fix base url
[m6w6/] / _config.yml
1 title: Michael Wallner (m6w6)
2 blog: "Mike's sudden inspirations"
3 email:
4 description: >-
5 C/C++ writer.
6 PHP partisan.
7 Postgres fan.
8 GNU/Linux hacker.
9 Webophilic op.
10 <br>
11 Father of two.
12 Wide open throttle.
13 Photographer in another life.
14 baseurl: "/"
15 url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
16 twitter_username: _m6w6
17 github_username: m6w6
19 # Build settings
20 #theme: minima
21 plugins:
22 - jekyll-feed
23 - jekyll-relative-links
24 - jekyll-sitemap
26 relative_links:
27 enabled: true
28 collections: true
30 kramdown:
31 input: GFM
32 syntax_highlighter_opts:
33 default_lang: shell
34 # css_class: 'highlight'
35 span:
36 line_numbers: false
37 block:
38 line_numbers: false
39 start_line: 1
41 defaults:
42 -
43 scope:
44 path: ""
45 type: "posts"
46 values:
47 layout: "post"
48 permalink: ":year/:month/:title.html"
49 styles:
50 - "assets/post.css"
51 - "assets/rouge.css"
53 # Exclude from processing.
54 # The following items will not be processed, by default.
55 # Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to
56 # the internal "default list".
57 #
58 # Excluded items can be processed by explicitly listing the directories or
59 # their entries' file path in the `include:` list.
60 #
61 exclude:
62 # - .sass-cache/
63 # - .jekyll-cache/
64 # - gemfiles/
65 # - Gemfile
66 # - Gemfile.lock
67 # - node_modules/
68 # - vendor/
69 # - vendor/cache/
70 # - vendor/gems/
71 # - vendor/ruby/
72 - "[Gg]em*"
73 - ".idea/"
74 - "vendor/"
75 - "*cache*/"
76 - "node*/"