%code top { #include "php_psi_stdinc.h" } %code { #include #include #include "plist.h" #include "parser.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 static int psi_parser_proc_lex(YYSTYPE *u, struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_plist *tokens, size_t *index); static void psi_parser_proc_error(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_plist *tokens, size_t *index, const char *msg); static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_struct(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl_struct *strct) { assert(strct); if (!P->structs) { P->structs = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_struct_free); } P->structs = psi_plist_add(P->structs, &strct); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_union(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl_union *u) { assert(u); if (!P->unions) { P->unions = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_union_free); } P->unions = psi_plist_add(P->unions, &u); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_enum(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl_enum *e) { assert(e); if (!P->enums) { P->enums = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_enum_free); } P->enums = psi_plist_add(P->enums, &e); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_from_typedef(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl_arg *def) { if (def->type->real.def) { switch (def->type->type) { case PSI_T_STRUCT: psi_parser_proc_add_struct(P, def->type->real.strct); break; case PSI_T_UNION: psi_parser_proc_add_union(P, def->type->real.unn); break; case PSI_T_ENUM: psi_parser_proc_add_enum(P, def->type->real.enm); break; default: break; } } } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_typedef(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl_arg *def) { assert(def); if (!P->types) { P->types = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_arg_free); } P->types = psi_plist_add(P->types, &def); psi_parser_proc_add_from_typedef(P, def); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_const(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_const *cnst) { assert(cnst); if (!P->consts) { P->consts = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_const_free); } P->consts = psi_plist_add(P->consts, &cnst); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_decl(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_decl *decl) { assert(decl); if (!P->decls) { P->decls = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_free); } P->decls = psi_plist_add(P->decls, &decl); } static inline void psi_parser_proc_add_impl(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_impl *impl) { assert(impl); if (!P->impls) { P->impls = psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_impl_free); } P->impls = psi_plist_add(P->impls, &impl); } /* end code */ } %code requires { #include "plist.h" #include "types/layout.h" struct psi_parser; } %require "3.0" %language "c" %name-prefix "psi_parser_proc_" %token-table %verbose %glr-parser %param {struct psi_parser *P} {struct psi_plist *tokens} {size_t *index} %define api.pure true %define api.token.prefix {PSI_T_} %define api.value.type union %define parse.error verbose %define parse.trace true %initial-action { } %start file %token BOOL %token CHAR %token SHORT %token INT %token SIGNED %token UNSIGNED %token LONG %token FLOAT %token DOUBLE %token STRING %token MIXED %token ARRAY %token OBJECT %token CALLABLE %token VOID %token ZVAL %token INT8 %token UINT8 %token INT16 %token UINT16 %token INT32 %token UINT32 %token INT64 %token UINT64 %token NULL %token TRUE %token FALSE %token NAME %token NSNAME %token DOLLAR_NAME %token NUMBER %token QUOTED_STRING %token QUOTED_CHAR %token EOF 0 "end of file" %token EOL "end of line" %token EOS ";" %token LPAREN "(" %token RPAREN ")" %token COMMA "," %token COLON ":" %token LBRACE "{" %token RBRACE "}" %token LBRACKET "[" %token RBRACKET "]" %token EQUALS "=" %token HASH "#" %token PIPE "|" %token CARET "^" %token AMPERSAND "&" %token LSHIFT "<<" %token RSHIFT ">>" %token PLUS "+" %token MINUS "-" %token ASTERISK "*" %token SLASH "/" %token MODULO "%" %token LCHEVR "<" %token RCHEVR ">" %token CMP_GE ">=" %token CMP_LE "<=" %token OR "||" %token AND "&&" %token CMP_EQ "==" %token CMP_NE "!=" %token TILDE "~" %token NOT "!" %token PERIOD "." %token BACKSLASH "\\" %token ELLIPSIS "..." %token IIF "?" %token PRAGMA %token PRAGMA_ONCE %token LINE %token ERROR %token WARNING %token IF %token IFDEF %token IFNDEF %token ELSE %token ELIF %token ENDIF %token DEFINE %token DEFINED %token UNDEF %token IMPORT %token INCLUDE %token INCLUDE_NEXT %token TYPEDEF %token STRUCT %token UNION %token ENUM %token CONST %token LIB %token STATIC %token CALLBACK %token FUNCTION %token LET %token SET %token TEMP %token FREE %token RETURN %token PRE_ASSERT %token POST_ASSERT %token BOOLVAL %token INTVAL %token STRVAL %token PATHVAL %token STRLEN %token FLOATVAL %token ARRVAL %token OBJVAL %token COUNT %token CALLOC %token TO_BOOL %token TO_INT %token TO_STRING %token TO_FLOAT %token TO_ARRAY %token TO_OBJECT %token COMMENT %token WHITESPACE %token NO_WHITESPACE %token CPP_HEADER %token CPP_ATTRIBUTE %token CPP_EXTENSION %token CPP_PASTE %token CPP_RESTRICT %token CPP_ASM %precedence IIF COLON %precedence OR %precedence AND %precedence PIPE %precedence CARET %precedence AMPERSAND %precedence CMP_EQ CMP_NE %precedence LCHEVR CMP_LE RCHEVR CMP_GE %precedence LSHIFT RSHIFT %precedence PLUS MINUS %precedence ASTERISK SLASH MODULO //%precedence NOT TILDE %precedence BINARY %precedence UNARY %type lib optional_name enum_name struct_name union_name %destructor {psi_token_free(&$$);} lib optional_name enum_name struct_name union_name %type cpp_message_token cpp_include_token cpp_header_token cpp_no_arg_token cpp_name_arg_token cpp_exp_arg_token cpp_special_name_token %destructor {} cpp_message_token cpp_include_token cpp_header_token cpp_no_arg_token cpp_name_arg_token cpp_exp_arg_token cpp_special_name_token %type name_token any_noeol_token binary_op_token unary_op_token %destructor {} name_token any_noeol_token binary_op_token unary_op_token %type int_width int_width_types int_signed_types %destructor {psi_token_free(&$$);} int_width int_width_types int_signed_types %type signed_long_types signed_short_types int_signed %destructor {} signed_long_types signed_short_types int_signed %type cpp cpp_exp %destructor {psi_cpp_exp_free(&$$);} cpp cpp_exp %type cpp_macro_decl %destructor {psi_cpp_macro_decl_free(&$$);} cpp_macro_decl %type cpp_macro_sig cpp_macro_sig_args cpp_macro_decl_tokens cpp_macro_decl_token_list cpp_macro_call_args cpp_macro_call_arg_list %destructor {psi_plist_free($$);} cpp_macro_sig cpp_macro_sig_args cpp_macro_decl_tokens cpp_macro_decl_token_list cpp_macro_call_args cpp_macro_call_arg_list %type cpp_macro_exp %destructor {psi_num_exp_free(&$$);} cpp_macro_exp %type constant_type_token impl_def_val_token %destructor {} constant_type_token impl_def_val_token %type constant %destructor {psi_const_free(&$$);} constant %type constant_type %destructor {psi_const_type_free(&$$);} constant_type %type impl_def_val %destructor {psi_impl_def_val_free(&$$);} impl_def_val %type decl_real_type decl_int_type decl_type_simple %destructor {psi_token_free(&$$);} decl_real_type decl_int_type decl_type_simple %type decl_stdint_type %destructor {} decl_stdint_type %type decl_type const_decl_type decl_type_complex %destructor {psi_decl_type_free(&$$);} decl_type const_decl_type decl_type_complex %type decl_stmt decl decl_body decl_func_body decl_functor_body %destructor {psi_decl_free(&$$);} decl_stmt decl decl_body decl_func_body decl_functor_body %type decl_typedef decl_func decl_functor decl_arg decl_anon_arg typedef %destructor {psi_decl_arg_free(&$$);} decl_typedef decl_func decl_functor decl_arg decl_anon_arg typedef %type decl_var %destructor {psi_decl_var_free(&$$);} decl_var %type decl_struct %destructor {psi_decl_struct_free(&$$);} decl_struct %type decl_union %destructor {psi_decl_union_free(&$$);} decl_union %type decl_enum %destructor {psi_decl_enum_free(&$$);} decl_enum %type decl_enum_item %destructor {psi_decl_enum_item_free(&$$);} decl_enum_item %type decl_args decl_struct_args struct_args_block struct_args struct_arg_var_list decl_enum_items decl_vars decl_vars_with_layout %destructor {psi_plist_free($$);} decl_args decl_struct_args struct_args_block struct_args struct_arg_var_list decl_enum_items decl_vars decl_vars_with_layout %type align_and_size %destructor {} align_and_size %type decl_layout %destructor {psi_layout_free(&$$);} decl_layout %type impl %destructor {psi_impl_free(&$$);} impl %type impl_func %destructor {psi_impl_func_free(&$$);} impl_func %type impl_arg %destructor {psi_impl_arg_free(&$$);} impl_arg %type impl_type %destructor {psi_impl_type_free(&$$);} impl_type %type impl_var %destructor {psi_impl_var_free(&$$);} impl_var %type let_stmt %destructor {psi_let_stmt_free(&$$);} let_stmt %type let_exp let_exp_byref let_exp_assign %destructor {psi_let_exp_free(&$$);} let_exp let_exp_byref let_exp_assign %type let_calloc %destructor {psi_let_calloc_free(&$$);} let_calloc %type let_callback %destructor {psi_let_callback_free(&$$);} let_callback %type let_func %destructor {psi_let_func_free(&$$);} let_func %type set_stmt %destructor {psi_set_stmt_free(&$$);} set_stmt %type set_exp %destructor {psi_set_exp_free(&$$);} set_exp %type set_func %destructor {psi_set_func_free(&$$);} set_func %type assert_stmt %destructor {psi_assert_stmt_free(&$$);} assert_stmt %type return_stmt %destructor {psi_return_stmt_free(&$$);} return_stmt %type free_stmt %destructor {psi_free_stmt_free(&$$);} free_stmt %type free_exp %destructor {psi_free_exp_free(&$$);} free_exp %type impl_stmt %destructor {psi_impl_stmt_free(&$$);} impl_stmt %type impl_type_token callback_rval let_func_token set_func_token assert_stmt_token %destructor {psi_token_free(&$$);} impl_type_token callback_rval let_func_token set_func_token assert_stmt_token %type impl_args impl_stmts let_exps let_func_exps callback_arg_list callback_args set_exps set_func_exps free_exps %destructor {psi_plist_free($$);} impl_args impl_stmts let_exps let_func_exps callback_arg_list callback_args set_exps set_func_exps free_exps %type num_exp %destructor {psi_num_exp_free(&$$);} num_exp %type number %destructor {psi_number_free(&$$);} number %type indirection pointers asterisks array_size %destructor {} indirection pointers asterisks array_size %type reference %destructor {} reference %% /* rules */ binary_op_token: PIPE | CARET | AMPERSAND | LSHIFT | RSHIFT | PLUS | MINUS | ASTERISK | SLASH | MODULO | RCHEVR | LCHEVR | CMP_GE | CMP_LE | OR | AND | CMP_EQ | CMP_NE ; unary_op_token: TILDE | NOT | PLUS | MINUS ; name_token: NAME | FUNCTION | TEMP | FREE | SET | LET | CALLOC | CALLBACK | LIB | BOOL | STRING | ERROR | WARNING | LINE | PRAGMA_ONCE | PRAGMA | let_func_token | set_func_token; any_noeol_token: BOOL | CHAR | SHORT | INT | SIGNED | UNSIGNED | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | STRING | MIXED | ARRAY | OBJECT | CALLABLE | VOID | ZVAL | INT8 | UINT8 | INT16 | UINT16 | INT32 | UINT32 | INT64 | UINT64 | NULL | TRUE | FALSE | NAME | NSNAME | DOLLAR_NAME | NUMBER | QUOTED_STRING | QUOTED_CHAR | EOF | EOS | LPAREN | RPAREN | COMMA | COLON | LBRACE | RBRACE | LBRACKET | RBRACKET | EQUALS | HASH | PIPE | CARET | AMPERSAND | LSHIFT | RSHIFT | PLUS | MINUS | ASTERISK | SLASH | MODULO | LCHEVR | RCHEVR | CMP_GE | CMP_LE | OR | AND | CMP_EQ | CMP_NE | TILDE | NOT | PERIOD | BACKSLASH | ELLIPSIS | ERROR | WARNING | LINE | PRAGMA | PRAGMA_ONCE | IIF | IF | IFDEF | IFNDEF | ELSE | ELIF | ENDIF | DEFINE | DEFINED | UNDEF | INCLUDE | TYPEDEF | STRUCT | UNION | ENUM | CONST | LIB | STATIC | CALLBACK | FUNCTION | LET | SET | TEMP | FREE | RETURN | PRE_ASSERT | POST_ASSERT | BOOLVAL | INTVAL | STRVAL | PATHVAL | STRLEN | FLOATVAL | ARRVAL | OBJVAL | COUNT | CALLOC | TO_BOOL | TO_INT | TO_STRING | TO_FLOAT | TO_ARRAY | TO_OBJECT | COMMENT | CPP_HEADER | CPP_PASTE | CPP_RESTRICT | CPP_EXTENSION | CPP_ASM; file: %empty | blocks ; blocks: block | blocks block ; block: EOS | EOL | COMMENT | cpp { if ($cpp) { psi_cpp_exp_exec($cpp, P->preproc, PSI_DATA(P)); psi_cpp_exp_free(&$cpp); } } | lib { if (P->file.ln) { P->error(PSI_DATA(P), $lib, PSI_WARNING, "Extra 'lib \"%s\"' statement has no effect", $lib->text); } else { P->file.ln = strndup($lib->text, $lib->size); } } | constant { psi_parser_proc_add_const(P, $constant); } | decl_stmt { psi_parser_proc_add_decl(P, $decl_stmt); } | decl_ext_var_stmt | decl_typedef[def] { psi_parser_proc_add_typedef(P, $def); } | decl_struct[struct] { psi_parser_proc_add_struct(P, $struct); } | decl_union[union] { psi_parser_proc_add_union(P, $union); } | decl_enum[enum] { psi_parser_proc_add_enum(P, $enum); } | impl { psi_parser_proc_add_impl(P, $impl); } ; lib: LIB QUOTED_STRING EOS { $lib = $QUOTED_STRING; } ; cpp: HASH EOL { $cpp = NULL; } | HASH cpp_exp[exp] EOL { $cpp = $exp; } ; cpp_exp[exp]: cpp_message_token cpp_macro_decl_tokens[tokens] { if ($tokens) { struct psi_token *msg = NULL; if (psi_plist_get($tokens, 0, &msg)) { size_t index = 1; struct psi_token *next; msg = psi_token_copy(msg); while (psi_plist_get($tokens, index++, &next)) { struct psi_token *old = msg; msg = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, msg, next); free(old); } } psi_plist_free($tokens); $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($cpp_message_token->type, msg); } else { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($cpp_message_token->type, NULL); } $exp->token = psi_token_copy($cpp_message_token); } | cpp_include_token[INCLUDE] cpp_header_token { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($INCLUDE->type, psi_token_copy($cpp_header_token)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($INCLUDE); } | cpp_no_arg_token { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($cpp_no_arg_token->type, NULL); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($cpp_no_arg_token); } | cpp_name_arg_token cpp_special_name_token[name_token] { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($cpp_name_arg_token->type, psi_token_copy($name_token)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($cpp_name_arg_token); } | DEFINE cpp_macro_decl { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($DEFINE->type, $cpp_macro_decl); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($DEFINE); } | cpp_exp_arg_token cpp_macro_exp { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($cpp_exp_arg_token->type, $cpp_macro_exp); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($cpp_exp_arg_token); } | PRAGMA_ONCE { $exp = psi_cpp_exp_init($PRAGMA_ONCE->type, NULL); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($PRAGMA_ONCE); } | cpp_ignored_token cpp_macro_decl_tokens[tokens] { psi_plist_free($tokens); $exp = NULL; } ; cpp_ignored_token: LINE | PRAGMA ; cpp_message_token: ERROR | WARNING ; cpp_include_token: IMPORT | INCLUDE | INCLUDE_NEXT ; cpp_header_token: QUOTED_STRING | CPP_HEADER ; cpp_no_arg_token: ELSE | ENDIF ; cpp_name_arg_token: IFDEF | IFNDEF | UNDEF ; cpp_exp_arg_token: IF | ELIF ; cpp_special_name_token: name_token | NULL | TRUE | FALSE | CPP_RESTRICT | CPP_EXTENSION ; cpp_macro_decl[macro]: name_token NO_WHITESPACE LPAREN cpp_macro_sig RPAREN cpp_macro_decl_tokens { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $macro = psi_cpp_macro_decl_init($cpp_macro_sig, $cpp_macro_decl_tokens, NULL); $macro->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | cpp_special_name_token[name_token] cpp_macro_decl_tokens { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $macro = psi_cpp_macro_decl_init(NULL, $cpp_macro_decl_tokens, NULL); $macro->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; cpp_macro_sig[sig]: %empty { $sig = psi_plist_init(NULL); } | cpp_macro_sig_args ; cpp_macro_sig_args[args]: name_token { $name_token = psi_token_copy($name_token); $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_token_free), &$name_token); } | cpp_macro_sig_args[args_] COMMA name_token { $name_token = psi_token_copy($name_token); $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$name_token); } ; cpp_macro_decl_tokens[tokens]: %empty { $tokens = NULL; } | cpp_macro_decl_token_list ; cpp_macro_decl_token_list[tokens]: any_noeol_token[token] { $token = psi_token_copy($token); $tokens = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_token_free), &$token); } | cpp_macro_decl_token_list[tokens_] any_noeol_token[token] { $token = psi_token_copy($token); $tokens = psi_plist_add($tokens_, &$token); } ; cpp_macro_exp[exp]: LPAREN cpp_macro_exp[exp_] RPAREN { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_unary($LPAREN->type, $exp_); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($LPAREN); } | unary_op_token cpp_macro_exp[exp_] %prec UNARY { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_unary($unary_op_token->type, $exp_); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($unary_op_token); } | cpp_macro_exp[lhs] binary_op_token cpp_macro_exp[rhs] %prec BINARY { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_binary($binary_op_token->type, $lhs, $rhs); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($binary_op_token); } | cpp_macro_exp[cond] IIF cpp_macro_exp[truthy] COLON cpp_macro_exp[falsy] { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_ternary($IIF->type, $cond, $truthy, $falsy); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($IIF); } | DEFINED name_token { { uint8_t exists; $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; exists = psi_cpp_defined(P->preproc, $name_token); $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init(PSI_T_UINT8, &exists, 0)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } } | DEFINED LPAREN name_token RPAREN { { uint8_t exists; $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; exists = psi_cpp_defined(P->preproc, $name_token); $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init(PSI_T_UINT8, &exists, 0)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } } | NUMBER { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init($NUMBER->type, $NUMBER->text, $NUMBER->flags)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($NUMBER); $exp->data.n->token = psi_token_copy($NUMBER); } | QUOTED_CHAR { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init($QUOTED_CHAR->type, $QUOTED_CHAR->text, 0)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($QUOTED_CHAR); $exp->data.n->token = psi_token_copy($QUOTED_CHAR); } | name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init(PSI_T_DEFINE, $name_token->text, 0)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); $exp->data.n->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | name_token LPAREN cpp_macro_call_args RPAREN { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num(psi_number_init(PSI_T_FUNCTION, psi_cpp_macro_call_init($name_token->text, $cpp_macro_call_args), 0)); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; cpp_macro_call_args[args]: %empty { $args = NULL; } | cpp_macro_call_arg_list ; cpp_macro_call_arg_list[args]: cpp_macro_exp { $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_num_exp_free), &$cpp_macro_exp); } | cpp_macro_call_arg_list[args_] COMMA cpp_macro_exp { $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$cpp_macro_exp); } ; constant[const]: CONST constant_type NSNAME EQUALS impl_def_val EOS { $const = psi_const_init($constant_type, $NSNAME->text, $impl_def_val); $const->token = psi_token_copy($NSNAME); } ; constant_type[type]: constant_type_token[token] { $type = psi_const_type_init($token->type, $token->text); } ; constant_type_token: BOOL | INT | FLOAT | STRING ; impl_def_val[val]: %empty { $val = NULL; } | impl_def_val_token[token] { $val = psi_impl_def_val_init($token->type, $token->text); $val->token = psi_token_copy($token); } ; impl_def_val_token: NULL | NUMBER | TRUE | FALSE | QUOTED_STRING ; decl_typedef[def]: TYPEDEF typedef[def_] EOS { $def = $def_; } | CPP_EXTENSION TYPEDEF typedef[def_] EOS { $def = $def_; } ; typedef[def]: decl_arg | decl_func_body[decl] { $def = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init(PSI_T_FUNCTION, $decl->func->var->name), psi_decl_var_copy($decl->func->var) ); $def->type->token = psi_token_copy($decl->func->token); $def->type->real.func = $decl; } | decl_enum[enum] name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $def = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init(PSI_T_ENUM, $enum->name), psi_decl_var_init($name_token->text, 0, 0) ); $def->var->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); $def->type->token = psi_token_copy($enum->token); $def->type->real.enm = $enum; } | struct_name[struct] align_and_size[as] struct_args_block[args] decl_var[var] { $def = psi_decl_arg_init(psi_decl_type_init(PSI_T_STRUCT, $struct->text), $var); $def->type->token = $struct; $def->type->real.strct = psi_decl_struct_init($struct->text, $args); $def->type->real.strct->token = psi_token_copy($struct); $def->type->real.strct->align = $as.pos; $def->type->real.strct->size = $as.len; } | union_name[union] align_and_size[as] struct_args_block[args] decl_var[var] { $def = psi_decl_arg_init(psi_decl_type_init(PSI_T_UNION, $union->text), $var); $def->type->token = $union; $def->type->real.unn = psi_decl_union_init($union->text, $args); $def->type->real.unn->token = psi_token_copy($union); $def->type->real.unn->align = $as.pos; $def->type->real.unn->size = $as.len; } | const_decl_type[type] decl_stdint_type[stdint] { $stdint->type = PSI_T_NAME; $def = psi_decl_arg_init($type, psi_decl_var_init($stdint->text, 0, 0)); $def->var->token = psi_token_copy($stdint); } ; const_decl_type[type]: CONST decl_type[type_] { $type = $type_; } | decl_type ; decl_type[type]: decl_type_simple[token] { $type = psi_decl_type_init($token->type, $token->text); $type->token = $token; } | decl_type_complex ; decl_type_complex[type]: STRUCT[token] name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $type = psi_decl_type_init($token->type, $name_token->text); $type->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | UNION[token] name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $type = psi_decl_type_init($token->type, $name_token->text); $type->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | ENUM[token] name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $type = psi_decl_type_init($token->type, $name_token->text); $type->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; decl_type_simple[type]: decl_int_type | decl_real_type | decl_stdint_type[type_] { $type = psi_token_copy($type_); } | NAME[type_] { $type = psi_token_copy($type_); } ; decl_real_type[type]: FLOAT[type_] { $type = psi_token_copy($type_); } | DOUBLE[type_] { $type = psi_token_copy($type_); } | LONG DOUBLE { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $LONG, $DOUBLE); } ; decl_stdint_type[type]: INT8 | UINT8 | INT16 | UINT16 | INT32 | UINT32 | INT64 | UINT64 ; int_signed[i]: SIGNED | UNSIGNED ; int_width[i]: SHORT { $i = psi_token_copy($SHORT); } | LONG { $i = psi_token_copy($LONG); } | LONG[l1] LONG[l2] { $i = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $l1, $l2); } ; decl_int_type[type]: CHAR { $type = psi_token_copy($CHAR); } | INT { $type = psi_token_copy($INT); } | int_signed int_signed_types { if ($2) { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $1, $2); free($2); } else { $type = psi_token_copy($1); } } | int_width int_width_types { if ($2) { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $1, $2); free($1); free($2); } else { $type = $1; } } ; int_signed_types[type]: %empty { $type = NULL; } | CHAR { $type = psi_token_copy($CHAR); } | SHORT signed_short_types { if ($2) { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $1, $2); } else { $type = psi_token_copy($1); } } | INT { $type = psi_token_copy($INT); } | LONG signed_long_types { if ($2) { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $1, $2); } else { $type = psi_token_copy($1); } } ; signed_short_types[type]: %empty { $type = NULL; } | INT ; signed_long_types[type]: %empty { $type = NULL; } | INT | LONG ; int_width_types[type]: %empty { $type = NULL; } | INT { $type = psi_token_copy($INT); } | int_signed int_signed_types { if ($2) { $type = psi_token_cat(" ", 2, $1, $2); free($2); } else { $type = psi_token_copy($1); } } ; decl_stmt: decl decl_asm EOS { $decl_stmt = $decl; } | CPP_EXTENSION decl decl_asm EOS { $decl_stmt = $decl; } ; decl_asm: %empty | CPP_ASM LPAREN ignored_quoted_strings RPAREN ; ignored_quoted_strings: QUOTED_STRING | ignored_quoted_strings QUOTED_STRING ; decl_ext_var_stmt: decl_ext_var EOS ; decl_ext_var: NAME decl_arg decl_ext_var_list { psi_decl_arg_free(&$decl_arg); } ; decl_ext_var_list: %empty | COMMA decl_vars { psi_plist_free($decl_vars); } ; decl_vars[vars]: decl_var[var] { $vars = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_var_free), &$var); } | decl_vars[vars_] COMMA decl_var[var] { $vars = psi_plist_add($vars_, &$var); } ; decl: decl_body | NAME[abi] decl_body { $decl = $decl_body; $decl->abi = psi_decl_abi_init($abi->text); } ; decl_body: decl_func_body | decl_functor_body ; decl_func_body[decl]: decl_func[func] LPAREN decl_args[args] RPAREN array_size[as] { $decl = psi_decl_init($func, $args); if ($as) { $decl->func->var->pointer_level += 1; $decl->func->var->array_size = $as; } } | decl_func[func] LPAREN decl_args[args] COMMA ELLIPSIS RPAREN array_size[as] { $decl = psi_decl_init($func, $args); $decl->varargs = 1; if ($as) { $decl->func->var->pointer_level += 1; $decl->func->var->array_size = $as; } } ; decl_functor_body[decl]: decl_functor[func] LPAREN decl_args[args] RPAREN array_size[as] { $decl = psi_decl_init($func, $args); if ($as) { $decl->func->var->pointer_level += 1; $decl->func->var->array_size = $as; } } | decl_functor[func] LPAREN decl_args[args] COMMA ELLIPSIS RPAREN array_size[as] { $decl = psi_decl_init($func, $args); $decl->varargs = 1; if ($as) { $decl->func->var->pointer_level += 1; $decl->func->var->array_size = $as; } } ; decl_functor[arg]: const_decl_type[type] indirection[i] LPAREN indirection[unused1] name_token[NAME] RPAREN { (void) $unused1; $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init($type, psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, $i, 0)); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } | CONST VOID pointers LPAREN indirection[unused1] name_token[NAME] RPAREN { (void) $unused1; $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } | VOID pointers LPAREN indirection[unused1] name_token[NAME] RPAREN { (void) $unused1; $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } | VOID LPAREN indirection[unused1] name_token[NAME] RPAREN { (void) $unused1; $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, 0, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } ; decl_func[func]: decl_arg | VOID name_token[NAME] { $func = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, 0, 0) ); $func->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $func->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $func->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } ; decl_args[args]: %empty { $args = NULL; } | VOID { $args = NULL; } | decl_anon_arg[arg] { $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_arg_free), &$arg); } | decl_args[args_] COMMA decl_anon_arg[arg] { $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$arg); } ; decl_anon_arg[arg]: /* FIXME decl_functor_body_anon */ decl_arg { $arg = $decl_arg; } | const_decl_type[type] indirection { $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( $type, psi_decl_var_init(NULL, $indirection, 0) ); } | CONST VOID pointers { $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init(NULL, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); } | VOID pointers { $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init(NULL, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); } ; decl_arg[arg]: decl_functor_body[decl] { $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init(PSI_T_FUNCTION, $decl->func->var->name), psi_decl_var_copy($decl->func->var) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($decl->func->token); $arg->type->real.func = $decl; } | const_decl_type[type] decl_var[var] { $arg = psi_decl_arg_init($type, $var); } | CONST VOID pointers name_token[NAME] { $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } | VOID pointers name_token[NAME] { $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $arg = psi_decl_arg_init( psi_decl_type_init($VOID->type, $VOID->text), psi_decl_var_init($NAME->text, $pointers, 0) ); $arg->type->token = psi_token_copy($VOID); $arg->var->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); $arg->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } ; decl_var[var]: pointers name_token array_size { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $var = psi_decl_var_init($name_token->text, $pointers + !! $array_size, $array_size); $var->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | name_token array_size { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $var = psi_decl_var_init($name_token->text, !! $array_size, $array_size); $var->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; decl_union[union]: UNION name_token align_and_size[as] decl_struct_args[args] { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $union = psi_decl_union_init($name_token->text, $args); $union->align = $as.pos; $union->size = $as.len; $union->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; decl_struct[struct]: STRUCT name_token align_and_size[as] decl_struct_args[args] { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $struct = psi_decl_struct_init($name_token->text, $args); $struct->align = $as.pos; $struct->size = $as.len; $struct->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; decl_struct_args[args]: EOS { $args = NULL; } | struct_args_block ; struct_args_block[args]: LBRACE struct_args RBRACE { $args = $struct_args; } ; struct_args[args]: typedef[arg] decl_layout[layout] struct_arg_var_list[vars] EOS { $arg->layout = $layout; $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_arg_free), &$arg); if ($vars) { size_t i = 0; struct psi_decl_arg *arg; while (psi_plist_get($vars, i++, &arg)) { arg->type = psi_decl_type_copy($arg->type); $args = psi_plist_add($args, &arg); } free($vars); } } | struct_args[args_] typedef[arg] decl_layout[layout] struct_arg_var_list[vars] EOS { $arg->layout = $layout; $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$arg); if ($vars) { size_t i = 0; struct psi_decl_arg *arg; while (psi_plist_get($vars, i++, &arg)) { arg->type = psi_decl_type_copy($arg->type); $args = psi_plist_add($args, &arg); } free($vars); } } ; struct_arg_var_list[vars]: %empty { $vars = NULL; } | COMMA decl_vars_with_layout[vars_] { $vars = $vars_; } ; decl_vars_with_layout[vars]: decl_var[var] decl_layout[layout] { { struct psi_decl_arg *arg = psi_decl_arg_init(NULL, $var); arg->layout = $layout; $vars = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_arg_free), &arg); } } | decl_vars_with_layout[vars_] COMMA decl_var[var] decl_layout[layout] { { struct psi_decl_arg *arg = psi_decl_arg_init(NULL, $var); arg->layout = $layout; $vars = psi_plist_add($vars_, &arg); } } ; decl_enum[enum]: enum_name LBRACE decl_enum_items[list] RBRACE { $enum = psi_decl_enum_init($enum_name->text, $list); $enum->token = $enum_name; } ; decl_enum_items[list]: decl_enum_item[i] { $list = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_decl_enum_item_free), &$i); } | decl_enum_items[list_] COMMA decl_enum_item[i] { $list = psi_plist_add($list_, &$i); } ; decl_enum_item[i]: name_token { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $i = psi_decl_enum_item_init($name_token->text, NULL); $i->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } | name_token EQUALS num_exp { $name_token->type = PSI_T_NAME; $i = psi_decl_enum_item_init($name_token->text, $num_exp); $i->token = psi_token_copy($name_token); } ; num_exp[exp]: number { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_num($number); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($number->token); } | LPAREN const_decl_type[type] RPAREN num_exp[exp_] %prec UNARY { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_cast($type, $exp_); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($type->token); } | LPAREN num_exp[exp_] RPAREN { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_unary(PSI_T_LPAREN, $exp_); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($LPAREN); } | num_exp[lhs] binary_op_token[op] num_exp[rhs] %prec BINARY { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_binary($op->type, $lhs, $rhs); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($op); } | unary_op_token[op] num_exp[exp_] %prec UNARY { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_unary($op->type, $exp_); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($op); } | num_exp[cond] IIF num_exp[truthy] COLON num_exp[falsy] { $exp = psi_num_exp_init_ternary($IIF->type, $cond, $truthy, $falsy); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($IIF); } ; number[num]: NUMBER[token] { $num = psi_number_init($token->type, $token->text, $token->flags); $num->token = psi_token_copy($token); } | NSNAME[token] { $num = psi_number_init($token->type, $token->text, 0); $num->token = psi_token_copy($token); } | QUOTED_CHAR[token] { $num = psi_number_init($token->type, $token->text, 0); $num->token = psi_token_copy($token); } | decl_var { $num = psi_number_init(PSI_T_NAME, $decl_var, 0); $num->token = psi_token_copy($decl_var->token); } ; enum_name[name]: ENUM optional_name[name_] { if ($name_) { $name = psi_token_copy($name_); } else { char digest[17]; psi_token_hash($ENUM, digest); $name = psi_token_append("@", psi_token_copy($ENUM), 1, digest); } } ; union_name[name]: UNION optional_name[name_] { if ($name_) { $name = psi_token_copy($name_); } else { char digest[17]; psi_token_hash($UNION, digest); $name = psi_token_append("@", psi_token_copy($UNION), 1, digest); } } ; struct_name[name]: STRUCT optional_name[name_] { if ($name_) { $name = psi_token_copy($name_); } else { char digest[17]; psi_token_hash($STRUCT, digest); $name = psi_token_append("@", psi_token_copy($STRUCT), 1, digest); } } ; optional_name[name]: %empty { $name = NULL; } | name_token { $name = $name_token; $name->type = PSI_T_NAME; } ; decl_layout[l]: %empty { $l = NULL; } | COLON NUMBER[width] { $l = psi_layout_init(0, 0, psi_layout_init(0, atol($width->text), NULL)); } | COLON COLON LPAREN NUMBER[align] COMMA NUMBER[size] RPAREN { $l = psi_layout_init(atol($align->text), atol($size->text), NULL); } | COLON NUMBER[width] COLON COLON LPAREN NUMBER[align] COMMA NUMBER[size] RPAREN { $l = psi_layout_init(atol($align->text), atol($size->text), psi_layout_init(0, atol($width->text), NULL)); } ; align_and_size[as]: %empty { $as.pos = 0; $as.len = 0; } | COLON COLON LPAREN NUMBER[align] COMMA NUMBER[size] RPAREN { $as.pos = atol($align->text); $as.len = atol($size->text); } ; array_size[as]: %empty { $as = 0; } | LBRACKET NUMBER RBRACKET { $as = atol($NUMBER->text); } ; indirection[i]: %empty { $i = 0; } | pointers[p] %prec UNARY { $i = $p; } ; pointers[p]: asterisks | asterisks[a] CPP_RESTRICT { $p = $a; } ; asterisks[a]: ASTERISK { $a = 1; } | asterisks[a_] ASTERISK { $a = $a_ + 1; } ; /* * * impl * */ impl: impl_func[func] LBRACE impl_stmts[stmts] RBRACE { $impl = psi_impl_init($func, $stmts); } | STATIC impl_func[func] LBRACE impl_stmts[stmts] RBRACE { $impl = psi_impl_init($func, $stmts); $func->static_memory = 1; } ; impl_func[func]: FUNCTION reference[r] NSNAME LPAREN RPAREN COLON impl_type[type] { $func = psi_impl_func_init($NSNAME->text, NULL, $type); $func->token = psi_token_copy($NSNAME); $func->return_reference = $r; } | FUNCTION reference[r] NSNAME LPAREN impl_args[args] RPAREN COLON impl_type[type] { $func = psi_impl_func_init($NSNAME->text, $args, $type); $func->token = psi_token_copy($NSNAME); $func->return_reference = $r; } | FUNCTION reference[r] NSNAME LPAREN impl_args[args] COMMA impl_type[va_type] reference[va_r] ELLIPSIS DOLLAR_NAME RPAREN COLON impl_type[type] { $func = psi_impl_func_init($NSNAME->text, $args, $type); $func->token = psi_token_copy($NSNAME); $func->return_reference = $r; $func->vararg = psi_impl_arg_init($va_type, psi_impl_var_init($DOLLAR_NAME->text, $va_r), NULL); $func->vararg->var->token = psi_token_copy($DOLLAR_NAME); } ; impl_args[args]: impl_arg[arg] { $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_impl_arg_free), &$arg); } | impl_args[args_] COMMA impl_arg[arg] { $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$arg); } ; impl_arg[arg]: impl_type[type] impl_var[var] { $arg = psi_impl_arg_init($type, $var, NULL); } | impl_type[type] impl_var[var] EQUALS impl_def_val[val] { $arg = psi_impl_arg_init($type, $var, $val); } ; impl_var[var]: reference DOLLAR_NAME { $var = psi_impl_var_init($DOLLAR_NAME->text, $reference); $var->token = psi_token_copy($DOLLAR_NAME); } ; impl_type[type]: impl_type_token[token] { $type = psi_impl_type_init($token->type, $token->text); $type->token = psi_token_copy($token); } ; impl_type_token: VOID | MIXED | BOOL | INT | FLOAT | STRING | ARRAY | OBJECT | CALLABLE ; impl_stmts[stmts]: impl_stmt[stmt] { $stmts = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_impl_stmt_free), &$stmt); } | impl_stmts[stmts_] impl_stmt[stmt] { $stmts = psi_plist_add($stmts_, &$stmt); } ; impl_stmt[stmt]: return_stmt[s] { $stmt = (struct psi_token **) $s; } | let_stmt[s] { $stmt = (struct psi_token **) $s; } | set_stmt[s] { $stmt = (struct psi_token **) $s; } | assert_stmt[s] { $stmt = (struct psi_token **) $s; } | free_stmt[s] { $stmt = (struct psi_token **) $s; } ; let_stmt[let]: LET let_exp_assign[exp] EOS { $let = psi_let_stmt_init($exp); $let->token = psi_token_copy($LET); } | TEMP decl_var[var] EQUALS reference decl_var[val] EOS { $let = psi_let_stmt_init(psi_let_exp_init_ex($var, PSI_LET_TMP, $val)); $let->token = psi_token_copy($TEMP); $let->exp->is_reference = $reference; } ; let_exp[exp]: let_exp_assign | byref let_exp_byref[exp_] { $exp = $exp_; $exp->is_reference = true; } | let_exp_byref[exp_] { $exp = $exp_; $exp->is_reference = false; } ; let_exp_byref[exp]: NULL { $exp = psi_let_exp_init(PSI_LET_NULL, NULL); } | let_calloc[calloc] { $exp = psi_let_exp_init(PSI_LET_CALLOC, $calloc); } | let_callback[callback] { $exp = psi_let_exp_init(PSI_LET_CALLBACK, $callback); } | let_func[func] { $exp = psi_let_exp_init_ex(NULL, PSI_LET_FUNC, $func); } | num_exp[num] { $exp = psi_let_exp_init_ex(NULL, PSI_LET_NUMEXP, $num); } ; let_exp_assign[exp]: decl_var[var] EQUALS let_exp_byref[exp_] { $exp = $exp_; $exp->var = $var; } | decl_var[var] EQUALS byref let_exp_byref[exp_] { $exp = $exp_; $exp->is_reference = 1; $exp->var = $var; } ; let_calloc[calloc]: CALLOC LPAREN num_exp[nmemb] COMMA num_exp[size] RPAREN { $calloc = psi_let_calloc_init($nmemb, $size); $calloc->token = psi_token_copy($CALLOC); } ; let_callback[callback]: CALLBACK callback_rval[func] LPAREN impl_var[var] LPAREN callback_arg_list[args] RPAREN RPAREN { $callback = psi_let_callback_init(psi_let_func_init($func->type, $func->text, $var), $args); $callback->func->token = psi_token_copy($func); $callback->token = psi_token_copy($CALLBACK); } ; let_func[func]: let_func_token[token] LPAREN impl_var[var] let_func_exps[exps] RPAREN { $func = psi_let_func_init($token->type, $token->text, $var); $func->token = psi_token_copy($token); $func->inner = $exps; } ; let_func_token: ZVAL | OBJVAL | ARRVAL | PATHVAL | STRLEN | STRVAL | FLOATVAL | INTVAL | BOOLVAL | COUNT ; let_func_exps[exps]: %empty { $exps = NULL; } | COMMA let_exps[exps_] { $exps = $exps_; } ; let_exps[exps]: let_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_let_exp_free), &$exp); } | let_exps[exps_] COMMA let_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add($exps_, &$exp); } ; callback_rval[rval]: VOID | let_func_token ; callback_arg_list[list]: %empty { $list = NULL; } | callback_args[args] { $list = $args; } ; callback_args[args]: set_exp[exp] { $args = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_set_exp_free), &$exp); } | callback_args[args_] COMMA set_exp[exp] { $args = psi_plist_add($args_, &$exp); } ; return_stmt[return]: RETURN set_func[func] EOS { $return = psi_return_stmt_init(psi_set_exp_init(PSI_SET_FUNC, $func)); $return->token = psi_token_copy($RETURN); } ; set_stmt[set]: SET set_exp[exp] EOS { $set = psi_set_stmt_init($exp); $set->token = psi_token_copy($SET); } ; set_exp[exp]: set_func[func] { $exp = psi_set_exp_init(PSI_SET_FUNC, $func); } | num_exp[num] { $exp = psi_set_exp_init(PSI_SET_NUMEXP, $num); } | impl_var[var] EQUALS set_exp[exp_] { $exp = $exp_; $exp->var = $var; } ; set_func[func]: set_func_token[token] LPAREN decl_var[var] set_func_exps[exps] RPAREN { $func = psi_set_func_init($token->type, $token->text, $var); $func->token = psi_token_copy($token); $func->inner = $exps; } | set_func_token[token] LPAREN decl_var[var] COMMA ELLIPSIS RPAREN { $func = psi_set_func_init($token->type, $token->text, $var); $func->token = psi_token_copy($token); $func->recursive = 1; } ; set_func_token: TO_OBJECT | TO_ARRAY | TO_STRING | TO_INT | TO_FLOAT | TO_BOOL | ZVAL | VOID ; set_func_exps[exps]: %empty { $exps = NULL; } | COMMA set_exps[exps_] { $exps = $exps_; } ; set_exps[exps]: set_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_set_exp_free), &$exp); } | set_exps[exps_] COMMA set_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add($exps_, &$exp); } ; assert_stmt[assert]: assert_stmt_token[token] num_exp[exp] EOS { $assert = psi_assert_stmt_init((enum psi_assert_kind) $token->type, $exp); $assert->token = psi_token_copy($token); } ; assert_stmt_token: PRE_ASSERT | POST_ASSERT ; free_stmt[free]: FREE free_exps[exps] EOS { $free = psi_free_stmt_init($exps); $free->token = psi_token_copy($FREE); } ; free_exps[exps]: free_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add(psi_plist_init((psi_plist_dtor) psi_free_exp_free), &$exp); } | free_exps[exps_] COMMA free_exp[exp] { $exps = psi_plist_add($exps_, &$exp); } ; free_exp[exp]: name_token[NAME] LPAREN decl_vars[vars] RPAREN { $NAME->type = PSI_T_NAME; $exp = psi_free_exp_init($NAME->text, $vars); $exp->token = psi_token_copy($NAME); } ; reference: %empty { $reference = false; } | byref { $reference = true; } ; byref: AMPERSAND %prec UNARY ; %% /* epilogue */ static int psi_parser_proc_lex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_plist *tokens, size_t *index) { struct psi_token *token; if (psi_plist_get(tokens, (*index)++, &token)) { if (P->flags & PSI_DEBUG) { psi_token_dump(2, token); } *((struct psi_token **)lvalp) = token; return token->type; } else { (*index)--; PSI_DEBUG_PRINT(P, "EOF(%d)\n", PSI_T_EOF); } return PSI_T_EOF; } static void psi_parser_proc_error(struct psi_parser *P, struct psi_plist *tokens, size_t *index, const char *msg) { struct psi_token *T = NULL; size_t last; if (*index == 0) { last = 0; } else { last = --(*index); } psi_plist_get(tokens, last, &T); if (T) { P->error(PSI_DATA(P), T, PSI_WARNING, "PSI %s at col %u", msg, T->col); } else { P->error(PSI_DATA(P), NULL, PSI_WARNING, "PSI %s", msg); } P->errors++; }