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184 <h1>memslap
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#memslap" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
185 <div class=
"section" id=
186 <h2>SYNOPSIS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#synopsis" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
187 <p>memslap [options]
188 <p>Load testing and benchmarking a server
190 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#description" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
192 <p><strong class=
</strong> is a load generation and benchmark tool for
<em class=
"manpage"><a class=
"manpage reference external" href=
193 servers. It generates configurable workload such as threads, concurrencies, connections,
194 run time, overwrite, miss rate, key size, value size, get/set proportion, expected
195 throughput, and so on.
197 <div class=
"section" id=
198 <h2>OPTIONS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#options" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
200 <dt id=
201 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-help" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
202 <dd><p>Display help.
206 <dt id=
207 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-version" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
208 <dd><p>Display version.
212 <dt id=
213 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-quiet" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
214 <dd><p>Operate quietly.
218 <dt id=
219 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-verbose" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
220 <dd><p>Operate more verbosely.
224 <dt id=
225 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-debug" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
226 <dd><p>See
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-verbose"><code class=
"xref std std-option docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
230 <dt id=
231 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"> <list of servers
></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-servers" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
232 <dd><p>Specify the list of servers as
236 <dt id=
237 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memslap-binary" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
238 <dd><p>Enable binary protocol.
242 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#environment" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
245 <dt id=
246 <code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#envvar-MEMCACHED_SERVERS" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
247 <dd><p>Specify the list of servers.
251 <div class=
"section" id=
252 <h2>SEE ALSO
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#see-also" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
254 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"../libmemcached.html"><span class=
"doc">C/C++ Client Library for memcached
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