%include { #include #include #include #include "parser.h" } %name PSI_ParserProc %token_prefix PSI_T_ %token_type {PSI_Token *} %token_destructor {free($$);} %default_destructor {(void)P;} %extra_argument {PSI_Parser *P} /* TOKEN is defined inside syntax_error */ %syntax_error { PSI_ParserSyntaxError(P, P->psi.file.fn, P->line, "Unexpected token '%s'", TOKEN->text); } %nonassoc NAME. file ::= blocks. blocks ::= block. blocks ::= blocks block. block ::= COMMENT. block ::= LIB(T) QUOTED_STRING(libname) EOS. { if (P->psi.file.ln) { PSI_ParserSyntaxError(P, P->psi.file.ln, T->line, "Extra 'lib %s' statement has no effect", libname->text); } else { P->psi.file.ln = strndup(libname->text + 1, libname->size - 2); } free(libname); free(T); } block ::= decl(decl). { P->decls = add_decl(P->decls, decl); } block ::= impl(impl). { P->impls = add_impl(P->impls, impl); } block ::= decl_typedef(def). { P->defs = add_decl_typedef(P->defs, def); if (def->type->strct) { P->structs = add_decl_struct(P->structs, def->type->strct); } } block ::= constant(constant). { P->consts = add_constant(P->consts, constant); } block ::= decl_struct(strct). { P->structs = add_decl_struct(P->structs, strct); } %type decl_struct {decl_struct*} %destructor decl_struct {free_decl_struct($$);} decl_struct(strct) ::= STRUCT NAME(N) LBRACE struct_args(args) RBRACE. { strct = init_decl_struct(N->text, args); free(N); } %type const_type {const_type*} %destructor const_type {free_const_type($$);} const_type(type_) ::= BOOL(T). { type_ = init_const_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } const_type(type_) ::= INT(T). { type_ = init_const_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } const_type(type_) ::= FLOAT(T). { type_ = init_const_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } const_type(type_) ::= STRING(T). { type_ = init_const_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } %type constant {constant*} %destructor constant {free_constant($$);} constant(constant) ::= CONST const_type(type) NSNAME(T) EQUALS impl_def_val(val) EOS. { constant = init_constant(type, T->text, val); free(T); } %type decl_typedef {decl_typedef*} %destructor decl_typedef {free_decl_typedef($$);} decl_typedef(def) ::= TYPEDEF decl_type(type) NAME(ALIAS) EOS. { def = init_decl_typedef(ALIAS->text, type); free(ALIAS); } decl_typedef(def) ::= TYPEDEF STRUCT(S) NAME(N) NAME(ALIAS) EOS. { def = init_decl_typedef(ALIAS->text, init_decl_type(S->type, N->text)); free(ALIAS); free(S); free(N); } decl_typedef(def) ::= TYPEDEF decl_struct(s) NAME(ALIAS) EOS. { def = init_decl_typedef(ALIAS->text, init_decl_type(PSI_T_STRUCT, s->name)); def->type->strct = s; free(ALIAS); } %type decl {decl*} %destructor decl {free_decl($$);} decl(decl) ::= decl_abi(abi) decl_arg(func) LPAREN decl_args(args) RPAREN EOS. { decl = init_decl(abi, func, args); } %type decl_abi {decl_abi*} %destructor decl_abi {free_decl_abi($$);} decl_abi(abi) ::= NAME(T). { abi = init_decl_abi(T->text); free(T); } %type decl_var {decl_var*} %destructor decl_var {free_decl_var($$);} decl_var(var) ::= NAME(T). { var = init_decl_var(T->text, 0, 0); free(T); } decl_var(var) ::= pointers(p) NAME(T). { var = init_decl_var(T->text, p, 0); free(T); } decl_var(var) ::= NAME(T) LBRACKET NUMBER(D) RBRACKET. { var = init_decl_var(T->text, 1, atol(D->text)); free(T); free(D); } decl_var(var) ::= pointers(p) NAME(T) LBRACKET NUMBER(D) RBRACKET. { var = init_decl_var(T->text, p+1, atol(D->text)); free(T); free(D); } %type decl_vars {decl_vars*} %destructor decl_vars {free_decl_vars($$);} decl_vars(vars) ::= decl_var(var). { vars = init_decl_vars(var); } decl_vars(vars) ::= decl_vars(vars_) COMMA decl_var(var). { vars = add_decl_var(vars_, var); } %type decl_arg {decl_arg*} %destructor decl_arg {free_decl_arg($$);} decl_arg(arg_) ::= decl_type(type) decl_var(var). { arg_ = var->arg = init_decl_arg(type, var); } %type decl_args {decl_args*} %destructor decl_args {free_decl_args($$);} decl_args ::= VOID. decl_args(args) ::= decl_arg(arg). { args = init_decl_args(arg); } decl_args(args) ::= decl_args(args_) COMMA decl_arg(arg). { args = add_decl_arg(args_, arg); } %type struct_args {decl_args*} %destructor struct_args {free_decl_args($$);} struct_args(args) ::= decl_arg(arg) EOS. { args = init_decl_args(arg); } struct_args(args) ::= struct_args(args_) decl_arg(arg) EOS. { args = add_decl_arg(args_, arg); } %type decl_type {decl_type*} %destructor decl_type {free_decl_type($$);} decl_type(type_) ::= VOID(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= FLOAT(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= DOUBLE(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } /* we have to support plain int here because we have it in our lexer rules */ decl_type(type_) ::= INT(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(PSI_T_NAME, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= INT8(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= UINT8(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= INT16(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= UINT16(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= INT32(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= UINT32(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= INT64(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= UINT64(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= NAME(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } decl_type(type_) ::= STRUCT(S) NAME(T). { type_ = init_decl_type(S->type, T->text); free(S); free(T); } %type impl {impl*} %destructor impl {free_impl($$);} impl(impl) ::= impl_func(func) LBRACE impl_stmts(stmts) RBRACE. { impl = init_impl(func, stmts); } %type impl_func {impl_func*} %destructor impl_func {free_impl_func($$);} impl_func(func) ::= FUNCTION NSNAME(NAME) impl_args(args) COLON impl_type(type). { func = init_impl_func(NAME->text, args, type, 0); free(NAME); } impl_func(func) ::= FUNCTION REFERENCE NSNAME(NAME) impl_args(args) COLON impl_type(type). { func = init_impl_func(NAME->text, args, type, 1); free(NAME); } %type impl_def_val {impl_def_val*} %destructor impl_def_val {free_impl_def_val($$);} impl_def_val(def) ::= NULL(T). { def = init_impl_def_val(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_def_val(def) ::= NUMBER(T). { def = init_impl_def_val(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_def_val(def) ::= TRUE(T). { def = init_impl_def_val(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_def_val(def) ::= FALSE(T). { def = init_impl_def_val(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_def_val(def) ::= QUOTED_STRING(T). { def = init_impl_def_val(T->type, T->text); free(T); } %type impl_var {impl_var*} %destructor impl_var {free_impl_var($$);} impl_var(var) ::= DOLLAR NAME(T). { var = init_impl_var(T->text, 0); free(T); } impl_var(var) ::= REFERENCE DOLLAR NAME(T). { var = init_impl_var(T->text, 1); free(T); } %type impl_arg {impl_arg*} %destructor impl_arg {free_impl_arg($$);} impl_arg(arg) ::= impl_type(type) impl_var(var). { arg = init_impl_arg(type, var, NULL); } impl_arg(arg) ::= impl_type(type) impl_var(var) EQUALS impl_def_val(def). { arg = init_impl_arg(type, var, def); } %type impl_args {impl_args*} %destructor impl_args {free_impl_args($$);} impl_args(args) ::= LPAREN RPAREN. { args = NULL; } impl_args(args) ::= LPAREN impl_arg_list(args_) RPAREN. { args = args_; } %type impl_arg_list {impl_args*} %destructor impl_arg_list {free_impl_args($$);} impl_arg_list(args) ::= impl_arg(arg). { args = init_impl_args(arg); } impl_arg_list(args) ::= impl_arg_list(args_) COMMA impl_arg(arg). { args = add_impl_arg(args_, arg); } %type impl_stmts {impl_stmts*} %destructor impl_stmts {free_impl_stmts($$);} impl_stmts(stmts) ::= impl_stmt(stmt). { stmts = init_impl_stmts(stmt); } impl_stmts(stmts) ::= impl_stmts(stmts_) impl_stmt(stmt). { stmts = add_impl_stmt(stmts_, stmt); } %type impl_stmt {impl_stmt*} %destructor impl_stmt {free_impl_stmt($$);} impl_stmt(stmt) ::= let_stmt(let). { stmt = init_impl_stmt(PSI_T_LET, let); } impl_stmt(stmt) ::= set_stmt(set). { stmt = init_impl_stmt(PSI_T_SET, set); } impl_stmt(stmt) ::= return_stmt(ret). { stmt = init_impl_stmt(PSI_T_RETURN, ret); } impl_stmt(stmt) ::= free_stmt(free). { stmt = init_impl_stmt(PSI_T_FREE, free); } %type let_stmt {let_stmt*} %destructor let_stmt {free_let_stmt($$);} let_stmt(let) ::= LET decl_var(var) EOS. { let = init_let_stmt(var, NULL); } let_stmt(let) ::= LET decl_var(var) EQUALS let_value(val) EOS. { let = init_let_stmt(var, val); } %type let_value {let_value*} %destructor let_value {free_let_value($$);} let_value(val) ::= CALLOC(F) LPAREN NUMBER(N) COMMA decl_type(t) RPAREN. { val = init_let_value( init_let_func(F->type, F->text, init_let_calloc( atol(N->text), t ) ), NULL, 0 ); free(F); free(N); } let_value(val) ::= let_func(func) LPAREN impl_var(var) RPAREN. { val = init_let_value(func, var, 0); } let_value(val) ::= REFERENCE let_func(func) LPAREN impl_var(var) RPAREN. { val = init_let_value(func, var, 1); } let_value(val) ::= REFERENCE NULL. { val = init_let_value(NULL, NULL, 1); } let_value(val) ::= NULL. { val = init_let_value(NULL, NULL, 0); } %type let_func {let_func*} %destructor let_func {free_let_func($$);} let_func(func) ::= STRLEN(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } let_func(func) ::= STRVAL(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } let_func(func) ::= INTVAL(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } let_func(func) ::= FLOATVAL(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } let_func(func) ::= BOOLVAL(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } let_func(func) ::= ARRVAL(T). { func = init_let_func(T->type, T->text, NULL); free(T); } %type set_stmt {set_stmt*} %destructor set_stmt {free_set_stmt($$);} set_stmt(set) ::= SET impl_var(var) EQUALS set_value(val) EOS. { set = init_set_stmt(var, val); } %type set_value {set_value*} %destructor set_value {free_set_value($$);} set_value(val) ::= set_func(func) LPAREN decl_vars(vars) RPAREN. { val = init_set_value(func, vars); } %type set_func {set_func*} %destructor set_func {free_set_func($$);} set_func(func) ::= TO_ARRAY(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } set_func(func) ::= TO_STRING(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } set_func(func) ::= TO_INT(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } set_func(func) ::= TO_FLOAT(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } set_func(func) ::= TO_BOOL(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } set_func(func) ::= VOID(T). { func = init_set_func(T->type, T->text); free(T); } %type return_stmt {return_stmt*} %destructor return_stmt {free_return_stmt($$);} return_stmt(ret) ::= RETURN set_func(func) LPAREN decl_var(var) RPAREN EOS. { ret = init_return_stmt(func, var); } %type free_stmt {free_stmt*} %destructor free_stmt {free_free_stmt($$);} free_stmt(free) ::= FREE decl_vars(vars) EOS. { free = init_free_stmt(vars); } %type impl_type {impl_type*} %destructor impl_type {free_impl_type($$);} impl_type(type_) ::= VOID(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= MIXED(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= BOOL(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= INT(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= FLOAT(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= STRING(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } impl_type(type_) ::= ARRAY(T). { type_ = init_impl_type(T->type, T->text); free(T); } %type pointers {unsigned} pointers(p) ::= POINTER. {++p;} pointers(p) ::= pointers(P) POINTER. {p = P+1;}