#!/bin/bash ########################################################## # Configuration ########################################################## # # Here you can set the default installation directory # DEFAULT_TARGET="/usr/share/gitweb" ########################################################## # Functions ########################################################## # # (no need to modify, unless you want to) # install() { set_target set_cmd_args if [[ $(check_for_symlinks) == $TRUE && $(check_for_backups) == $TRUE ]] then log "" log "[ERROR] - Symlinks and backups found in target, nothing to do." log "[ERROR] - (Is the theme already installed?)" exit 1 else #Backing up if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]] then log "" if [[ $(confirm "Backing up original files, continue?") == $FALSE ]] then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi if [[ $(check_for_backups) == $TRUE ]] then log "[NOTICE] - Backups present, skipping..." else log "" log "Backing up..." log "" for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ -e "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" ]] then log "Skipping $FILE.bak, file exists..." else mv $MV_ARGS "$TARGET/$FILE" "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" fi done log "" log "...done" fi #Symlinking if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]] then log "" if [[ $(confirm "Linking theme files, continue?") == $FALSE ]] then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi if [[ $(check_for_symlinks) == $TRUE ]] then log "[NOTICE] - Symlinks present, skipping..." else log "" log "Linking..." log "" for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ -h "$TARGET/$FILE" ]] then log "Skipping $FILE, symlink exists..." else ln $LN_ARGS "$THEME/$FILE" "$TARGET/$FILE" fi done log "" log "...done" fi fi log "" log "[NOTICE] - Installation complete!" } remove() { set_target set_cmd_args if [[ $(check_for_symlinks "missing") == $TRUE && $(check_for_backups "missing") == $TRUE ]] then log "" log "[ERROR] - No symlinks or backups found in target, Nothing to do." log "[ERROR] - (Is the theme already removed?)" exit 1 else #Deleting if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]] then log "" if [[ $(confirm "Deleting symlinks, continue?") == $FALSE ]] then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi if [[ $(check_for_symlinks) == $TRUE ]] then log "" log "Deleting symlinks..." log "" for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ -h "$TARGET/$FILE" ]] then rm $RM_ARGS "$TARGET/$FILE" else log "Skipping $FILE, not found..." fi done log "" log "...done" else log "[NOTICE] - Symlinks not found, skipping..." fi #Restoring if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]] then log "" if [[ $(confirm "Restoring original files, continue?") == $FALSE ]] then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi if [[ $(check_for_backups) == $TRUE ]] then log "" log "Restoring..." log "" for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ -e "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" ]] then mv $MV_ARGS "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" "$TARGET/$FILE" else log "Skipping $FILE.bak, not found..." fi done log "" log "...done" else log "[NOTICE] - Backups not found, skipping..." fi fi log "" log "[NOTICE] - Removal complete!" } set_target() { if [[ $TARGET && $(check_for_static $TARGET) == $TRUE ]] then log "[NOTICE] - Using specified target path: '$TARGET'" if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]]; then if [[ $(confirm "Is this correct?") == $FALSE ]]; then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi TARGET="$TARGET/static" else if [[ $(check_for_static $DEFAULT_TARGET) == $TRUE ]] then log "[NOTICE] - Target not set, using default path: '$DEFAULT_TARGET'" if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]] then log "" if [[ $(confirm "Is this ok?") == $FALSE ]] then echo "" exit 1 else echo "" fi fi TARGET="$DEFAULT_TARGET/static" else log "" log "[ERROR] - Couldn't find folder 'static/' in the target path: '$TARGET'" log "[ERROR] - (Are you sure this folder contains gitweb?)" exit 1 fi fi } set_cmd_args() { MV_ARGS="" LN_ARGS="" RM_ARGS="" if [[ $VERBOSE == $TRUE ]]; then MV_ARGS="-v" LN_ARGS="-v -s" RM_ARGS="-v" fi if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE ]]; then MV_ARGS="-i" LN_ARGS="-i -s" RM_ARGS="-i" fi if [[ $INTERACTIVE == $TRUE && $VERBOSE == $TRUE ]]; then MV_ARGS="-i -v" LN_ARGS="-i -v -s" RM_ARGS="-i -v" fi } check_for_static() { local RETURN=$FALSE if [[ -d "$1/static" ]] then RETURN=$TRUE fi echo $RETURN } #If all present, true #If passed "missing", and all missing, true check_for_symlinks() { local RETURN=$TRUE if [[ $1 == "missing" ]] then local COUNT=0 for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ ! -h "$TARGET/$FILE" ]] then COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1) fi done if [[ $COUNT == "${THEME_FILES[@]}" ]] then RETURN=$TRUE else RETURN=$FALSE fi else for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ ! -h "$TARGET/$FILE" ]] then RETURN=$FALSE fi done fi echo $RETURN } #If all present, true #If passed "missing", and all missing, true check_for_backups() { local RETURN=$TRUE if [[ $1 == "missing" ]] then local COUNT=0 for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ ! -e "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" ]] then COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1) fi done if [[ $COUNT == "${THEME_FILES[@]}" ]] then RETURN=$TRUE else RETURN=$FALSE fi else for FILE in "${THEME_FILES[@]}" do if [[ ! -e "$TARGET/$FILE.bak" ]] then RETURN=$FALSE fi done fi echo $RETURN } confirm() { read -n 1 -p "$0: $1 [y] | [n] : " REPLY case $REPLY in y|Y) echo $TRUE ;; n|N) echo $FALSE ;; *) echo "$0: [ERROR] - You must answer [y] | [n]" confirm "$1" ;; esac } log() { if [[ $VERBOSE == $TRUE ]] then echo "$0: $1" fi } usage() { cat << EOF Usage: $0 [-v|-i] [-t |--target ] [--install|--remove|--repair] Or: $0 [-V|-h|--version|--help] This script will create symlinks to your gitweb install for themeing. The default location is '/usr/share/gitweb' unless set via -t or --target. OPTIONS: -v, --verbose Verbose output -i, --interactive Pauses for confirmation at each step -t, --target Where to create the symlinks, gitweb installation path -h, --help Shows this usage message -V, --version Displays version information --install Adds '.bak' to original files and creates symlinks to theme files --remove Deletes themed symlinks and restores the original files. --repair Removes all theme files, then reinstalls EOF } ########################################################## # Let's Go! ########################################################## # PROG_NAME=$0 PROG_VERSION="0.9.0" AUTHOR="Kevin Hill " readonly TRUE=0 readonly FALSE=1 TARGET= THEME=$(pwd) INTERACTIVE=$FALSE VERBOSE=$FALSE THEME_FILES=( "gitweb.css" "gitweb.js" "git-favicon.png" "git-logo.png" ) SHORT_OPTS="Vhvit:" LONG_OPTS="version,help,verbose,interactive,target:,install,remove,repair" OPTS=$(getopt -o "$SHORT_OPTS" -l "$LONG_OPTS" --name "$0" -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi eval set -- "$OPTS" unset OPTS if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "$0: [ERROR] - no options specified" >&2 usage fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -h|--help|-\?) usage exit 0 ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE=$TRUE ;; -i|--interactive) INTERACTIVE=$TRUE ;; -t|--target) TARGET=$2 shift ;; -V|--version) echo "Gitweb Theme Installer Script - v$PROG_VERSION" echo " Author: $AUTHOR" ;; --install) install ;; --remove) remove ;; --repair) remove install ;; --) shift break ;; -*) echo "$0: [ERROR] - unrecognized option $1" >&2 shift ;; *) break ;; esac shift done exit 0