descriptionAn alternative theme for gitweb, strongly inspired by GitHub
last changeMon, 6 Dec 2021 13:32:08 +0000 (14:32 +0100)
2021-12-06  Stefan Imhoffdocs: update link to project page master
2021-09-15  dezechristopheUpdate README.markdown
2020-01-01  Stefan ImhoffUpdate maintenance status
2019-02-02  Stefan ImhoffUpdate maintenance status
2018-12-01  김어진add overwrite option in mv commend (#38)
2018-07-28  Edwin HoksbergAdd styling for gitweb timing statistics output (#37)
2018-01-01  Stefan Imhoffchore: Update maintenance badge
2017-08-13  Stefan ImhoffAdd maintenance badge
2017-08-13  Stefan ImhoffEdit badges for GitHub forks and stars
2015-07-10  Stefan ImhoffMerge pull request #34 from kamihouse/master
2015-07-09  Thiago PereiraTruncating the description text (with ellipsis) if...
2014-12-04  Stefan ImhoffMerge pull request #33 from igoryok-zp/popup_timezone_fix
2014-12-04  Igor NakonechnyiFixed displaying change timezone popup
2014-12-04  Stefan ImhoffMerge pull request #32 from igoryok-zp/diff_marked_fix
2014-12-04  Igor NakonechnyiFixed highlighting maked parts in diff
2014-11-23  Stefan ImhoffMerge pull request #31 from avsej/master
11 years ago gitweb-
11 years ago gitweb-1.7.12
4 months ago
2 years ago master
10 years ago gh-pages