title: Michael Wallner (m6w6) blog: "Mike's sudden inspirations" email: mike@php.net description: >- C/C++ writer. PHP partisan. Postgres fan. GNU/Linux hacker. Webophilic op.
Father of two. Wide open throttle. Photographer in another life. baseurl: "/" url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com twitter_username: _m6w6 github_username: m6w6 # Build settings #theme: minima plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-relative-links - jekyll-sitemap relative_links: enabled: true collections: true kramdown: input: GFM syntax_highlighter_opts: default_lang: shell # css_class: 'highlight' span: line_numbers: false block: line_numbers: false start_line: 1 defaults: - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: layout: "post" permalink: ":year/:month/:title.html" styles: - "assets/post.css" - "assets/rouge.css" # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. # Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to # the internal "default list". # # Excluded items can be processed by explicitly listing the directories or # their entries' file path in the `include:` list. # exclude: # - .sass-cache/ # - .jekyll-cache/ # - gemfiles/ # - Gemfile # - Gemfile.lock # - node_modules/ # - vendor/ # - vendor/cache/ # - vendor/gems/ # - vendor/ruby/ - "[Gg]em*" - ".idea/" - "vendor/" - "*cache*/" - "node*/"