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183 <div class=
"section" id=
184 <h1>memflush
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#memflush" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
185 <div class=
"section" id=
186 <h2>SYNOPSIS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#synopsis" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
187 <p>memflush [options]
188 <p>Reset a server or list of servers
190 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#description" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
192 <p><strong class=
</strong> resets the contents of
<em class=
"manpage"><a class=
"manpage reference external" href=
</a></em> servers.
193 <div class=
"admonition warning">
194 <p class=
"first admonition-title">Warning
195 <p class=
"last">This means that all data in the specified servers will be deleted.
198 <div class=
"section" id=
199 <h2>OPTIONS
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#options" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
201 <dt id=
202 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-help" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
203 <dd><p>Display help.
207 <dt id=
208 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-version" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
209 <dd><p>Display version.
213 <dt id=
214 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-quiet" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
215 <dd><p>Operate quietly.
219 <dt id=
220 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-verbose" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
221 <dd><p>Operate more verbosely.
225 <dt id=
226 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-debug" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
227 <dd><p>See
<a class=
"reference internal" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-verbose"><code class=
"xref std std-option docutils literal notranslate"><span class=
231 <dt id=
232 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"> <list of servers
></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-servers" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
233 <dd><p>Specify the list of servers as
237 <dt id=
238 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-binary" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
239 <dd><p>Enable binary protocol.
243 <dt id=
244 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"> <username
></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-username" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
245 <dd><p>Use
</em> for SASL authentication.
249 <dt id=
250 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"> <password
></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-password" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
251 <dd><p>Use
</em> for SASL authentication.
255 <dt id=
256 <code class=
</code><code class=
"descclassname"> <expiration
></code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#cmdoption-memflush-expire" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
257 <dd><p>Use
</em> seconds (or a UNIX timestamp).
260 <div class=
"admonition note">
261 <p class=
"first admonition-title">Note
262 <p>Using an expiration time (period), all keys, which have not bean updated until expiration will cease to exist.
263 <p>Quoting the
<a class=
"reference external" href=
"https://github.com/memcached/memcached/blob/master/doc/protocol.txt">memcached protocol documentation
</a>, it states:
264 <blockquote class=
265 <div><p>Its effect is to invalidate all
266 existing items immediately (by default) or after the expiration
267 specified. After invalidation none of the items will be returned in
268 response to a retrieval command (unless it's stored again under the
269 same key
</em> flush_all has invalidated the items).
271 definition of what flush_all does is the following: it causes all
272 items whose update time is earlier than the time at which flush_all
273 was set to be executed to be ignored for retrieval purposes.
274 <p>The intent of flush_all with a delay, was that in a setting where you
275 have a pool of memcached servers, and you need to flush all content,
276 you have the option of not resetting all memcached servers at the
277 same time (which could e.g. cause a spike in database load with all
278 clients suddenly needing to recreate content that would otherwise
279 have been found in the memcached daemon).
283 <div class=
"section" id=
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#environment" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
286 <dt id=
287 <code class=
</code><a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#envvar-MEMCACHED_SERVERS" title=
"Permalink to this definition">¶
288 <dd><p>Specify the list of servers.
292 <div class=
"section" id=
293 <h2>SEE ALSO
<a class=
"headerlink" href=
"#see-also" title=
"Permalink to this headline">¶
295 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"../libmemcached.html"><span class=
"doc">C/C++ Client Library for memcached
296 <li><a class=
"reference internal" href=
"../libmemcached/memcached_flush.html"><span class=
"doc">Wiping clean the contents of a server
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"navigation" aria-label=
"footer navigation">
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"../libmemcached/index_misc.html" class=
"btn btn-neutral float-right" title=
"Miscellaneous" accesskey=
"n" rel=
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"fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></span></a>
312 <a href=
"memdump.html" class=
"btn btn-neutral float-left" title=
"memdump" accesskey=
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