cmake: fix LDFLAGS for external libs
[m6w6/libmemcached] / docs / source /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 import sys, os
5 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
6 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
7 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
8 #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
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20 project = u'libmemcached'
22 release = '@PROJECT_VERSION@'
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35 # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
37 # Skip a separate AUTHOR section
38 man_authors = []
40 # One entry per manual page. List of tuples
41 # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
42 man_pages = [
43 ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_clone' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
44 ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_create' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
45 ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_free' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
46 ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_is_allocated' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
47 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
48 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_get_distribution_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
49 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_get_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
50 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_set_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
51 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_set_custom_distribution_function',u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
52 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_set_custom_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
53 ('hashkit_function' , 'hashkit_set_distribution_function' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
54 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_crc32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
55 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1_32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
56 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1_64' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
57 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1a_32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
58 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1a_64' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
59 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_functions' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
60 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_hsieh' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
61 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_jenkins' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
62 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_md5' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
63 ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_murmur' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
64 ('hashkit_value' , 'hashkit_value' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
65 ('libhashkit' , 'libhashkit' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
66 ('libmemcached' , 'libmemcached' , u'Introducing the C Client Library for memcached' , man_authors, 3),
67 ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'libmemcached_check_configuration' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
68 ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'libmemcached_configuration' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
69 ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'memcached' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
70 ('libmemcached_examples' , 'libmemcached_examples' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
71 ('libmemcachedutil' , 'libmemcachedutil' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
72 ('memcached_analyze' , 'memcached_analyze' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
73 ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_append' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3),
74 ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_append_by_key' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3),
75 ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_prepend' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3),
76 ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_prepend_by_key' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3),
77 ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_auto' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3),
78 ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_decrement' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3),
79 ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_decrement_with_initial' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3),
80 ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_increment' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3),
81 ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_increment_with_initial' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3),
82 ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
83 ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
84 ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
85 ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
86 ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
87 ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
88 ('memcached_cas' , 'memcached_cas' , u'Working with data on the server in an atomic fashion', man_authors, 3),
89 ('memcached_cas' , 'memcached_cas_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
90 ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_clone' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
91 ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_create' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
92 ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_free' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
93 ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_servers_reset' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
94 ('memcached_delete' , 'memcached_delete' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
95 ('memcached_delete' , 'memcached_delete_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
96 ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_touch' , 'memcached_touch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
97 ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_touch' , 'memcached_touch_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
98 ('libmemcached/memcached_exist' , 'memcached_exist' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
99 ('libmemcached/memcached_exist' , 'memcached_exist_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
100 ('memcached_dump' , 'memcached_dump' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
101 ('memcached_flush' , 'memcached_flush' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
102 ('memcached_flush_buffers' , 'memcached_flush_buffers' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
103 ('memcached_generate_hash_value' , 'memcached_generate_hash' , u'Generating hash values directly' , man_authors, 3),
104 ('memcached_generate_hash_value' , 'memcached_generate_hash_value' , u'Generating hash values directly' , man_authors, 3),
105 ('libmemcached/memcached_fetch' , 'memcached_fetch' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
106 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_fetch_execute' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
107 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_fetch_result' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
108 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_get' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
109 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_get_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
110 ('libmemcached/memcached_return_t' , 'memcached_return_t' , u'Return type values ' , man_authors, 3),
111 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
112 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
113 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_execute' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
114 ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_execute_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3),
115 ('libmemcached/memcached_last_error_message' , 'memcached_last_error_message' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
116 ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_get_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
117 ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
118 ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_set_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
119 ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_set_memory_allocators_context', u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
120 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
121 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_behavior_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
122 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_behavior_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
123 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_create' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
124 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_destroy' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
125 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_fetch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
126 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_pop' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
127 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_push' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
128 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_release' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
129 ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_st' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
130 ('memcached_quit' , 'memcached_quit' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
131 ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_set_encoding_key', 'memcached_set_encoding_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
132 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_cas' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
133 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_create' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
134 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_flags' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
135 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_free' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
136 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_key_length' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
137 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_key_value' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
138 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_length' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
139 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_st' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
140 ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_value' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3),
141 ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_destroy_sasl_auth_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
142 ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_get_sasl_callbacks' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
143 ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_sasl' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
144 ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_sasl_set_auth_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
145 ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_set_sasl_callbacks' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
146 ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_append' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
147 ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_count' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
148 ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_free' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
149 ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_servers_parse' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
150 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_add' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
151 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_add_unix_socket' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
152 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_count' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
153 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_cursor' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
154 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_list' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
155 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_push' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
156 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_st' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
157 ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_servers' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
158 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_add' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
159 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_add_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
160 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_replace' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
161 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_replace_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
162 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_set' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
163 ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_set_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3),
164 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
165 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_execute' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
166 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_get_keys' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
167 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_get_value' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
168 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_servername' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
169 ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stats' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
170 ('memcached_strerror' , 'memcached_strerror' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
171 ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_get_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
172 ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_set_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
173 ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
174 ('memcached_verbosity' , 'memcached_verbosity' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
175 ('memcached_version' , 'memcached_lib_version' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
176 ('memcached_version' , 'memcached_version' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3),
177 ('bin/memcapable' , 'memcapable' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
178 ('bin/memcat' , 'memcat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
179 ('bin/memcp' , 'memcp' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
180 ('bin/memdump' , 'memdump' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
181 ('bin/memerror' , 'memerror' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
182 ('bin/memflush' , 'memflush' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
183 ('bin/memrm' , 'memrm' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
184 ('bin/memaslap' , 'memaslap' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
185 ('bin/memslap' , 'memslap' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
186 ('bin/memstat' , 'memstat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
187 ('bin/memexist' , 'memexist' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
188 ('bin/memparse' , 'memparse' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
189 ('bin/memping' , 'memping' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
190 ('bin/memtouch' , 'memtouch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1),
191 ]
193 rst_prolog = """
194 .. |libhashkit_version| replace:: @LIBHASHKIT_VERSION_MAJOR@.@LIBHASHKIT_VERSION_MINOR@
195 .. |libmemcached_version| replace:: @LIBMEMCACHED_VERSION_MAJOR@.@LIBMEMCACHED_VERSION_MINOR@
196 """