use a 202 if the asset was already published
[pharext/] / app / views / alert.phtml
2 <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
3 <strong><?= nl2br($this->e($exception->getMessage())) ?></strong>
4 (<?= $exception->getCode() ?>)<br>
5 <?php if ($exception instanceof \app\Github\Exception\TokenException) : ?>
6 You might want to try to <a href="<?= $baseUrl->mod("./github/signin") ?>">renew your token</a>!
7 <?php endif; ?>
8 <?php if ($exception instanceof \app\Github\Exception\StateException) : ?>
9 You might want to try to <a href="<?= $baseUrl->mod("./github/signin") ?>">try again</a>!
10 <?php endif; ?>
11 </div>
13 <?php if (APP_ENVIRONMENT != "production") : ?>
14 <h3>Stack Trace</h3>
15 <pre style="display:block; overflow-x: scroll"><?= $this->e($exception) ?></pre>
16 <?php endif; ?>