Update to handle newer endian autoconf components.
[awesomized/libmemcached] / docs / man / memcached_server_st.3
1 .TH "MEMCACHED_SERVER_ST" "3" "July 05, 2012" "1.0.9" "libmemcached"
3 memcached_server_st \- libmemcached Documentation
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35 #include <libmemcached/memcached.h>
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37 .TP
38 .B memcached_server_fn
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42 .B uint32_t memcached_server_count(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP)
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46 .B memcached_return_t memcached_server_add(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const char\fI\ *hostname\fP, in_port_t\fI\ port\fP)
48 .INDENT 0.0
49 .TP
50 .B memcached_return_t memcached_server_add_udp(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const char\fI\ *hostname\fP, in_port_t\fI\ port\fP)
52 .INDENT 0.0
53 .TP
54 .B memcached_return_t memcached_server_add_unix_socket(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const char\fI\ *socket\fP)
56 .INDENT 0.0
57 .TP
58 .B memcached_return_t memcached_server_push(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const memcached_server_st\fI\ *list\fP)
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61 .TP
62 .B memcached_server_instance_st memcached_server_by_key(memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const char\fI\ *key\fP, size_t\fI\ key_length\fP, memcached_return_t\fI\ *error\fP)
64 .INDENT 0.0
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66 .B memcached_server_instance_st memcached_server_get_last_disconnect(const memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP)
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70 .B memcached_return_t memcached_server_cursor(const memcached_st\fI\ *ptr\fP, const \fI\%memcached_server_fn\fP\fI\ *callback\fP, void\fI\ *context\fP, uint32_t\fI\ number_of_callbacks\fP)
72 .sp
73 compile and link with \-lmemcached
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76 \fBlibmemcached\fP performs operations on a list of hosts. The order of
77 these hosts determine routing to keys. Functions are provided to add keys to
78 memcached_st structures. To manipulate lists of servers see
79 memcached_server_st(3).
80 .sp
81 \fI\%memcached_server_count()\fP provides you a count of the current number of
82 servers being used by a \fBmemcached_st\fP structure.
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84 .TP
85 .B \fI\%memcached_server_add()\fP pushes a single TCP server into the \fBmemcached_st\fP structure. This server will be placed at the end. Duplicate servers
86 are allowed, so duplication is not checked. Executing this function with the \fBMEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_USE_UDP\fP behavior set will result in a \fBMEMCACHED_INVALID_HOST_PROTOCOL\fP.
88 .sp
89 \fI\%memcached_server_add_udp()\fP pushes a single UDP server into the \fBmemcached_st\fP structure. This server will be placed at the end. Duplicate
90 servers are allowed, so duplication is not checked. Executing this function with out setting the \fBMEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_USE_UDP\fP behavior will result in a
92 .sp
93 \fI\%memcached_server_add_unix_socket()\fP pushes a single UNIX socket into the \fBmemcached_st\fP structure. This UNIX socket will be placed at the end.
94 Duplicate servers are allowed, so duplication is not checked. The length
95 of the filename must be one character less than \fBMEMCACHED_MAX_HOST_LENGTH\fP.
96 .sp
97 \fI\%memcached_server_push()\fP pushes an array of \fBmemcached_server_st\fP into the \fBmemcached_st\fP structure. These servers will be placed at
98 the end. Duplicate servers are allowed, so duplication is not checked. A
99 copy is made of structure so the list provided (and any operations on
100 the list) are not saved.
101 .sp
102 \fI\%memcached_server_by_key()\fP allows you to provide a key and retrieve the
103 server which would be used for assignment.
104 .sp
105 \fI\%memcached_server_get_last_disconnect()\fP returns a pointer to the last
106 server for which there was a connection problem. It does not mean this
107 particular server is currently dead but if the library is reporting a server
108 is, the returned server is a very good candidate.
109 .sp
110 \fI\%memcached_server_cursor()\fP takes a memcached_st and loops through the
111 list of hosts currently in the cursor calling the list of callback
112 functions provided. You can optionally pass in a value via
113 context which will be provided to each callback function. An error
114 return from any callback will terminate the loop. \fI\%memcached_server_cursor()\fP is passed the original caller \fBmemcached_st\fP in its current state.
116 .sp
117 Varies, see particular functions.
118 .SH HOME
119 .sp
120 To find out more information please check:
121 \fI\%http://libmemcached.org/\fP
123 .sp
124 \fImemcached(1)\fP \fIlibmemcached(3)\fP \fImemcached_strerror(3)\fP
126 Brian Aker
128 2011, Brian Aker DataDifferential, http://datadifferential.com/
129 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
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