_handler response_handler);
80 /**
81 * The raw interface to the packets is implemented in version 0. It contains
82 * just an array with command handlers. The inxed in the array is the
83 * com code.
84 */
85 typedef struct {
86 memcached_binary_protocol_command_handler comcode[256];
87 } memcached_binary_protocol_callback_v0_st;
89 /**
90 * The first version of the callback struct containing all of the
91 * documented commands in the initial release of the binary protocol
92 * (aka. memcached 1.4.0).
93 *
94 * You might miss the Q commands (addq etc) but the response function
95 * knows how to deal with them so you don't need to worry about that :-)
96 */
97 typedef struct {
98 /**
99 * Add an item to the cache
100 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
101 * @param key the key to add
102 * @param len the length of the key
103 * @param val the value to store for the key (may be NIL)
104 * @param vallen the length of the data
105 * @param flags the flags to store with the key
106 * @param exptime the expiry time for the key-value pair
107 * @param cas the resulting cas for the add operation (if success)
108 */
109 protocol_binary_response_status (*add)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
110 const void *val, uint32_t vallen, uint32_t flags,
111 uint32_t exptime, uint64_t *cas);
113 /**
114 * Append data to an <b>existing</b> key-value pair.
115 *
116 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
117 * @param key the key to add data to
118 * @param len the length of the key
119 * @param val the value to append to the value
120 * @param vallen the length of the data
121 * @param cas the CAS in the request
122 * @param result_cas the resulting cas for the append operation
123 *
124 */
125 protocol_binary_response_status (*append)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
126 const void *val, uint32_t vallen, uint64_t cas,
127 uint64_t *result_cas);
129 /**
130 * Decrement the value for a key
131 *
132 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
133 * @param key the key to decrement the value for
134 * @param len the length of the key
135 * @param delta the amount to decrement
136 * @param initial initial value to store (if the key doesn't exist)
137 * @param expiration expiration time for the object (if the key doesn't exist)
138 * @param cas the CAS in the request
139 * @param result the result from the decrement
140 * @param result_cas the cas of the item
141 *
142 */
143 protocol_binary_response_status (*decrement)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
144 uint64_t delta, uint64_t initial,
145 uint32_t expiration, uint64_t *result,
146 uint64_t *result_cas);
148 /**
149 * Delete an existing key
150 *
151 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
152 * @param key the key to delete_object
153 * @param len the length of the key
154 * @param cas the CAS in the request
155 */
156 protocol_binary_response_status (*delete_object)(const void *cookie, const void *key,
157 uint16_t keylen, uint64_t cas);
159 /**
160 * Flush the cache
161 *
162 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
163 * @param when when the cache should be flushed (0 == immediately)
164 */
165 protocol_binary_response_status (*flush_object)(const void *cookie, uint32_t when);
167 /**
168 * Get a key-value pair
169 *
170 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
171 * @param key the key to get
172 * @param len the length of the key
173 * @param response_handler to send the result back to the client
174 */
175 protocol_binary_response_status (*get)(
176 const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
177 memcached_binary_protocol_get_response_handler response_handler);
179 /**
180 * Increment the value for a key
181 *
182 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
183 * @param key the key to increment the value on
184 * @param len the length of the key
185 * @param delta the amount to increment
186 * @param initial initial value to store (if the key doesn't exist)
187 * @param expiration expiration time for the object (if the key doesn't exist)
188 * @param cas the CAS in the request
189 * @param result the result from the decrement
190 * @param result_cas the cas of the item
191 *
192 */
193 protocol_binary_response_status (*increment)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
194 uint64_t delta, uint64_t initial,
195 uint32_t expiration, uint64_t *result,
196 uint64_t *result_cas);
198 /**
199 * The noop command was received. This is just a notification callback (the
200 * response is automatically created).
201 *
202 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
203 */
204 protocol_binary_response_status (*noop)(const void *cookie);
206 /**
207 * Prepend data to an <b>existing</b> key-value pair.
208 *
209 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
210 * @param key the key to prepend data to
211 * @param len the length of the key
212 * @param val the value to prepend to the value
213 * @param vallen the length of the data
214 * @param cas the CAS in the request
215 * @param result-cas the cas id of the item
216 *
217 */
218 protocol_binary_response_status (*prepend)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
219 const void *val, uint32_t vallen, uint64_t cas,
220 uint64_t *result_cas);
222 /**
223 * The quit command was received. This is just a notification callback (the
224 * response is automatically created).
225 *
226 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
227 */
228 protocol_binary_response_status (*quit)(const void *cookie);
230 /**
231 * Replace an <b>existing</b> item to the cache
232 *
233 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
234 * @param key the key to replace the content for
235 * @param len the length of the key
236 * @param val the value to store for the key (may be NIL)
237 * @param vallen the length of the data
238 * @param flags the flags to store with the key
239 * @param exptime the expiry time for the key-value pair
240 * @param cas the cas id in the request
241 * @param result_cas the cas id of the item
242 */
243 protocol_binary_response_status (*replace)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
244 const void *val, uint32_t vallen, uint32_t flags,
245 uint32_t exptime, uint64_t cas, uint64_t *result_cas);
247 /**
248 * Set a key-value pair in the cache
249 *
250 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
251 * @param key the key to insert
252 * @param len the length of the key
253 * @param val the value to store for the key (may be NIL)
254 * @param vallen the length of the data
255 * @param flags the flags to store with the key
256 * @param exptime the expiry time for the key-value pair
257 * @param cas the cas id in the request
258 * @param result_cas the cas id of the new item
259 */
260 protocol_binary_response_status (*set)(const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
261 const void *val, uint32_t vallen, uint32_t flags,
262 uint32_t exptime, uint64_t cas, uint64_t *result_cas);
264 /**
265 * Get status information
266 *
267 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
268 * @param key the key to get status for (or NIL to request all status).
269 * Remember to insert the terminating packet if multiple
270 * packets should be returned.
271 * @param keylen the length of the key
272 * @param response_handler to send the result back to the client, but
273 * don't send reply on success!
274 *
275 */
276 protocol_binary_response_status (*stat)(
277 const void *cookie, const void *key, uint16_t keylen,
278 memcached_binary_protocol_stat_response_handler response_handler);
280 /**
281 * Get the version information
282 *
283 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
284 * @param response_handler to send the result back to the client, but
285 * don't send reply on success!
286 *
287 */
288 protocol_binary_response_status (*version)(
289 const void *cookie, memcached_binary_protocol_version_response_handler response_handler);
290 } memcached_binary_protocol_callback_v1_st;
292 /**
293 * The version numbers for the different callback structures.
294 */
295 typedef enum {
296 /** Version 0 is a lowlevel interface that tries to maximize your freedom */
298 /**
299 * Version 1 abstracts more of the protocol details, and let you work at
300 * a logical level
301 */
303 } memcached_protocol_interface_version_t;
305 /**
306 * Definition of the protocol callback structure.
307 */
308 typedef struct {
309 /**
310 * The interface version you provide callbacks for.
311 */
312 memcached_protocol_interface_version_t interface_version;
314 /**
315 * Callback fired just before the command will be executed.
316 *
317 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
318 * @param header the command header as received on the wire. If you look
319 * at the content you <b>must</b> ensure that you don't
320 * try to access beyond the end of the message.
321 */
322 void (*pre_execute)(const void *cookie, protocol_binary_request_header *header);
323 /**
324 * Callback fired just after the command was exected (please note
325 * that the data transfer back to the client is not finished at this
326 * time).
327 *
328 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
329 * @param header the command header as received on the wire. If you look
330 * at the content you <b>must</b> ensure that you don't
331 * try to access beyond the end of the message.
332 */
333 void (*post_execute)(const void *cookie, protocol_binary_request_header *header);
335 /**
336 * Callback fired if no specialized callback is registered for this
337 * specific command code.
338 *
339 * @param cookie id of the client receiving the command
340 * @param header the command header as received on the wire. You <b>must</b>
341 * ensure that you don't try to access beyond the end of the
342 * message.
343 * @param response_handler The response handler to send data back.
344 */
345 protocol_binary_response_status (*unknown)(
346 const void *cookie, protocol_binary_request_header *header,
347 memcached_binary_protocol_raw_response_handler response_handler);
349 /**
350 * The different interface levels we support. A pointer is used so the
351 * size of the structure is fixed. You must ensure that the memory area
352 * passed as the pointer is valid as long as you use the protocol handler.
353 */
354 union {
355 memcached_binary_protocol_callback_v0_st v0;
357 /**
358 * The first version of the callback struct containing all of the
359 * documented commands in the initial release of the binary protocol
360 * (aka. memcached 1.4.0).
361 */
362 memcached_binary_protocol_callback_v1_st v1;
363 } interface;
364 } memcached_binary_protocol_callback_st;