Merge in doc updates.
[awesomized/libmemcached] / docs / man / memcached_pool_create.3
1 .TH "MEMCACHED_POOL_CREATE" "3" "April 13, 2011" "0.47" "libmemcached"
3 memcached_pool_create \- libmemcached Documentation
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35 #include <libmemcached/memcached_pool.h>
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37 .TP
38 .B memcached_pool_st *memcached_pool(const char *option_string, size_t option_string_length);
40 .INDENT 0.0
41 .TP
42 .B memcached_pool_st * memcached_pool_create(memcached_st* mmc, int initial, int max); DEPRECATED
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45 .TP
46 .B memcached_st * memcached_pool_destroy(memcached_pool_st* pool);
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49 .TP
50 .B memcached_st * memcached_pool_pop (memcached_pool_st* pool, bool block, memcached_return_t *rc);
52 .INDENT 0.0
53 .TP
54 .B memcached_return_t memcached_pool_push(memcached_pool_st* pool, memcached_st *mmc);
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57 .TP
58 .B memcached_st *memcached_create (memcached_st *ptr);
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61 .TP
62 .B memcached_return_t memcached_pool_behavior_set(memcached_pool_st\fI\ *pool\fP, memcached_behavior_t\fI\ flag\fP, uint64_t\fI\ data\fP)
64 .INDENT 0.0
65 .TP
66 .B memcached_return_t memcached_pool_behavior_get(memcached_pool_st\fI\ *pool\fP, memcached_behavior_t\fI\ flag\fP, uint64_t\fI\ *value\fP)
68 .sp
69 Compile and link with \-lmemcachedutil \-lmemcached
71 .sp
72 memcached_pool() is used to create a connection pool of objects you may use
73 to remove the overhead of using memcached_clone for short lived
74 \fBmemcached_st\fPobjects. Please see \fIlibmemcached_configuration\fP for details on the format of the configuration string.
75 .sp
76 DEPRECATED memcached_pool_create() is used to create a connection pool of
77 objects you may use to remove the overhead of using memcached_clone for
78 short lived \fBmemcached_st\fPobjects. The mmc argument should be an
79 initialised \fBmemcached_st\fPstructure, and a successfull invocation of
80 memcached_pool_create takes full ownership of the variable (until it is
81 released by memcached_pool_destroy). The \fBinitial\fP argument specifies
82 the initial size of the connection pool, and the \fBmax\fPargument
83 specifies the maximum size the connection pool should grow to. Please note
84 that the library will allocate a fixed size buffer scaled to the max size of
85 the connection pool, so you should not pass MAXINT or some other large
86 number here.
87 .sp
88 memcached_pool_destroy() is used to destroy the connection pool
89 created with memcached_pool_create() and release all allocated
90 resources. It will return the pointer to the \fBmemcached_st\fP structure
91 passed as an argument to memcached_pool_create(), and returns the ownership
92 of the pointer to the caller when created with memcached_pool_create,
93 otherwise NULL is returned..
94 .sp
95 memcached_pool_pop() is used to grab a connection structure from the
96 connection pool. The block argument specifies if the function should
97 block and wait for a connection structure to be available if we try
98 to exceed the maximum size.
99 .sp
100 memcached_pool_push() is used to return a connection structure back to the pool.
101 .sp
102 memcached_pool_behavior_set() and memcached_pool_behagior_get() is
103 used to get/set behavior flags on all connections in the pool.
105 .sp
106 memcached_pool_create() returns a pointer to the newly created
107 memcached_pool_st structure. On an allocation failure, it returns
108 NULL.
109 .sp
110 memcached_pool_destroy() returns the pointer (and ownership) to the
111 memcached_st structure used to create the pool. If connections are in
112 use it returns NULL.
113 .sp
114 memcached_pool_pop() returns a pointer to a memcached_st structure
115 from the pool (or NULL if an allocation cannot be satisfied).
116 .sp
117 memcached_pool_push() returns MEMCACHED_SUCCESS upon success.
118 .sp
119 memcached_pool_behavior_get() and memcached_pool_behavior_get()
120 returns MEMCACHED_SUCCESS upon success.
121 .SH HOME
122 .sp
123 To find out more information please check:
124 \fI\%\fP
126 .sp
127 Brian Aker, <\fI\\fP>
128 .sp
129 Trond Norbye, <\fI\\fP>
131 .sp
132 \fImemcached(1)\fP \fIlibmemcached(3)\fP \fImemcached_strerror(3)\fP
134 Brian Aker
136 2011, Brian Aker DataDifferential,
137 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
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