table = $table; $this->hydrate($result); } /** * Copy constructor * @param \pq\Result $result * @return \pq\Gateway\Rowset */ function __invoke(\pq\Result $result) { $that = clone $this; $that->hydrate($result); return $that; } /** * * @param \pq\Result $result * @return array */ protected function hydrate(\pq\Result $result = null) { $this->index = 0; $this->rows = array(); if ($result) { $row = $this->row; if (is_callable($row)) { while (($data = $result->fetchRow(\pq\Result::FETCH_ASSOC))) { $this->rows[] = $row($data); } } elseif ($row) { while (($data = $result->fetchRow(\pq\Result::FETCH_ASSOC))) { $this->rows[] = new $row($this->table, $data); } } else { $this->rows = $result->fetchAll(\pq\Result::FETCH_OBJECT); } } return $this; } /** * Set the row prototype * @param mixed $row * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function setRowPrototype($row) { $this->row = $row; return $this; } /** * @return \pq\Gateway\Table */ function getTable() { return $this->table; } function create() { array_map(function ($row) { $row->create(); }, $this->rows); return $this; } function update() { array_map(function ($row) { $row->update(); }, $this->rows); return $this; } function delete() { array_map(function ($row) { $row->delete(); }, $this->rows); return $this; } /** * @implements JsonSerilaizable */ function jsonSerialize() { return array_map(function($row) { return $row->jsonSerialize(); }, $this->rows); } /** * @implements \Iterator */ function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } /** * @implements \Iterator */ function next() { ++$this->index; } /** * @implements \Iterator * @return bool */ function valid() { return $this->index < count($this->rows); } /** * @implements \Iterator * @return \pq\Gateway\Row */ function current() { return $this->rows[$this->index]; } /** * @implements \Iterator * @return int */ function key() { return $this->index; } /** * @implements SeekableIterator * @param mixed $pos */ function seek($pos) { /* only index for now */ $this->index = $pos; if (!$this->valid()) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Invalid seek position ($pos)"); } } /** * @implements \Countable * @return int */ function count() { return count($this->rows); } /** * Get the rows of this rowset * @return array */ function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * Filter by callback * @param callable $cb * @return \pq\Gateway\Rowset */ function filter(callable $cb) { $rowset = clone $this; $rowset->rows = array_filter($this->rows, $cb); return $rowset; } }