[awesomized/libmemcached] / ChangeLog
1 0.4 Wed Oct 3 10:28:50 PDT 2007
2 * Added buffered IO to write calls for keys
3 * Added buffered IO for reads
4 * memstat was broken (bad if/else on connect)
5 * New non-blocking IO (not default yet). Mucho faster
6 * Refactor of test system.
7 * memslap crash solved
9 0.3 Mon Oct 1 06:37:52 PDT 2007
10 * Jeff Fisher <guppy@techmonkeys.org> provided a spec file
11 * Added "make rpm" around dist file
12 * Added support for Solaris
13 * Added support for DTrace
14 * Fixed read to be recv and write to be send
15 * Bug fix where memstat would core if no server was found
16 * Added memslap tool (load generator)
17 * Numerous bug fixes in library
18 * Added calls to library for creating host lists (see
19 text cases to understand how to use this).
21 0.2 Thu Sep 27 03:46:57 PDT 2007
22 * First public version