[m6w6/m6w6.github.io] / 2007-05-09-phar-vs-world.md
1 ---
2 title: Phar vs World
3 author: m6w6
4 tags:
5 - WTF
6 - PHP
7 ---
9 Recent [discussions](http://marc.info/?t=117857313600047&r=1&w=2) about
10 inclusion of [pecl/phar](http://pecl.php.net/package/phar) into the core
11 distribution shows again that we are missing a defined process of handling
12 additions to the PHP main distibution. How many people are really reading
13 through all mails of 100+ message threads?
15 It's going to be a chaos. Always. Once a developer has got his new, shiny and
16 soon-to-be-world-dominating extension into the core, he'll be a even stronger
17 advocator of the "no-new-extensions" camp. Not to disrespect any work, but
18 this is pure rivalism, masculine--really!
20 The idea of moving extensions from core to pecl is honorous, but we all know
21 the current problems of this ideology.
23 Many people have asked me when
24 [pecl/http](http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http) will be included in the
25 main distribution. My answer is short and simple: "Never" (I usually add a
26 tiny sentence, but that's nothing encouraging either).
28 Ah... and please do me a favour: rather keep your comments to yourself :)
29 (...or toss it into the nonsense thread@internals).