name = $name; $this->conn = $conn ?: static::$defaultConnection ?: new \pq\Connection; } /** * Get the complete PostgreSQL connection string * @return string */ function __toString() { return sprintf("postgresql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?%s#%s", $this->conn->user, $this->conn->pass, $this->conn->host, $this->conn->port, $this->conn->db, $this->conn->options, $this->getName() ); } /** * Set the rowset prototype * @param mixed $rowset * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function setRowsetPrototype($rowset) { $this->rowset = $rowset; return $this; } /** * Get the rowset prototype * @return mixed */ function getRowsetPrototype() { return $this->rowset; } /** * Set the query writer * @param \pq\Query\WriterInterface $query * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function setQueryWriter(\pq\Query\WriterInterface $query) { $this->query = $query; return $this; } /** * Get the query writer * @return \pq\Query\WriterInterface */ function getQueryWriter() { if (!$this->query) { $this->query = new QueryWriter; } return $this->query; } /** * Set the query executor * @param \pq\Query\ExecutorInterface $exec * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function setQueryExecutor(\pq\Query\ExecutorInterface $exec) { $this->exec = $exec; return $this; } /** * Get the query executor * @return \pq\Query\ExecutorInterface */ function getQueryExecutor() { if (!$this->exec) { $this->exec = new QueryExecutor($this->conn); } return $this->exec; } /** * Get the metadata cache * @return \pq\Gateway\Table\CacheInterface */ function getMetadataCache() { if (!isset($this->metadatCache)) { $this->metadataCache = static::$defaultMetadataCache ?: new Table\StaticCache; } return $this->metadataCache; } /** * Set the metadata cache * @param \pq\Gateway\Table\CacheInterface $cache */ function setMetadataCache(Table\CacheInterface $cache) { $this->metadataCache = $cache; return $this; } /** * Get the primary key * @return \pq\Gateway\Table\Identity */ function getIdentity() { if (!isset($this->identity)) { $this->identity = new Table\Identity($this); } return $this->identity; } /** * Get foreign key relations * @param string $to fkey * @return \pq\Gateway\Table\Relations|stdClass */ function getRelations($to = null) { if (!isset($this->relations)) { $this->relations = new Table\Relations($this); } if (isset($to)) { if (!isset($this->relations->$to)) { return null; } return $this->relations->$to; } return $this->relations; } /** * Check whether a certain relation exists * @param string $name * @param string $table * @return bool */ function hasRelation($name, $table = null) { if (!($rel = $this->getRelations($name))) { return false; } if (!isset($table)) { return true; } return isset($rel->$table); } /** * @return \pq\Connection */ function getConnection() { return $this->conn; } /** * @return string */ function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Set a lock provider * @param \pq\Gateway\Table\LockInterface $lock * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function setLock(Table\LockInterface $lock) { $this->lock = $lock; return $this; } /** * Get any set lock provider * @return \pq\Gateway\Table\LockIntferace */ function getLock() { return $this->lock; } /** * Execute the query * @param \pq\Query\WriterInterface $query * @return mixed */ protected function execute(QueryWriter $query) { return $this->getQueryExecutor()->execute($query, array($this, "onResult")); } /** * Retreives the result of an executed query * @param \pq\Result $result * @return mixed */ public function onResult(\pq\Result $result = null) { if ($result && $result->status != \pq\Result::TUPLES_OK) { return $result; } $rowset = $this->getRowsetPrototype(); if (is_callable($rowset)) { return $rowset($result); } elseif ($rowset) { return new $rowset($this, $result); } return $result; } /** * Find rows in the table * @param array $where * @param array|string $order * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param string $lock * @return mixed */ function find(array $where = null, $order = null, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $lock = null) { $query = $this->getQueryWriter()->reset(); $query->write("SELECT * FROM", $this->conn->quoteName($this->name)); if ($where) { $query->write("WHERE")->criteria($where); } if ($order) { $query->write("ORDER BY", $order); } if ($limit) { $query->write("LIMIT", $limit); } if ($offset) { $query->write("OFFSET", $offset); } if ($lock) { $query->write("FOR", $lock); } return $this->execute($query); } /** * Get the child rows of a row by foreign key * @param \pq\Gateway\Row $foreign * @param string $name optional fkey name * @param string $order * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return mixed */ function of(Row $foreign, $name = null, $order = null, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { // select * from $this where $this->$foreignColumn = $foreign->$referencedColumn if (!isset($name)) { $name = $foreign->getTable()->getName(); } if (!$foreign->getTable()->hasRelation($name, $this->getName())) { return $this->onResult(null); } $rel = $foreign->getTable()->getRelations($name)->{$this->getName()}; return $this->find( array($rel->foreignColumn . "=" => $foreign->{$rel->referencedColumn}), $order, $limit, $offset ); } /** * Get the parent rows of a row by foreign key * @param \pq\Gateway\Row $me * @param string $foreign * @param string $order * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return mixed */ function by(Row $me, $foreign, $order = null, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { // select * from $foreign where $foreign->$referencedColumn = $me->$foreignColumn if (!$this->hasRelation($foreign, $this->getName())) { return $this->onResult(null); } $rel = $this->getRelations($foreign)->{$this->getName()}; return static::resolve($rel->referencedTable)->find( array($rel->referencedColumn . "=" => $me->{$rel->foreignColumn}), $order, $limit, $offset ); } /** * Insert a row into the table * @param array $data * @param string $returning * @return mixed */ function create(array $data = null, $returning = "*") { $query = $this->getQueryWriter()->reset(); $query->write("INSERT INTO", $this->conn->quoteName($this->name)); if ($data) { $first = true; $params = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $query->write($first ? "(" : ",", $key); $params[] = $query->param($val); $first and $first = false; } $query->write(") VALUES (", $params, ")"); } else { $query->write("DEFAULT VALUES"); } if (strlen($returning)) { $query->write("RETURNING", $returning); } return $this->execute($query); } /** * Update rows in the table * @param array $where * @param array $data * @param string $returning * @retunr mixed */ function update(array $where, array $data, $returning = "*") { $query = $this->getQueryWriter()->reset(); $query->write("UPDATE", $this->conn->quoteName($this->name)); $first = true; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $query->write($first ? "SET" : ",", $key, "=", $query->param($val)); $first and $first = false; } $query->write("WHERE")->criteria($where); if (strlen($returning)) { $query->write("RETURNING", $returning); } return $this->execute($query); } /** * Delete rows from the table * @param array $where * @param string $returning * @return mixed */ function delete(array $where, $returning = null) { $query = $this->getQueryWriter()->reset(); $query->write("DELETE FROM", $this->conn->quoteName($this->name)); $query->write("WHERE")->criteria($where); if (strlen($returning)) { $query->write("RETURNING", $returning); } return $this->execute($query); } }